A place for new and returning members to meet-and-greet other roleplayers. Farewell posts welcome as well. An introduction thread is mandatory for all new members.
Roleplaying Forums - General Out-of-CharacterAdvertise for roleplays, brainstorm & discuss ideas, post character sheets, and more. See our guides if you require assistance creating a roleplay: Single-Thread, Multi-Thread, and Epic Roleplay guides. All roleplays being advertised in the Bulletin Board must be hosted through Storyteller's Circle's public IC-forums. No off-site or exclusively PM roleplays may be advertised in the bulletin board.
A place to post interest checks for forum roleplays. Advertise new roleplays, and recruit players for your roleplays here. See our help forum guides if you require assistance creating a roleplay: Single-Thread, Multi-Thread, and Epic Roleplay guides. All roleplays being advertised in the Bulletin Board must be hosted through Storyteller's Circle's public IC-forums. No off-site or exclusively PM roleplays may be advertised in the bulletin board.
Roleplaying Forums - General In-CharacterRoleplay forums for general play-by-post roleplay threads. For people looking to join a roleplay, please go through the Bulletin Board to find roleplays accepting new players. Please don't jump directly into a roleplay in the In-Character forums without an invitation to do so.
Roleplaying forums for all of your traditional single-thread play-by-post roleplays. The roleplays here have already begun, please don't post in them unless you have been invited to. See the bulletin board is for joining roleplays.
Roleplay forums for large roleplays that require multiple threads to encompass the story. Guidelines for adding new multi-thread roleplays can be found here.
Epic Roleplay ForumsRoleplay forums for large and continuous, open-world roleplays with no singular plot-line or story resolution. Guidelines for adding new Epic Roleplays can be found here
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