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  • ItsFulgrim
    ItsFulgrim reacted to Azra's post in the thread By Crucifix and Kuji-Kiri with Like Like.
    There was a soft smile at response given, it all made sense of course. The powers shown were more of a ritual it took time. It was still...
  • ItsFulgrim
    ItsFulgrim reacted to Azra's post in the thread Blind|Fold with Like Like.
    Three Hours To Go The day started with a work out routine. Was in sweatpants and shirt she had worn to bed. Six laps around the...
  • pandakatiefominz
    pandakatiefominz replied to the thread How Green Becomes Wood.
    "Do you want to go to the petting zoo, Hummingbird?" Daizi asked happily, "I bet you do!" They headed that way, and after feeling Daizi...
  • pandakatiefominz
    pandakatiefominz reacted to BookKnight's post in the thread How Green Becomes Wood with Like Like.
    Alec gave Dark the gentlest of punches to the arm. "I'm not that bad!" "Yes you are," Xander said. "Fine, but you don't have to say...
  • pandakatiefominz
    pandakatiefominz replied to the thread How Green Becomes Wood.
    "I think if we were truly lost, I would just lift Alec onto my shoulders and have him navigate for us," Dark joked, arm-in-arm with his...
  • pandakatiefominz
    pandakatiefominz reacted to BookKnight's post in the thread How Green Becomes Wood with Like Like.
    "That sounds really frustrating," Xander said, ignoring his parents lovey-dovey moment. "Good job finding the exit! I don't see it...
  • Azra
    Azra replied to the thread Blind|Fold.
    Three Hours To Go The day started with a work out routine. Was in sweatpants and shirt she had worn to bed. Six laps around the...
  • pandakatiefominz
    pandakatiefominz replied to the thread How Green Becomes Wood.
    "That's true," Daizi mused, "Oh, the things that will never be. Maybe in another life." "In another life, you are fae," Dark told her...
  • pandakatiefominz
    pandakatiefominz reacted to BookKnight's post in the thread How Green Becomes Wood with Like Like.
    "Iron would keep out the fea creatures, too, which might be a good thing depending on which wants to meet you," Alec mused. "A...
  • Azra
    Azra reacted to ItsFulgrim's post in the thread Blind|Fold with Like Like.
    Emil was certainly there—not only had he arrived on time, but earlier than expected. He wasn't sure if this bothered the others, nor did...
  • Azra
    Azra reacted to Mickey Flash's post in the thread Blind|Fold with Like Like.
    Oh Shit! I’m late, I’m late, I’m late! Jessie ran to the building she was told was the meeting place. She didn’t run too fast, because...
  • Azra
    Azra reacted to Katpride's post in the thread Blind|Fold with Like Like.
    There were six of them. Doll rolled the number under her tongue. Six. Seis. It didn’t sit quite right, no matter the language...
  • pandakatiefominz
    pandakatiefominz replied to the thread How Green Becomes Wood.
    "I suppose you will have to meet a conspirator then," Dark replied, but kept his gaze on his wife for a moment longer. "That's exactly...
  • Azra
    Azra reacted to Mickey Flash's post in the thread Open Blind|Fold with Like Like.
    Employee Intake Records What's your name? Jessie Pierce…. Most people call me Jessie, but my friends call me Jess. Ahem..sorry, I’m...
  • Azra
    Azra reacted to illirica's post in the thread Open Blind|Fold with Like Like.
    Looks good!