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  • pandakatiefominz
    pandakatiefominz reacted to BookKnight's post in the thread How Green Becomes Wood with Like Like.
    "You two play some strange games," Xander remarked. "No offense, but I think I'm done with people for today. I'm going to go sit in a...
  • pandakatiefominz
    pandakatiefominz replied to the thread How Green Becomes Wood.
    "Aw, love ya too, kid," Cooger replied, lifting Alec slightly off the ground as he hugged him back, "You two take good care of that new...
  • pandakatiefominz
    pandakatiefominz reacted to BookKnight's post in the thread How Green Becomes Wood with Like Like.
    Alec hopped up and came over to Cooger to give him a big hug. "Love you, Uncle Cooger! Drive safe!" "See you next week for some...
  • pandakatiefominz
    pandakatiefominz replied to the thread How Green Becomes Wood.
    "No, we have no plans for tomorrow," Daizi replied, bouncing Ivy, "We all deserve to rest after this week. It feels like it's gone on...
  • pandakatiefominz
    pandakatiefominz reacted to BookKnight's post in the thread How Green Becomes Wood with Like Like.
    "Well, that took a dark turn," Xander snickered. He pushed himself off Daizi's chair arm and stretched. "Any plans for tomorrow? Or...
  • pandakatiefominz
    pandakatiefominz replied to the thread How Green Becomes Wood.
    "Working limbs are better," Cooger said, stretching, "That one I can say for sure, I've broken my arm before and I've broken my leg...
  • pandakatiefominz
    pandakatiefominz reacted to BookKnight's post in the thread How Green Becomes Wood with Like Like.
    Alec looked at Daizi in confusion and started to say something but changed his mind at the last second. "Yes, I am sure it is. Working...
  • Azra
    Azra reacted to Faithy's post in the thread Blind|Fold with Like Like.
    Astrid hated awkward moments. Wait, hated wasn’t the right word. Was loathed good enough? No, but her brain wasn’t braining and she...
  • Azra
    Azra reacted to illirica's post in the thread Blind|Fold with Like Like.
    So. This was the team he was supposed to save the world with, this time. Zahir Torven was not impressed. He was choosing to be...
  • pandakatiefominz
    pandakatiefominz replied to the thread How Green Becomes Wood.
    "I can tell you what it's like..." Daizi said slowly, truly stunned someone would willingly choose to deprive themselves of something so...
  • pandakatiefominz
    pandakatiefominz reacted to BookKnight's post in the thread How Green Becomes Wood with Like Like.
    "An experiment in sensory deprivation," Alec said promptly. "Not likely to happen anyway," Xander added.
  • pandakatiefominz
    pandakatiefominz replied to the thread How Green Becomes Wood.
    "Why on earth would you want to blind yourself even for a short time?" Daizi asked, "If I've made this look glamorous I can assure you...
  • pandakatiefominz
    pandakatiefominz reacted to BookKnight's post in the thread How Green Becomes Wood with Haha Haha.
    "I dunno, but I guess you're going to find out," Alec said happily. "Meh, touching is overrated," Xander stated. Alec made a face at...
  • pandakatiefominz
    pandakatiefominz replied to the thread How Green Becomes Wood.
    "Maybe," Daizi agreed, "But I'll still be allowed to talk with him, and we still get to go to sleep in the same bed, so I can still...
  • pandakatiefominz
    pandakatiefominz reacted to BookKnight's post in the thread How Green Becomes Wood with Like Like.
    "Considering the fact that when you were away from work you were physically separated whereas now you'll be stuck together in the same...