"I can agree with you that the townsfolk should head to safety." The shielded man spoke to the guard. "But unless you're what this town calls their elite or most well-trained guards, I fear that without some support the remaining two crows will still be too much for just your men to handle." The man said. Hainer raised his brow in response. Even if the demons were too much to handle for the guards, what difference would one more person make? Granted, it was the man’s plan that managed to keep the demon grounded and distracted, that they were even able to win the recent battle in the first place, but Hainer still thought of it as a crazy idea nonetheless. ”Unless it's common practice for the town to sit these attacks out and hide indoors, I think your people will have a better chance of limiting casualties with me by your side. You've got enough men here to get the job done, I can keep it's attention." The man spoke with confidence, gazing into the guard’s eyes with ambition. The guard looked at the man with the same ambition, and could see he would have been an asset, judging from the battle that had just ensued.
“You actually want to come?” The guard then looked at the man’s outfit, analyzing it. “Under normal circumstances, I couldn’t allow a citizen to willingly fight something like this - however, a man of the Church may come useful. If anything were to happen to you though, Father Joseph would probably have my tongue.” The guard joked, referring to the town’s head priest, who some would say had more political power than even many nobles within the city. “Follow me.” The guard said to the man, before turning to the rest of the group. “The rest of you, leave, and stay inside.” The guard turned around and hastily jogged out of the plaza, gesturing the shielded man to follow suit. If anything, that meant one less person take care of tonight.
“For someone who fights with such strength in your heart, you’ve got cold blood now.” A voice suddenly spoke. Hainer turned his body to the side, noticing the woman with a bow and arrow speaking to him. He recognized her to be the same one who was launching arrows at the demon from afar, and admittedly, helped out tremendously with the battle.
“Yeah, what of it? I was only fighting because I had to. Not because I wanted to.” Hainer responded with a bit of hostility, gripping his sword firmly in his hand. “You all just ended up helping out, I don’t owe you guys a thing.” Hainer stared at the woman, this time giving her appearance more attention. She definitely didn’t dress poor, however, Hainer was able to pinpoint her fashion sense to her heritage. “Especially not freeloading Dhenari.” Hainer scoffed at the woman, until the other woman with the club and animal spoke up.
“Forget it. I’m not staying with ass hat over here.” The woman said, spitting right at Hainer’s boots. Hainer looked down to see a bloody wad of spit at the edge of his shoes, angering him. He began to walk towards the woman, and shouted as she walked away. “I know where you work! And I know your pathetic old man!” If he couldn’t threaten her directly, then he had hoped that issuing a threat to the old man would have hit her where it hurt.
“Wait! Relax! That’s enough violence for one night!” The robed church man suddenly jumped in front of Hainer, and pleaded. He looked at the man, and then at the woman who was amidst walking away, not knowing if she heard his threats or not. Hainer was tired, agitated, and honestly just wished to go home and clean up. He threw the bloody sword in his hand to the ground, cursing to himself, and then turning around to go home.
“W-Wait! The guard said - ” The robed man began.
“Yeah, yeah, I know what he said. I’m under ‘orders’, apparently. If you want to come along, feel free. If you don’t, then go wherever the hell you want.” Hainer responded as he began to walk, leaving his invitation open to those around him.
“You actually want to come?” The guard then looked at the man’s outfit, analyzing it. “Under normal circumstances, I couldn’t allow a citizen to willingly fight something like this - however, a man of the Church may come useful. If anything were to happen to you though, Father Joseph would probably have my tongue.” The guard joked, referring to the town’s head priest, who some would say had more political power than even many nobles within the city. “Follow me.” The guard said to the man, before turning to the rest of the group. “The rest of you, leave, and stay inside.” The guard turned around and hastily jogged out of the plaza, gesturing the shielded man to follow suit. If anything, that meant one less person take care of tonight.
“For someone who fights with such strength in your heart, you’ve got cold blood now.” A voice suddenly spoke. Hainer turned his body to the side, noticing the woman with a bow and arrow speaking to him. He recognized her to be the same one who was launching arrows at the demon from afar, and admittedly, helped out tremendously with the battle.
“Yeah, what of it? I was only fighting because I had to. Not because I wanted to.” Hainer responded with a bit of hostility, gripping his sword firmly in his hand. “You all just ended up helping out, I don’t owe you guys a thing.” Hainer stared at the woman, this time giving her appearance more attention. She definitely didn’t dress poor, however, Hainer was able to pinpoint her fashion sense to her heritage. “Especially not freeloading Dhenari.” Hainer scoffed at the woman, until the other woman with the club and animal spoke up.
“Forget it. I’m not staying with ass hat over here.” The woman said, spitting right at Hainer’s boots. Hainer looked down to see a bloody wad of spit at the edge of his shoes, angering him. He began to walk towards the woman, and shouted as she walked away. “I know where you work! And I know your pathetic old man!” If he couldn’t threaten her directly, then he had hoped that issuing a threat to the old man would have hit her where it hurt.
“Wait! Relax! That’s enough violence for one night!” The robed church man suddenly jumped in front of Hainer, and pleaded. He looked at the man, and then at the woman who was amidst walking away, not knowing if she heard his threats or not. Hainer was tired, agitated, and honestly just wished to go home and clean up. He threw the bloody sword in his hand to the ground, cursing to himself, and then turning around to go home.
“W-Wait! The guard said - ” The robed man began.
“Yeah, yeah, I know what he said. I’m under ‘orders’, apparently. If you want to come along, feel free. If you don’t, then go wherever the hell you want.” Hainer responded as he began to walk, leaving his invitation open to those around him.