[Sci-fi Sign-Up] Frigid Resurrection


Sauce Lover
RP Premise

It is very dark and very cold.

This is the existence mankind has known for the past 20 years. After an apocalyptic event simply known as "The Boom," the sun no longer rises and spread its rays of warmth across our planet. Violent, frozen winds now rule the surface of Earth, forcing mankind to hide underground. You are one of the few whose family had enough money to buy your way into one of these bunkers. Unfortunately, your time is running out and you'll soon have to return to the surface.

Good luck with that.


Character Sign-up

Character Name:

Character Age: (preferred age is 20 or below, who would have little or no memory of the Earth before this incident)

Physical Appearance: (keep in mind these people have been living in a bunker for 20 years)


Occupation: (within the bunker)

History: (I'd prefer one paragraph for this one, be sure to mention their own/family's history before the apocalypse)



Do I write in third or first person?: Third person, it makes the RP easier to follow/read for the participants.

Is this RP player-lead or directed by a GM? GM directed, but there will be points in the story where players can make decisions that will affect the plot.

Can my character be a demon/fairy/attack helicopter?
Not in this RP, sorry.

How long should my posts be? 1-2 paragraphs is preferable, but it's not a war crime to write less.

Is PvP combat allowed? With the consent of both parties, yes.

Any other questions you can think of? Feel free to ask.
Hey there. I just saw this roleplay post and thought I'd give you a poke that we had another similar roleplay posted up a few days. You're more than welcome to make your own of course! I only mention this because we're a young site only just starting out so finding players for everyone's roleplays can take time as we try to get new people on the site. Joining each others roleplays can benefit both parties more than creating multiple roleplays with similar concepts. I would recommend you chat it up with @Rorshach's Journal to see if you could maybe combine ideas to benefit each other :)

Of course the concepts are different enough to run the roleplays independently, but similar enough that I thought I'd nudge you two towards each other to talk shop if you wanted.

http://storytellerscircle.com/threads/sci-fi-horror-line-of-sight.488/ <-- if you want to check Rorshach's out.

In the meanwhile I'll see what I can do to nudge some players your way. :)