Chronicles of The Omniverse Archived The Onyx Galaxy


Draconic Administrator/Mentor
as written by barney_fife

IDF Reverence II 'Esteem'
Somewhere in the Orion Arm
Admiral Eclaire Hanley

The stars continued to swirl and spin about until the pair would be engulfed in a brilliant multicolored flash of light, the Stars, and Lutetia were gone and now the dimly lit Bifrost deck surrounded the pair. Desmond would be thrown out first, tossed much like if he were thrown from a tornado, likely to be sent flying across the room.

The rifle that was once in his hand also came skittering across the room, caught under the boot of a Marine sergeant as his men moved to rush the Intruders.

Raphael emerged a moment later, flung through the room but quickly landing on his feet after executing a body twist.

Desmond likely wouldn't have any time to orient himself before he was surrounded by soldiers with guns drawn and aimed, while Raphael was helped up to his feet by a pair of Imperial Marines.

"Give me your rifle!" Raphael ordered, dusting himself off while moving towards Desmond, snatching a Marine's rifle as he approached.

"You're fucked now, Buddy." He said, charging the rifle and bearing it to aim.
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as written by Tiko, Knosis, and barney_fife

Desmond was still struggling with regaining his footing when rough hands grabbed him by the arms to drag him to his feet. That wolfish gleam in his eyes followed Raphael's movements, but even if he let his more primal side loose he couldn't take on the whole crew. He wouldn't go down cowering though and he stared Raphael dead in the eye as he faced the muzzle of the disruptor rifle.


Chloe never imagined what it would be like being sucked up by a vacuum cleaner, but if she had, this would be close to what she would imagine it to be like. She had lost her hand gun in the force of the wind, although she hadn’t noticed yet. Anger, disorientation and uncertainty clouded her mind and she felt the familiar tug of her mind of when she would be soon losing her humanity to the beast within. Pain ripped through her body as it started to slowly contort.

‘No no no no, not now..!’ She thought frantically as the stars whizzed by rapidly.

Soon enough, she was flung onto the biofrost deck, much in the same manner Desmond had been. A surprised snarl escaped her throat as she was sent flying towards the back of Raphael.


Raphael was mere seconds from pulling the trigger and executing Desmond right then and there before he felt a force impact him on the back, knocking him forward and sending him nearly faceplanting into the floor of the Bifrost hub.

Shortly after Chloe came through, the Bifrost disengaged with an audible thunderclap, and the lights of the room brightened some, showing that they were in a large room and surrounded by soldiers.

Raphael quickly went back to his feet, while two more Marines moved towards Chloe, they're weapons drawn while she began to contort and change, one of them cantering his head.

"Something's wrong with this Xeno." He commented, moving forward.

"Put them both against the wall!" Raphael shouted, picking up the Disruptor rifle that found itself on the floor. He was oblivious to a changing Chloe however, still focused on killing Desmond.

Through all this, an alarm was still blaring, and the thundering footsteps of additional soldiers echoed through the hallway.


The pair of marines holding Desmond hadn't accounted for the inhuman strength that came with skirting the change himself. He wrenched an arm free before leaving the other marine on his back from a swift shoulder throw. The remaining marine moved back to raise his gun to Desmond, but it wasn't the marines, nor Raphael, that Desmond moved for. It was Chloe.

He grabbed her shoulders and stared her dead in the eyes.

"Not 'ere. They'll kill you too."

There was shouting going on around them, and Raphael was barking orders. He'd have only moments before the marines where on him again, and he did the first thing that he could think of that might give the human a fighting chance over the wolf.

He moved his hands to the side of her head and kissed her before rough hands where dragging him back once more. The ragged wound in his back stumbled him though and he fell to one knee as they tried to push him towards the wall.

The movement left the marines shoving the muzzles of their disruptor rifles into his face as they looked to Raphael for further instruction.


The noise, the sudden change in atmosphere and the threat of death being immediate only agitated the wolf further. She was huddled on the floor where she landed, having only gotten so far to push herself to her knees to cradle her head in her arms as she silently battled the beast within.

She had to be roughly pulled up to look up into Desmond's eyes. His words were lost in the chaos surrounding her. But he was alive! Her eyes shifted to the men coming up behind Desmond and a snarl escaped her lips. She had made up her mind. Fine. If the beast wanted to have its way with these people, then so be it. She was about to let go to her wolf side when Desmond pulled her once again, but this time his lips met hers.

She couldn't quite comprehend what was going on. As brief as it was, it completely stunned Chloe but it made the wolf retreat. The neon light in her eyes faded down rather swiftly and her shifting stopped. As soon as it did though, Desmond was being dragged back against the wall. "No..!" She shouted breathlessly, struggling as the gripping hands of the marines grabbed her as well. She would try fighting against them, stamping on toes or knocking them off her as well as she could. "Let him go!"


With Chloe's every attempt to throw the men off of her, she would likely find their grip tightening. Stepped toes were countered by steel toe boots, and struggles were met with a third Marine jabbing his weapon into her back.

"Get them both against the wall!" Raphael shouted, narrowing his eyes as the doors to the Bifrost hub slid open, and additional men made their way into the room with weapons drawn, behind them was a young woman, red hair and a light blue uniform that was markedly different than the dark grey uniform that Raphael wore, and the black combat outfits the Marines wore.

"Stand down! All of you!" The woman shouted, and the Marines almost immediately released both Desmond and Chloe, shoving them forward to step back, and point their weapons.

"Rear Admiral McGregor, my office, now!" She barked, before she stepped up to Chloe and Desmond, her eyes narrowed.

"What are you two doing on my ship?"

McGregor scowled. "They were intruders! They were trying to stow away on this ship! Imperial protocol dictates that stowaways are to be dealt with severely. I'm willing to bet they were trying to rescue my new slave!"


Chloe stumbled forward, panting heavily as she recovered from her struggle against the marines. The red headed woman seemed to be in charge, and their only way to escape this alive.

Her emerald eyes glared in McGregor's direction as he spoke, her jaw slack how how well this man could just rattle off lies as easily as he did. "Intruders my ass." She protested. Chloe turned to the red headed woman. "That man there tried killing me and my friend when I was being dropped off." Chloe tried explaining. "Had this gun that pretty much destroyed his car, nearly shot me to pieces with it.. Then kidnapped Desmond in this rainbow vacuum transporter thing. I followed trying to save Desmond. That's why we're here, and he was about to kill us before you walked in.."

Chloe turned her gaze back at Desmond. "Please, we just want to go home. My friend's hurt. He needs a doctor.." She pleaded with the woman.


Something of an understatement.

Desmond was still bleeding profusely, and the stain of crimson had long since soaked through his shirt and was beginning to drip free to spatter against the floor of the ship.

Even with the adrenaline coursing through his system, he was beginning to feel it. The wound was deep and potentially life threatening if the bleeding wasn't stopped soon.

"Chloe, what's goin' on?" Desmond asked in Lutetian.

Imminent death it would seem had been delayed, but he couldn't follow the words being exchanged among the Aschen and Chloe.


Hanley made a face at the pair, before she cast a brief glance to Raphael, and then back to Chloe and Desmond.

Her face was stone cold, nearly emotionless as she watched the pair.

"Tolle illum ad infirmitorium eum coagmentari ad se et illinc lembum donec sciam quid possum facere illis." She commanded in Anquietas, a pair of Marines making a signal, while a third marine with a white armband with a red Caduceus imposed on them. He quickly made his way to Desmond while a second pair of men prepared a gurney. They shouted amongst themselves in Anquietas, while Raphael stood there with a scowl on his face. Hanley kept his eyes on Chloe.

"Your friend will be taken to the Infirmary where he'll be stabilized, and then you'll both go to the brig." She said, before she turned to a Marine sergeant. "Apprehend Raphael's new slave and take her my office, I've had enough of these shenanigans." Hanley ordered, before she looked up.

"AI, set course for Valore with all due speed."

A second female voice played out over the ship's PA System.

"Acknowledged, Admiral."

Hanley then turned to Chloe.

"You're coming with me too." Hanley said flatly, before she turned to Raphael, and then she started towards the pair of doors at the end of the room, Marines coming behind Chloe, and gesturing for her to follow Hanley and Raphael.


Chloe wasn't exactly comfortable being separated from Desmond. She had hoped to be taken to the infirmary with him, but the Admiral seemed to have other plans for her, and it seemed the red haired woman was their answer to survival for now. And Desmond's life depended on her following orders.

She tried to give Desmond a reassuring smile. The color was drained from her face, and the smile ended up being more like a lopsided grimace, but she did try none-the-less. "Y-you are going to be fine, Desmond," She answered in Lutetian. Her voice was shaking a bit. "T-they are going to take you to their infirmary.. I'll be with you shortly."

She then took a deep breath and followed after the Admiral after the urging of the marines behind her.


While Desmond was being taken to the Infirmary, Hanley would lead Raphael and Chloe to her own office. fortunately the Bifrost hub room was a short distance away from the CIC, and the Command quarters. As they walked through the wide halls of the Reverence II, they would be surrounded by all manner of activity, Officers coming and going, and when they passed the CIC, anyone catching a glimpse through the large open CIC doors would glimpse a large room.

It was this room where everything happened.

Passing the CIC, Hanley lead the pair through another pair of doors, which opened with a chime to reveal a large office like room, the walls were paneled with a warm colored native langaran wood, the desk appeared to be made from some mahogany. Sitting atop the desk was a holographic computer and various trinkets from throughout the Empire.

Hanley made her way to her desk, and she slowly lowered herself down into a plush leather chair, pulling out a very thick file folder printed in Anquietas.

"Have a seat." She said calmly, dismissing the Marines with a gesture, it would be any minute that a pair of Marines would bring Vanessa into the Office.


Vanessa hesitated as she was brought to the office before stepping inside. She recognized Hanley and Raphael well enough, but not Chloe. She didn't have the look of one of the crew though, Vanessa thought.

"What's going on?" she asked finally as the marines left her standing in the room.

She wasn't unobservant, and she could see the tension in the room and picked up on Raphael's scowl. Something had happened. But what did it mean for her?


Chloe very calmly sat in one of the chairs, her eyes on Hanley until the marines brought in the other woman. Chloe had never met her and the unfamiliarity was clear. She assumed this was the slave the psycho had been talking about in the lies he spat out to try to cover his story earlier.

Still, Chloe only observed for a moment before turning back to Hanley, silent until spoken to.


Hanley looked down to the file, flipping through page after page before she closed the folder.

"I don't care if you go and settle scores on your own terms without using Imperial military resources to do so." She said, sliding the folder aside.

"But when your 'scores' bleed over onto an Imperial Warship, and you order Imperial marines to perform an execution?" Hanley accused, and Raphael shook his head.

"I was settling my score and She attacked me; pulled a gun. I tried to Bifrost out and they followed me here." He rebuked, and Hanley made a face before she turned to Vanessa, and then to Chloe.

"Bringing a slave from somewhere the Empire doesn't recognize is one thing, but you overdid it going back to settle your score. hasn't anyone taught you to let sleeping dogs lie?" Hanley asked, before she picked up another paper.

"We can't afford you to keep pulling this crap, we're at war. And you're an Officer in the Emperor's Navy; you'd do well to act like it. In light of these events, McGregor; I'm going to recommend to Chairman Inviere your immediate dismissal. Be thankful i'm not court martialling you." Hanley explained.

"You're dismissed." She said to Raphael, before she turned to Chloe and Vanessa.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't have the three of you thrown out an airlock."


Chloe leaned forward a bit. "Look, I don't want any trouble. Desmond wasn't looking for it either. All we want is to go home and be left in peace." Chloe explained, surprised her voice had taken on a calm force instead of the uncertain creature she was right then.

"If we're taken home safely, nothing else will come of this. I can even cover up with what happened back at the Ardelean Society head quarters so that this matter will only be seen as a some sort of freak natural disaster." Chloe inwardly flinched at the paperwork she'd have to pull in order to make that one happen. "My boss would begin to wonder what happened to me if I'm not returned, and I'm sure with a few calls, he could find the video footage of the attack.. But all that can be wiped." She offered.

"All it would take is for us to simply be put back where we belong, safe and in one piece."


"Desmond's here too?" Vanessa asked, suddenly alarmed. "Is he alright?"

Raphael had made no secret of his intentions to go back and kill the man for what had transpired at The Den the other night.

"Where is he?"


Hanley made a frown as Chloe said her piece.

"You make a valid arguement." She said, steepling her fingers on her desk, and then she leaned forward.

"I want to make something abundantly clear. The Empire views... people like you like... you would view ants. I believe that's the correct analogy." Hanley said, nodding. "I'm not worried about what would come of this, it's not anything our Information Ministry can't handle." She said, frowning before she turned to Vanessa.

"The man I assume you call Desmond is in the Infirmary with a stab wound; but back to the matter at hand." She said.

"I'm not worried about your boss, and I'm not worried about video footage." She said, frowning. "What I'm worried about is this Desmond did something to piss off that man." She said, gesturing to the door. "A Man who happens to be the son of our Emperor. How do I explain that to the Confessor Cabal when they come asking why he decided to go to your planet and settle a score? I want to know what happened."


"It wasn't Desmond," Vanessa spoke up finally. "It was me. We where at a bar. He was drunk, and a creep, and clearly in a bad mood. He was on about some woman, Invia... Invira.. something like that. When he started creeping on me, I told him to get lost. Desmond tried to calm the situation down and he attacked us."

Raphael's somewhat promiscuous reputation probably would more than back up Vanessa's recount of the events, as would the fact that it was highly unlikely some woman from some backwater country would have known the name Inviere on her own, let alone that she had recently reassigned Raphael.

"Please, I have a daughter back in Lutetia. She's only six years old. We all had a few drinks in us, and more than a few for some," she added with a glance to door that Raphael had left through. "But this has been blown way out of proportion. We just want to get back to our lives and forget about this."


Hanley nodded slightly before she turned her attention to Chloe.

"And how do you fit into this series of unfortunate events?" She asked, before she brought up the screen on her computer, slowly she began to type, the keys making a clicking sound not unlike that of an iphone touchscreen.

Hanley was starting on a report of some kind it seemed.

"Well.. I never caught your names, I'm Éclaire Hanley, I'm a fleet admiral and the supreme commander of the Imperial Defense Force." She said, typing some more notes.

"You're on the Reverence II, Esteem, and we're about twenty thousand light years from your home planet." She explained.


Chloe bit the back of her lip. "Desmond is a friend of mine, and we were just heading home after a drink. I was with him when he was being attacked." She answered simply. "As stated, I was just trying to keep him from killing Desmond... And I wound up here in the process."

She waited and watched as Hanley typed up on the screen. "My name is Chloe.." She paused before adding, "Chloe Sandara.."


"Vanessa Richard," the other woman added.


"Between you and me, this isn't the last you'll see of that man. He's stubborn and vindictive; and he is the Emperor's son." Hanley explained.

"He's going to be dismissed from the Navy, which means he'll no longer be our problem, but that man has a lot of connections and a lot of money. I'm going to take you home, but I'd watch my back if I were you."

"Given the fact this is a Military vessel in a time of war, I can't have Civilians, let alone Xenos running around. You two will be confined to the brig until we reach your planet. Is there anything else you'd like to add before i dismiss you?"


"No.. Thank you." Chloe said, relaxing slightly. Exhaustion was hitting her hard now that the adrenaline wasn't pumping.

But she was right. Desmond wasn't out of the water just yet. She had seen the rage that man held for Desmond, and if Hanley was right, he would be after him again. Deep frown lines formed on her brow, but she was silent and would wait to be dismissed.


Hanley nodded, before she pressed down on the intercom.

"Take them back to the Brig, when the male is stable, he can join them." Hanley ordered, and a pair of Marines stepped into the Office to escort Chloe and Vanessa to the Brig, where they would be confined, Desmond would eventually join them, while Hanley decided the best course of action to take them home.
as written by Tiko and Knosis

Vanessa paced the brig restlessly, anxiously awaiting their return to Lutetia. That Raphael might show up at any minute to inform them that plans had changed kept her uneasy, as did Desmond's absence.

"Hey..." she finally said to Chloe. "How bad is he?"

Chloe sat with her arms and legs tucked in and her head buried in her knees. Her head was pounding and she was exhausted, but she couldn't help but worry and wait for Desmond to be returned.

And then there was the little matter of that kiss....

"Huh.. Wha..?" Chloe blinked back to awareness. She frowned and looked down. "It looked pretty deep.. He was bleeding pretty badly, but I tried to make sure they tended to him before we got separated..." She muttered.

As if on cue, the hardlight wall of the cell vanished briefly and Desmond stepped inside before it shimmered back into place behind him.

"Gods, Desmond," Vanessa sputtered before hugging him. "I am so sorry."

"Mmf," he grunted with a wince. "Vanessa? Where the 'ells did you come from?" he asked before catching sight of Chloe sitting with her knees pulled up to her chest. "'ey there. Who died?" he asked with a wink.

Relief spread across Chloe's face, exhaustion replacing the stress that had been keeping her awake thus far.

"Its good to see you still have some humor left after all that..." Chloe snorted tiredly.

"Believe me, it's not easy bein' me sometimes," he joked. "Come 'elp me sit down would you? An' I don't suppose either of you 'ave a drink on you?" he asked. "Or a cigaratte?"

Chloe woman slowly stood up, wincing as she did so. She hadn't shifted, but all the same her body felt as though she had been stretched. She made her way over to Desmond, stepping up to his side and taking his arm gently over her shoulders.

"Trust me, if I did, I'd already be in it already.." She muttered. "Where ya wanna sit?"

She would help him down either way. "How'd they treat you? They get you stitched up well enough..?"

"There's fine," he answered.

It took Chloe and Vanessa both to get him eased down to the floor and he hissed between grit teeth at the movement but his color was good.

"You should never have been dragged into this," Vanessa said as she stood back.

"It's fine. I've 'ad worse bar brawls than this. Just can't think of any off the top of me head. You two are gonna 'ave to fill me in on what's goin' on. I haven't understood a word out of these people since we got 'ere," he said. "But I'm guessin' if they took the time to fix me up, that they're not plannin' to kill me. An' 'ow did you get 'ere?" he asked Vanessa.

"Heh. That asshole from the bar the other night brought me here," Vanessa answered.
as written by Knosis and Tiko

Chloe sat down beside him and folded her arms and legs in the same manner as she had before. "Would seem that woman is in charge of this ship. And that man is her Emperor's son. The only good thing is that she's in charge here, and she's taking us home.. But.."

She broke off, looking to the side slightly. Her eyes were glowing in the dim light. "It would seem he may be back after you both in due time.."

"Maybe 'e'll get wasted again an' forget all about this," Desmond offered hopefully. "No point worryin' over that right now though. Let's just worry about gettin' back to Lutetia first, aye?"

Vanessa didn't seem too comforted by that approach though. She didn't want to be spending her days looking over her shoulder.

She finally moved to the hardlight forcefield and banged against the metal wall next to it with her hand.

"Hello? Is there anyone out there? I want to talk to Raphael," she hollered through the forcefield.

"That's the easy part, apparently.." She whispered, grabbing her head in her hands, feeling her pulse throb in her melon like it were about to burst.

It was only made worse with Vanessa's banging. Chloe was up immediately and rushing to Vanessa in the attempts to pull her away. "What the -hell- do you think you are doing?!"

"Uh... I'm wi' 'er on this," Desmond seconded. "That might not be the best idea, Vanessa."

"I'm sorting this out now. I can't live my life wondering when he's going to show back up," Vanessa answered. "Look just... go take care of Desmond."

"... You know, you're not lookin' so good, Chloe," Desmond added with a frown. "Do you know what time it is?"

"And what, expect you to go off to this psycho who may or may not kill you now? You are a long way from home, you've no help from your friends, and he can use you to get back at Desmond if he decides to keep you. How brilliant do you think your plan is if you decide to go talk to this guy, and he decides to just end us all now?" She growled, seemingly losing her temper.

She turned back to Desmond, her eyes glowing a bit brighter. "I know bloody well what time it is. And since she didn't get to come out to play earlier, I might as well go ahead and let you know she's none too pleased." She snapped.

Chloe backed away from both Vanessa and Desmond, grabbing her head again and crouching down. "Sorry.. I didn't mean to snap.."

"... no, no I think Vanessa not bein' in here is a very good idea right now," Desmond said. His jovial demeanor had turned gravely serious. "Vanessa, try gettin' their attention again. An' Chloe, you know 'ow I said I was goin' to teach you how to shift? You're about to get the crash course."

Chloe's jaw clenched and she went back to having her back against the wall. "I'd very much prefer to skip tonight altogether to make sure I don't wind up dead.." She murmured.

"Don't think we're gettin' a choice in that matter," Desmond answered.

It wasn't long before Vanessa was exchanging words with one of the marines that approached the cell, and a moment later they let the forcefield down so she could step outside before being led away by her arm.
as written by Knosis and Tiko

Chloe took a slow, shaky breath and closed her eyes. "No.. No I don't think we do.." She muttered. "What do I need to do?" She asked flatly.

"Just let it 'appen. If you fight it, the wolf is gonna come out lookin' for a scrap, an' well... I'd 'ate to wind up right back in the infirmary again," Desmond told her with a chuckle that turned to a wince. "Keep your eyes closed. I want you to remember the woods from last week," he said. "Can you do that? Just like before."

Chloe's jaw clenched and she swallowed hard. She tried to picture herself back in the woods, but her mind kept racing back to the present and the possible death sentence for Desmond. Her voice cracked when she spoke again. "Help me.."

"Forget about me, forget about this place. Just breathe, in an' out. Slow your 'eart, an' let the tension go," he instructed her.

He kept his voice level and calm, so as to not feed her own anxiety and fear. He would have liked to have had more time with teaching her to calm her mind before allowing her to shapeshift without steel bars between them, but there wasn't much to do for it now.

"Your body knows what to do, just let it 'appen. Count back from twenty... nineteen... breathe in, let it out. Eighteen... seventeen..."

It was unlikely she would reach the number one before the transformation took her, and all he could do was try to help her calm her mind as much as possible before it did. If the wolf came out coursing with adrenaline...

His owns eyes bled to a golden hue as the wolf rose within him. It was restless and there was a tension within him that his voice did not betray.

She tried to slow down her breathing as best she could, listening to his voice and bringing back the memories of the woods. As soon as he was down to twelve, the wolf started to take over. Her body convulsed and pained cries escaped her lips. Her clothes shreaded as her body grew and changed shapes. She fought the instinct to try to push back the wolf, but to little use.

After time, the red wolf stood before him panting heavily in the ratty remains of her clothes. Her own eyes met his and a low rumble escaped her chest. However, she did something unusual for a change. The red wolf backed away from him, her ears laid back and baring teeth in warning.
as written by barney_fife and Tiko

Vanessa was led from her cell towards one of the Esteem's many interrogation rooms. Flanked by two marines, they opened the door and shoved her inside. They then stepped into the room to take positions on either side of Vanessa, one gesturing for her to take a seat.

A few minutes later, Raphael came into the room with a scowl. Lowering himself into the chair across from Vanessa, he looked up to her.

"What do you want." He sneered.

"I wanted to talk to you," Vanessa said simply. "I can't believe that there's not more to you than being a horrible specimen of a human being to everyone you meet. I want to know what it's going to take to get you to forget all of this."

"You and your friends cost me my Job, what's there to forget?" He said, leaning forward. "When this is over, I'm going to find you, and I'm going to kill you." He said, leaning back into his original position.

"No, you cost you your job," Vanessa told him. "We didn't set you on this path, and you know that. Why where you in Lutetia in the first place?"

"If you hadn't been such a frigid bitch, and your boyfriend hadn't cockblocked me, maybe none of this would have happened; I hope Hanley airlocks the lot of you and the Empire buries this whole thing." He said, shaking his head. "I was in Lutetia because my ex wife was doing business with Tech Con, I was meeting her about some important business, and then was going to my new post."

"Important business, that involved this Inviere woman, and being so drunk you could barely speak a coherent sentence?" Vanessa asked with a skeptical look. "I might not have known you long, but even I know that's not the full truth of it."

She shook her head and sighed.

"You know, I thought I hated you, but now I just feel sorry for you. That your solution to whatever is going on in your life is to ruin the lives of other people. I have a daughter. Is a spilled beer really worth killing her mother? And Desmond. He was trying to protect me. Is that worth killing him over?" She shook her head again and stood up. "This was a mistake. I thought maybe there was a human being in there somewhere. A human being that could be reasoned with."

"I've destroyed planets for less." He said, mulling a thought over in his head. He had a Confessor Cabal job waiting for him, and would likely be far too busy to worry about someone who spilt beer on him. He had a bigger score to settle, and was planning on settling it.

"There is a human being in there somewhere, Vanessa." Raphael said, crossing his arms. "You're the alien. There is no value in your life, I could care less about your daughter. People die, it's the way the universe works."

"If that were true, then there would be no value in coming after us," Vanessa pointed out. "If our lives mean so little, then there has to be something you want, to get you to put this all behind us."

"What I want... is to see Lutetia burn to ashes.. But I guess i'll have to settle with having got Desmond with a nice stab. I'll leave you and your friends alone; but set foot in the Empire.."

Raphael then leaned forward.

"And I will torture you and your friends until they beg for the sweet release of death. And that includes Valore ever falling under Imperial control." He said, crossing his arms. "Anything else you want to beg me for?"

Vanessa hesitated as she failed to find the words that could properly express herself in that moment. Finally she just shook her head and banged lightly on the door to let the marines outside know she was done.

"Thank you," she told Raphael as the door opened.

She wanted to retch on the word.

"May his... merciful shadow fall upon you." He said, while the Marines led her out.
as written by Tiko and Knosis

Desmond's eyes followed Chloe, unwavering in their intensity. They followed every movement of her body, every shift and ripple of muscle and sinew within her. He didn't try to move, he didn't try to speak to her, he just sat there motionless letting her acclimate to his presence...

Footsteps... voices...

As Vanessa and two marines came into view through the hardlight field, Vanessa's eyes went wide at the pair. Desmond sat vulnerable against one wall, and Chloe's posture was tense and her teeth bared...

One of the marines cursed under his breath, but Vanessa's immediate reaction was to protect Desmond. While the marines gaped at the wolf that had formerly been Chloe, she lunged for the panel that would open the cell, but one of the marines grabbed her and pulled her back.

"Restrain her," he barked.

"No! She'll kill him! You can't leave him in there with her," she exclaimed as bindings where slapped over her wrists and she was roughly pulled back from the entrance of the cell.

Desmond meanwhile shook his head and raised one hand slightly in Vanessa's direction.

"It's fine, just... do not open the cell," he said.

His voice was husky with the roughness of the wolf that lingered behind those golden eyes of his, and his gaze never left Chloe.

A fresh growl escaped Chloe's throat as soon as Vanessa's voice interrupt the semi-silence between Desmond and herself. Her green hues traveled from Desmond's own, to Vanessa's, to gaze at the marines. Her head lowered then, and she turned her body slightly to be between Desmond and the marines themselves. Her stance was as if she were protecting him from them.

Her warnings were clear. Harm Desmond, and have your face eaten off by a raging wolf.

"Fraking xenos," one of the marines cursed. "We should have airlocked the whole lot of them. Are there any people on that fraking planet who aren't fraked up?" he asked. "Get the girl in one of the other cells, I'm calling Hanley."

Once Vanessa was deposited into the cell across from Desmond and Chloe's, one of the marines was left to keep an eye on the situation, and even with the hardlight forcefield up he kept a comforting grip on his disruptor rifle. The other marine was off to the side conversing with the Admiral over a comm device seeking further instructions regarding the three Valorans.
as written by Knosis

The wolf watched them intently, waiting and watching. When it was clear the marines or Vanessa were not coming into their cell at that moment, the massive wolf laid down with a grunt with Desmond to her back, still tense and ready to spring if the need arose. Her green eyes would remain glued on the others so long as they remained in her range of vision.

A while later, Chloe woke with a start, gasping and looking around in desperation. The color was drained from her face in fear of what she would find. "Desmond..?" She called, after noticing shreads of cloth sitting around her, as she had chewed it in her boredom as a wolf.
as written by Tiko

Desmond's bundled shirt landed in Chloe's lap as she took stock of her surroundings, and though he looked a bit haggard from his ordeal yesterday, he appeared alive and unharmed.

He winced at the movement though, a consequence of having not slept. His body hadn't had an opportunity to start mending the wound in his back yet, and whatever pain killers they had doped him up with to stitch his back had long since been metabolized.

"That's all I got on me I'm afraid," he said. "How are ya feelin'?"
as written by Knosis

The shirt stunned her for a moment but as soon as she heard his voice, relief flooded her face. "I didn't kill you.. Good.." She muttered under her breath.

She started pulling on the shirt and looked up at Desmond. "Sore, honestly.. But less so than normal." She admitted. "What happened.. If I didn't murder you?"
as written by Tiko

"Well, you murdered your clothes," Desmond answered

He closed his eyes, exhausted.

"I'm goin' to try and get some sleep..." he said.

In the cell across from theirs, Vanessa was still asleep herself. Unfortunately Desmond had scarcely closed his eyes when a loud banging outside the cell drew their attention and roused Vanessa.

"Get up," the Marine said. "It's time to go."

"What's goin' on?" Desmond asked Chloe.
as written by barney_fife

"End of the line." Hanley said as she stepped into the Brig, just on the other side of the Hard light shield.

"Up against the wall, hands on the wall. Face away from us." The Marines ordered, while two fanned out on either side armed with tesla rifles.

As soon as Desmond and Chloe were in their ordered positions, the men would move in and begin to chain them up, leg shackles, a metal collar, and wrist irons all bound by a trinnium chain to prevent movement. Affixed to the collar was an electrode, with a second electrode attatched to the ankle iron. At the press of a button, a debilitating electric shock would completely paralyze, similar to a taser.

Of course, they would likely never know about this system, should they cooperate.

Vanessa would be met with a similar fate, as a pair of men ordered her against the wall as well.
as written by Knosis

"End of the line." Hanley said as she stepped into the Brig, just on the other side of the Hard light shield.

"Up against the wall, hands on the wall. Face away from us." The Marines ordered, while two fanned out on either side armed with tesla rifles.

As soon as Desmond and Chloe were in their ordered positions, the men would move in and begin to chain them up, leg shackles, a metal collar, and wrist irons all bound by a trinnium chain to prevent movement. Affixed to the collar was an electrode, with a second electrode attatched to the ankle iron. At the press of a button, a debilitating electric shock would completely paralyze, similar to a taser.

Of course, they would likely never know about this system, should they cooperate.

Vanessa would be met with a similar fate, as a pair of men ordered her against the wall as well.
as written by Azrican

IRV Aeniad, Domovskian exploratory vessel

For exactly eleven minutes and sixteen seconds Theodore had lost control of the primary FTL drive as the vessel entered another flux, then abruptly joined the current reality as if a mountain stopped on a dime. Despite the standing laws of physics the vessel neither lurched nor buckled; inertia did not rip the craft’s internals in all directions or pulverized the priceless devices, systems and mechanisms on board. The Aeniad ceased to progress further on the bridge jump just as effortlessly as it appeared to have begun. A lurking husk out in the middle of the cosmos devoid of activity save for eerie, lonely pilot lights that begun twinkling along the hull; if Theodore desired any visual reference of this most immediate mistake he desired the optics of this decrepit chariot, the Aeniad. Sight was a vital necessity in space, for him at least, encumbered with the aging body of an era where most of his kind were little more than automated voices telling ignoramuses to turn left.

The old Domovskian boat gave the appearance of a geriatric awaking in some unknown place, small lines that were plating or paneling alight for a few seconds and then setting in a glow. The central axle of the gravity well began to slowly turn, looming over the rest of the vessel like a protective ring and correcting a slight tilt the Aeniad had began to endure. While the vessel rested in the realm of her birth, the space around the Aeniad was twisting and boiling with vacuum energy. Virtual particles attempting to join her in this realm bursting into life and then suddenly fading as they returned from the unknown channels she had sailed to reach here.

For Theodore, if he possessed lungs the artificialis might have released a sigh. When his blindness turned to sight the cosmos greeted him in a tremendous portrait. Leaping nebula formed great spires all around the vessel and he nearly felt the cold light of distant stars finally reaching the hull of the Aeniad.

As he knew the answer to his own inquiry, he poured over the recent procession of events as the vessel listed aimlessly and slowly began to pulse to life. Every surging wave he felt the vessel relinquish him caused him mind to wander farther. For eleven minutes and sixteen seconds Theodore had managed to let the drive spin out of his grip, metaphorically. The implications of that time caused a sudden crawl to seep through him and ensure to clarify the fact this vessel, and him, had returned and not fallen into the blackness of a quantum anomaly.

The stars were still there he verified again and again, while the Aeniad drew herself from the long slumber.

While he relished in a close call the evidence of his actions sat with him in the back of his mind somewhere. The solitary awareness that allowed him to know what happened tickled the intelligence as well; were he a mere being there would have been no twinkling of joy in his mind. As for as he was aware there was no relevant damage, either what he could find in him, the ship or the crew. As far as he knew the crew, at least.

Before Mark woke up, he had sworn the stasis had failed earlier. With his feet dangling over the metal floor beneath him, his eyes blinked away what seemed to have only been a nightmare.

Sparks dashed from an open panel over the cryotube as Mark managed to bring himself out of the chamber on his elbows. The ground met him with a crunch, lacerating the bare skin and letting vivid crimson dot the floor in specks. The noise of rushing air, from a nearby cycling unit that simply caved from some clutching pressure doused the Captain's ears even as screaming voices came from all around him.

When a light began to strobe, Mark's hand came away from his face and his feet remained poised over the grating. Silence around him in the cryobay save for a few quick breaths that scoured his lungs.

Mark glanced over to the rack of tubes alongside him, the command crew of the Aeniad just beginning the final phase of a cryojump. Shaking off whatever thing might have followed him from the depths he had been in for the past decade Captain Mark Lenerd was out of the tube and drawing a pair of trousers on before the second tube even began decompressing.

It took almost three hours for the rest of the stasis decks to begin stirring the some five hundred crew throughout the seven kilometer length of the vessel. In the meantime, Mark had reacquainted himself with the physical reality, aged despite appearing little older. Unlike the first three and a half decades of his life he was always present to witness his body and mind change. He shaved hair that he had thought grew and changed in ten years of slumber that was barely shorter than when he retired.

On board the bridge, he watched the Aeniad slowly rile to life. First engineering winked on with a fizzle and Mark felt the gravity firmly take hold until his feet rested calmly on the grating of the captain's nest. Starmaps and quadrant lanes circled about him as the lights flickered a few dozen meters below him, into the pit of the bridge, a compact nerve center of consoles and controls.

Then, he was greeted by Theodore.

"Captain Lenerd."

"Theodore, where the hell are we?"
as written by barney_fife and Azrican
IAN ICB Pax Imperium
Iconoclast Battleship

The Iconoclast Battleship was the latest in Imperial firepower, as elegant as she was deadly, and sporting some of the Empire's most powerful armaments. Ships of the line such as these were the guardians of the United Aschen Empire. Guardians that would be called to defend the Empire at a moment's notice.

This was one such occasion. With the arrival of the IRV Aeniad, the Aschen Empire had detected the whole it tore into subspace, and dispatched the Pax Imperium to ascertain the nature and the intent behind this alien vessel.

Space bent and winked, and the Iconoclast jumped in roughly 150,000 Kilometers off the starboard side of the Aeniad. Commander Armand Cauldwell, a seasoned Imperial Naval veteran watched the wide-spectrum scanners.

"It doesn't match any known designs." One of the Bridge officers reported. "Detailed scans are coming back negative for the Machine Daemon."

The 5km long Iconoclast Battleship drifted slowly towards the exploratory vessel, immense weapons emplacements swiveled to life.

"Hail them." The Commander ordered.

"Channel's open..." A bridge officer replied.

"Attention unidentified vessel, this is the Imperial Aschen Navy Battleship Pax Imperium, Fleet of the Impenetrable Aegis. Identify yourselves immediately."
By the time an unknown ship had appeared off the Aeniad's furling stern she had continued through several whole rotations, appearing like a crippled whale spinning through the waves. In those several hours much had happened on the ship however, with something resembling a functional bridge greeting Mark as he returned to the captain's nest.

"What the hell's out there, Theodore?" He asked bluntly, ignoring the sudden klaxons and displays flashing away down in the pits. A holotank nestled against the railing that overlooked the bridge sprang to life, where the shallow face of a man appeared.

"There is an unidentified starship a hundred and fifty thousand kilometers off the stern, Captain -- "

Mark paced away from a small diagnostic panel near his chair and put two hands on a console in the railing. "Whatever was trying to find us after the splash this damn bucket made might not be the best of friends." Mark replied shortly, prying a wired transmitter from the console and activating a ship-wide communique.

"Attention all hands, there is an unidentified and possible ET ship in close distance with the Aeniad: all crews are to ready any personnel that have recovered from cryostasis and prepare your stations. Members of the Security Detachment are to make their equipment and systems ready immediately."

As Mark planted the transmitter back into the console, Theodore's avatar squawked to life. "They are hailing us in a common tongue, Captain Lenerd."

"Dispatch it to Communications."

Less than three and a half minutes later Junior Lieutenant Arman Noviejo had ciphered the message and ensured it's message was a harmless transmission to the Aeniad. When the soundbyte played, a stillness drew upon the bridge crew with the message filling their ears. For many, this was the first of a voyage such as this -- others however had made a living in the lawless stars and meeting distant peoples and cultures.

For Mark, this was shaping up to be his third, or fourth depending on your political leanings, first contact with an extra-terrestrial species in his nearly fifty eight years of expeditions. He exchanged a quick glance with Theodore before silently authorizing him to open a reply.

This is the IRV Aeniad, a federally chartered exploration vessel contracted by the Republic of Domovsky ... what are the coordinates for our vessel's current locations?
The Iconoclast Class battleship continued its course, moving ponderously towards the Aeniad. It's massive MAC batteries coming to bear upon the alien vessel.

"Sitrep." The Commander asked as the scans returned. "First the Hegemony and now these guys, we'll need to signal the fleet." He said, thumbing his chin.

He pondered a few more minutes before he stood up from his command chair.

"Send a reply." He ordered, and the moment later, a lieutenant opened a return channel.

"IRV Aeniad, you are in the sovereign space of the United Aschen Empire, two parsecs from the Tal'dor system. Your next step is to disengage your engines and prepare to be boarded for inspection."

The reply was stern and with it came a thinly veiled warning. The Commander of the Battleship was prepared for anything to transpire.

The Iconoclast inched closer towards the exploratory vessel, while her commander debated his next move. Turning to his Lieutenant he spoke up.

"Ready a couple Condors and a marine strike force for embarkation to the alien vessel."

The Loeutenant nodded, and the Commander sent out another hail. "Remain in position and prepare to be boarded."

07-27-2015, 09:47 PM
Several tense moments passed as Mark stood on the bridge, Theodore a few feet away pouring over whatever piece of information he could find about the 'Aschen', or 'Tal'Dor'. For these grinding fifteen minutes the crew teetered on the edge of conflict, until Mark heard a soft chime and turned to see Theodore. "There is nothing I can find on a memberstate by the name of the Aschen Empire -- and if they are correct we are far, far beyond the Garden Captain."

"Damn ... " He replied shortly, two hands fixing at his waist while he reviewed the text of the message again and again. "When in Rome, though." Mark finished, reaching to the console and pulling the wireless phone free. As he raised it to his ear, he made a quick hand signal down to Commander Alameda, who quickly relayed the instructions to the bridge. The Aeniad was to comply.

"This is Captain Lenerd, we have established first contact with a nation beyond the Garden -- very far beyond the Garden, as I understand. We will allow these Aschen onboard to inspect the ship, within reason, then we will find our bearings and, hopefully, be granted the chance to forge a connection with these beings."

He could see some trepidation in the eyes of his crew, but thought nothing of it as he turned to Theo and gave a quick nod. "Respond to the hail, in as basic Common as possible -- I would prefer to avoid any misunderstandings."

"Yes sir, Captain Lenerd. You are broadcasting."

This is Mark Lenerd, Executive Officer and Captain of the Aeniad's exploratory mission: it appears we have suffered a breakdown of our FTL core and have been thrown wide off course. I and this vessel were chartered to explore Aboran's Keep in the edges of the Local Region -- we will transfer our drive into low power and prepare the vessel for inspection at your request.

"Oh and Theodore, make sure to get some of the GOLIATHs running ... just in case."

07-28-2015, 03:39 AM
"Hold position and we'll come to you, then." The Commander of the Pax Imperium responded. By now the massive hulking form of the Iconoclast Class Battleship was positioned right alongside the Aeniad, of course the 5km Battleship was a slight bit shorter than it's counterpart.

Commander Cauldwell looked over the data as it scrolled on his displays, by now the pair of Condor dropships had cleared the Pax Imperium's Hangar Bay, and was en-route towards the Aeniad with a security contingent, and an inspection officer on board.

"Commander, We're recieving a hail from Admiral Harper." The Bridge Officer spoke up. At this moment Commander Cauldwell nodded.

"On Screen." He said flatly, and the image of the Imposing Admiral flickered onto the main viewscreen of the Iconoclast's CIC.

"Commander, secure the alien ship and prepare for my arrival." Admiral Harper hailed. "This is a first contact situation from according to the files provided by the Hegemony, a Scatterran vessel, it's likely ICON. Maintain condition one and await further instructions."


The pair of Condors approached the Aeniad, and a simple hail from the Condor's pilot followed.

"Attention IRV Aeniad, this is Condor One Niner-Seven, requesting docking coordinates and instructions." The Pilot hailed on all frequencies, waiting for instructions from the Aeniad's flight crew for landing instructions.

Several moments followed, and two additional ships jumped roughly 500 Kilometers away from the Aeniad, the first ship was an Iconoclast Battleship, like the Pax Imperium. This one was the flagship of the entire Imperial Navy, the Strictest Doctrine.

Unlike the Pax Imperium, the Strictest Doctrine bore the obvious signs of battle, gouges and carbon scoring in it's hull plating. The wounds were fresh, unlike the pristine hull of the Pax Imperium. However alongside the flagship was the massive, bulbous form of a Reverence II, more specifically the Profound Solitude II, which also bore the scars of battle, specifically several places along the sleek hull that bore the obvious signs of repair. The 30km Reverence II looked to be more than capable of providing full drydock docking for the Aeniad, giving it a pressurized environment to conduct repairs in the field.

Both ships idled where they jumped, before the Aeniad recieved another message, this one from The Strictest Doctrine.

"IRV Aeniad, this is Gina Inviere, Chairman of the Imperial Navy; maintain present condition and prepare your staff for my arrival following your inspection. Welcome to the Aschen Empire."

07-28-2015, 04:15 AM

"Not now, Theodore." Mark said bluntly, leaning over the railing down in the pit to observe Junior Lieutenant Miranda Greene's display effectively. "For fuck's sake what the fuck is going on -- " He then trotted down the grating to another station, a technical station for the ship's weapon systems and defenses; ensuring they were neutralized. "Theo I could really use some fuckin' info on the people who are about to come traipsing aboard my god damn ship."

"Of course Captain, but you might -- "

Even before the AI, processing thoughts in the trillions per second, was to make a response Mark had already reached another station and was frantically pointing to the screen as the junior officer worked underneath him. "There is no info, Captain."

"God fucking dammit Theo just make sure those people get on this god damn boat!" He said angrily, pulling the coat from a piece of railing on the walkway out of the pit. As he bee-lined it for the elevator, he shook off three or four curious junior officers on his way.

"Captain, are you sure you're -- "

"Shut the fuck up, Commander. We're really not in a position to resist."

As he stepped into the elevator, Theodore appeared beside him. "The 'Aschen' will be arriving in Hangar Charlie, there's a rig for them at Deck 32." The AI replied, as Mark stood silently while the elevator descended through nearly a thousand flights of deck.

"Begin broadcasting them the diagnostics of our system checks, let them know there might be an FTL issue." Mark replied, feeling the elevator begin to slow as he reached the depths of the ship, just above her massive 3 square kilometer interior hull where the Aschen craft would be received. When the elevator door opened with a quiet swish, the Captain stepped out onto a catwalk to see the massive hulk of an AvKing transport go looming past; a piece of cargo quickly sidelined to make room for the arrivals.

When he received a message from the bridge, transmitting one 'Invierres' instructions, he quickly keyed back into Theodore and broadcast a return.

"This is Captain Lenerd, I am preparing to meet your authorities now in the bay of the Aeniad. Thank you for aiding us, though I must confess the ship may perhaps be unstable at this time."


The two Condors slowly touched down within the massive hangar bay of the Aeniad. Their VTOL Engines screamed in protest before they inevitably quieted down.

Once the Condors had settled down, their rear hatches opened up, revealing a squad of Imperial marines, which disembarked from the Condors in precise formation.

Their dark grey starship camouflage pattern uniforms were worn with matching Ceramite vests, and hanging upon their backs with straps were weapons unlike anything seen in Scatterran territories.

The Inspection officer was clad n a dark grey uniform trimmed with a black standing collar, and blue epaulettes.

He surveyed the Hangar bay for a moment, before he directed his men to fan outwards and provide a security cordon, as his eyes sternly scanned the contents of the hangar bay. The man reflected for a moment, knowing that the Reverence II would soon provide a more thorough inspection. It was then he spoke up.

"I'm looking for the commanding officer."


As metal structuring and prominent bulkheads flowed upward from the cab of the tram, Mark could see the Aschen vessel nestling onto the land pad. Then it would blur away into the ribbing of the ship until finally reaching the desired level with a soft whir: powerful magnets kept the platform adequately fast yet quiet.

Standing by the railing, almost fifty meters above the group of (apparently) humanoid inspectors that had come aboard the Aeniad, Mark drew a hand to his mouth, lips near a microphone device on the sleeve of his tunic. "That would be me,"

The voice echoed through all three kilometers of bay, thanks to the spacious nature and open chasms that made the vessel's bowels. Mark began descending the stairs, making sure the collar of the Initiative pilot's suit fit neatly on his stern frame.

He felt uneasy wearing the Acheron logo on his breast as he reached the landing platform. He pushed away different and past thoughts, instead approaching the Aschen party with a slow gait and easy demeanor. "Your systems are nearly eighty kiloparsecs from the farthest distance anyone in the Territories has ever traveled -- gentlemen, what the hell are you people doing this far out in space?"


The Inspection officer turned to the source of the intercom, noting the approach of the ship's commanding officer. The Inspecting officer stood a good foot shorter than his Scatterran counterpart.

"We live here, the question begs what are you doing this far from Scatterran sectors of space?" The Inspector asked before he extended his hand. "I'm Lieutenant Tyrel, and I'll be conducting the inspection of your vessel today. First and foremost I require a copy of your crew and cargo manifest, we'll be verifying it as well." The Lieutenant said, as he took a step forward.

"We've come into contact with Scatterrans before, but they weren't your kind." The Inspector said, as he gestured for the Captain to lead the way.

"You couldn't have found a more inopportune time to appear in one of our most heavily patrolled sectors of space, might as well since we'd likely have never found you otherwise." He said, surveying his surroundings.

"So you're on an exploratory mission, from ICON? Our friends within the Hegemony have told us about your federal government" The Inspector said.

"Odd that they'd charter a ship this far out, though." He said, putting his hand to an earpiece. "I've been informed some engineers are en-route to assist in taking your FTL Drive offline, we wouldn't want to have an incident once you've docked with the Reverence."


When the Aschen spoke, Mark let his assumptions wander as to this man's familiarity with the Scatterran kind. So there is a chance they've already met the worst of what might be around us. He thought, before reaching to take the man's hand with a stern grip. "Mark Lenerd, Executive officer of the Aeniad." He replied shortly, then leveled a question. "Why have Scatterrans been this far out before? They were either Freemerchants, like myself, or the Hegemony -- whom I assume you clicked with swimmingly."

He observed the Aschen for a moment up and down, and while didn't find much of a difference (omitting physical similarities) with one of trillions other humans still felt uneased with the circumstances of this encounter. He shrugged off the thoughts of a manifest and record -- or anything to verify it against. There might be some complications if there were different interpretations of 'inspections'. "If I'm to be rather blunt with you, Lieutenant, the transnational government isn't particularly aware of a Domovskian expedition. Raynimorgi is the port of call for the Aeniad after the Initiative purchased her from the Republic."

"A business adventure retrofitted the Aeniad for a deep space research and exploration mission." He finished, reaching calmly to the belt at his side where a tablet rested off his hip. The device came to life with a blink, and with an impressive fluidity the computer was monitoring the 500 crew of the Aeniad. "There are exactly four hundred and sixteen crew still in cryostasis, due to possible damage to the cryo-regulation mechanisms in the sub-deck engineering." Mark offered, before turning back towards the tram and motioning for the men to follow.

"There's not much of the Coalition out here meaning, the vessel is where it needs to be. Now, in the meantime, I will escort you around the ship as you conduct your inspection -- the Aeniad is seven point zero three kilometers in length, we are in the central structure where the hangars are. Prior to her purchase the Aeniad was a Domovskian luxury ship, and before that a drone carrier in service with the Colony Fleets during the Empire War."


"We recently established trade relations with the Scatterran Hegemony, they have appraised us of the other Scatterran states operating in your little corner of the galaxy." The Inspector said.

"So you're out here for deep space research and exploration, then I am confident we won't find anything here that will be of concern to the security of the United Aschen Empire, at least I would hope so for your sake." With everything the Hegemony told the Aschen regarding the other Scatterran nations, the Lieutenant was visibly cautious. Though the man recognized propaganda and spin control, his goal was the security of the Aschen Empire.

Following the captain towards the Tram, the Lieutenant took notations of everything that was going on around them on a flickering holographic tablet.

"My inspection is cursory at best, there will be a more thorough inspection once you've docked with the Reverence, repairs can also be made at this time." He said, before he turned to ask.

"To that end, are there any weapons on this vessel I should be made aware of?"


"You're aware of the situation in the Colonies? Well, the Outer Territories depending on whom you speak to ... " The Captain remarked shortly, escorting the Aschen onto the tram where it would take them to a central station within the Aeniad. The transportation about the vessel's length was handled by a huge network of trams and elevators, though stairs (unfortunately) could be found. When the Lieutenant mentioned his opinion on the outcome of an inspection on an otherwise routine exploratory vessel he had internalized anxiety.

Perhaps his distraction and dodging hadn't indicated quite what Mark had intended. "Well to be upfront with you, the Garden has been rather dangerous lately so -- the vessel is rather heavily armed for the simple purposes of science and culture. Many members of the security detail and containment teams are enlisted Apparatus, sort of a special detail though." He said, leading the Aschen off the tram as it came to a stop and into a large atrium with false windows shining light into the areas below.

"There are sixty GOLIATH drones: most used for exploration and excavation, while others are for containment." Mark indicated to a holotablet he produced, showing a diagnostic of the several GOLIATH chassis that were stocked within the Aeniad's internal bays. At nearly 5 meters tall, the mechanical giants were quite useful in all sorts of conditions; not just about ships, GOLIATHs were also used in combat with the Apparatus. "We have about three hundred various military firearms: assault rifles, sniper rifles, machineguns and carbines ... "

"Then there is the case of, six hundred and thirty two stasis chambers enclosing various xenotypes. You've probably encountered a few of them out here, nasty buggers -- the ones that go from squawking and gibbering to infesting a whole planet over some months.
as written by Saarai and Script

Ty watched several displays in his ship's cockpit for change as it moved through the galaxy quickly and stealthily. "Once I think we're safe, I'm going to make an FTL jump." He said over his intercom.

Vanessa sat in the ship's makeshift dining area with much of her team, she and one other at a table looking over several files. "This is all the info we have, minus whatever Alanna tells us." The mercenary told Vanessa.

"I can't help but wonder who the mystery passenger is." A mercenary pondered, "Not our business." Another said, "We got more pressing matters than curiosity."


Alanna made her way up behind Vanessa, peering over her shoulder at the files. "So, I know the gist of what we're out to do. But aside from me pointing you in the right direction, what's the plan once we reach Hera prime?" she asked.


"We do recon. If we think we can pull it off, a rescue. There's no way Stryfe is out of contact for this long if she isn't being held captive or dead." Vanessa told Alanna, "She's tough. I read her file, she's got to be alive." She continued.

"Rumblings from our, uh, 'assets' already on the planet, some of her team are alive and kicking. Making trouble for the JC and bounty hunters until they can make contact." The other mercenary added.

Vanessa cleared her throat, "We're prepared for a real fight. We're prepared to die. You don't owe us anything, so you don't have to fight." She assured Alanna.


Alanna let a smirk play across her face briefly, "I might not owe you anything, but I sure as hell owe those bastards from the Jupiter Corp a healthy dose of payback."

She nodded, "Didn't realise Stryfe was missing. With what's going on back home, that can't be good news. You think the Jupiter Corp had something to do with Lucian, too?"


"You'll fit right in." The mercenary seated with them said to Alanna, offering a thumbs up.

"It's not exactly something we want to let slip, about Stryfe, but sooner or later someone is going to notice that Mary's handling all the meetings, all the debriefings, everything." Vanessa told Alanna, "Some think it's convenient that she disappears when shit hits the fan. Could she be kidnapped? Or is she playing us?" The other mercenary asked.

"I'm Benedict, by the way." He said to Alanna, "Former SIB." Benedict said, "Assuming you know what that is."

"To elaborate on what he said earlier for a second, Stryfe wouldn't be our first XO who went off the deep end, or got lost in revenge, or even in trying to make us better. I mean... we're growing. In numbers and power. I just don't know why exactly. I'm almost afraid to know." Vanessa admitted.


"I can't pretend to know enough to speculate," Alanna said, shrugging her shoulders. "But it seems to me someone's moving against you guys. Some of you, anyways. Might be the Jupiter Corp, might be someone else. Maybe picking up numbers and power means that at least some of the higher-ups know that, and are getting ready for it."

She shook her head, "But like I said. I'm an outsider looking in without context. For all I know they could be planning to take over the world." She grinned at her last remark, and chuckled lightly.


"Ironically, we don't even know enough." Benedict admitted, "If we do take over the world, I would at least like to reinstate primae noctis." He said with a chuckle, prompting Vanessa to roll her eyes.

"I hope that's what's going on. Our guy that was with Lucian, Damien Walbridge, saw that Haley kid do the deed." Vanessa told Alanna, "Jacob told Mary that he was pretty much excommunicated from the Jupiter Corporation." She continued, "Trying to get back in daddy's good graces, I suspect."

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is your pilot speaking. We are going FTL, arrival at Hera Prime, or as close as I can get considering the crappy directions you gave me, in three hours." Ty said over the intercom.
as written by Saarai and Script

It was smooth sailing for the most part as Ty's ship made it's way quickly to the coordinates he was given. The trip wasn't over yet, as space and time passed by there was a moment of reprieve.

They weren't torn asunder by the universe, and in almost an hour Ty would have a hefty payday from his passengers. Including his weirdo isolationist passenger.

"Almost there, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for flying Air Luvo." Ty joked over the intercom, "Everyone be ready, okay?" Vanessa said to her team and Alanna.

She was constantly checking her gear, rearranging everything based on importance and convenience. She, and the others, were really prepared to enter the lion's den.

"What happened?" Vanessa asked Alanna, "To the Damodreds, at least? I read up on you." She told her.


"My family lost a lot during the first war with the Aschen," Alanna replied, shrugging her shoulders. "Manufactories, employees. Customers. My sister cashed in what was leftover and booked it. I still don't know where she ended up. We were never overly close."

Alanna finished checking all the straps on own loadout. "We expecting to be going in hot?" she asked.


"We've heard enough about this place to know we'll find trouble." Benedict told Alanna, pulling an armored vest over his jumpsuit. "Be it the locals or the wildlife. Or the JC." He said.

"We're giving them an acronym now?" Vanessa asked, "Never really had the pleasure of dealing with the Aschen. I joined up with the Invictus only about a year ago. Mostly for work like this." She told Alanna.

"Espionage, intelligence gathering, reconnaissance."


"I wouldn't call it a pleasure," Alanna grimaced, "It's rare enough that they play fair and actually fight you. Doesn't take much to get them to call in an orbital strike on a one-man target."

The final touch to her gearing up was to fasten a sizeable flask to her hip. "Before you ask, I'm not an alcoholic. This is water. For my hydromancy. It's easier than pulling it from the air."


"We wouldn't judge you for taking a hit or two before we touched down." Benedict told Alanna, "You might need it." He continued. "Ladies and gentlemen, we're actually ahead of schedule. Expect to be planetside in twenty." Ty said over the intercom.

"Unless we get blown up. In which case, you paid in advance and my cockpit is an escape pod." He said, laughing quietly at his own joke. "I'm kidding, we might not get blown up."


"Reassuring," Alanna remarked with a smirk. "Nobody let this guy work a commercial airline."


There was a little turbulence as the ship broke through the atmosphere of the planet of Hera Prime, but nothing Ty's ship couldn't handle.

"The drop point is a place called Olympus. It's where the smugglers and pirates get together and talk shop." Ty said, "I'm telling you this because you look like the law. I vouched for you, so don't be heroic. Mind your business."

Benedict shrugged, "Easy enough. We have a job to do." He said, "Easy for you?" Vanessa asked Alanna, "Smugglers and pirates means we might see their cargo. Weapons of mass destruction, drugs, people." She continued.


Alanna nodded, "Like the man said, we've got a job to do. I know how to pick my battles." She smirked. "Sticking my nose into random bastards' business is for my free time, not on the job. I'll keep my head down."
Within the deadspace near the boundaries of the Onyx Galaxy...

In the formless void of intergalactic space outside of the Onyx galaxy, where matter was thin and the only light that of photons traveling stalwartly as dictated by the laws of the Universe; There amidst the quiet could be found the Elo'nen Grael'Quenoxis, with the members of Quorum 76 hard at work within as they awaited news from their leader.

"Is it time yet? Feels like I've been here tinkering for a week! And why is all of this work necessary anyways? Are you sure this is up to spec? I haven't even seen this kind of diagram in the hard copy archives at the Tower," moaned the faint voice of Freyn'ja Va'tremaeus as she floated upside down within the bowels of the Starhawk's energy distribution systems.

»We have been tinkering here for a week. From our frame of reference. The All-mother's deadline expires in six hours,« came the sardonic reply from Alaxel the seeded advisor to the Quorum, over the Va'nyr link. Along with the words came a faded hint of pride and annoyance. »Also, of course they're up to spec. Those are modifications I created myself. They would not be in the Tower due them being En'shaednen data from the Left Hand,« he added.

"Oh. I see. So you just have me working on forbidden techniques and technology secretly created by you when you were the head of a secret secrety organization in a chapter of our history that most of you old ones don't even openly talk about until you become inactive and we have to go dig for your memories. Wonderful. Why?"

»Call it a feeling. I know my wife, and I saw what we can expect if she does what I think she will. And relax these tweaks are merely defensive enhancements, I'm not Abbottrónain,« replied the ghost of the erstwhile commander of the Va'nyrian Left Hand, a ruthless corp of intelligence gatherers, spies, assassins, and performers of every other sort of underhanded tactic of control during war or peace.

That his office was 10 billion years out of existence did not mean their work couldn't still be useful.

"I guess it can't hurt, and if anything goes wrong the All-Mother can take care of you," she chuckled before continuing "Alright, done with this section, on to the next".
T-Minus ten hours to Zero-Hour.
Operation Clear Bell

Somewhere just beyond the "No Go Zone" of the Dominion Cordon.

Flickering into existence, having executed a fairly uneventful FTL jump 10 Astronomical units just beyond the Cordon, the Imperial Aschen Ship 'Delphinium' emerged from its jump, broadcasting loudly on an Imperial diplomatic IFF Signal. Providing escort, was a quintet of Raptor Talon interceptors, flying in a delta formation alongside the starship, which bore the blue and white finish of an Imperial government ship.

The Delphinium wasn't a very large vessel, roughly 100 meters in length, bearing no weapons of it's own, and meager shields rated to protect against micrometeorites, it was a far cry from being a combat capable vessel, and the Raptor Talons providing escort were more for defense, or perhaps simply for the comfort of the Delegate on board, given the overpowering nature of the Dominion's arsenal.

But the Delphinium had a more sinister cargo, immediately upon exiting FTL, six Prowlers in phased cloak disengaged from the hull, and spread out in different directions, their job was simple, to provide targeting telemetry for the upcoming campaign against the cordon, identify and locate various Dominion battlegroups, missile defenses, and get numbers on strength and positioning. This mission was one that the crew of the Delphinium were not privy to, kept secret by IIA Orders to prevent Dominion telepaths from compromising the mission by accessing the thoughts of the delegates.

With the prowlers away, the Delphinium proceeded towards the Cordon interdiction zone. Minister Helene Chaska had been chosen as the delegate, and in her mind she presumed that Prince had planned to get rid of her, sending her on what she knew was likely a one way trip, with the swiftness that the Dominion had engaged the blockade.

She remained seated among her staff, and assorted bodyguards, a briefcase containing several documents from the Quorum was besides her.

She heaved a sigh and sipped her Ambrosia, as her Coordinator came back from the flight deck.

"We're approaching the interdiction zone, let's get ready for things to get nasty."
The Aschen vessels has scarcely managed to enter the coverage of the Dominion satellite network before a quartet of corvettes were dispatched to intercept, signature analysis and IFF detection garnering swift attention. Less than ten seconds would pass before the group appeared a scant thousand kilometers away from brief TD jumps, active sensors blazing and targeting solutions already bearing on the representative vessel and its escort.

"Disable functional weapons controls and engines immediately, repeat, disable weapons controls and engines immediately. In violation of the commands issued by Cordon Command, your vessels are to be impounded immediately, and your personnel are now under custody."

The Dominion vessels were not wasting time, with firing solutions for multiple Stormbores set, the weapons themselves ready to fire. Battlescreens were at full strength across the formation, the lighter gauss weapons trained on the escorts with enough firepower to shred them in summary order.

Slower to make it's own jump, several dozen kilometers astern of the corvettes suddenly yawned a mammoth Genbu fleet-carrier, Dragoon fighters boiling from its bays while its own direct fire armaments, far heavier than its much smaller escorts, turned to sight the Aschen vessels.