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  1. Script

    CoR From the Ashes...

    Snow felt the shift in the atmosphere as an instinctive bristling on the back of his neck before he saw, heard, or even smelled anything out of the ordinary. It had him stopping mid step, eyes turned up as the first cluster of crows were perching nearby. That instinct was reinforced when more...
  2. Script

    CoR In For a Penny, In For a Pound

    "What the..." Lark hadn't even finished his expletive before it was over. Between fire-breathing wolves that could move faster than he could think, and Ragenard pulling out yet another ace from his bag of tricks that Lark hadn't seen or heard of before, he suddenly had a lot of questions he...
  3. Script

    CoR From the Ashes...

    Snow stayed silent as he began to methodically dig through the ashes of the pack's old home. Everything stank of smoke, making finding anything by scent impossible even for his senses. They would be doing this the hard way. The Den might barely be a skeleton now, but it was still easy enough to...
  4. Script

    CoR In For a Penny, In For a Pound

    The fire-breathing wolf had almost moved faster than Lark could track. Jimmy blurred past him at breakneck speeds, and by the time he'd spun around to follow him, he was already halfway to the door. Xandre's gunshot came just a second after Lark had started running, but it barely even slowed the...
  5. Script

    CoR In For a Penny, In For a Pound

    "What the..." Lark had quickly backstepped away from the kid when he immediately shifted, ready to defend himself if needed, but primed to try and talk him down. That was, at least, before he started spitting fire. That particular surprise left him speechless, and a half-second later, he was...
  6. Script

    CoR In For a Penny, In For a Pound

    "Soften him up, huh?" Lark huffed a laugh. "Course he did. Can't say I'm much for kicking kids in cages myself, though. I prefer to catch my flies with honey. How 'bout I give my way a try, and if he flips out we can revisit the kicking idea?" He took the offered key and turned to regard the...
  7. Script

    CoR In For a Penny, In For a Pound

    It was about thirty minutes into Xandre's wait that the sound of an arriving bike interrupted the silence that had otherwise only been broken by the steady breathing of the unconscious teen he was watching over. The pitch of the engine was enough to inform him that it wasn't Ragenard arriving...
  8. Script

    CoR From the Ashes...

    Like Desmond, Snow had yet to move from where he'd dismounted his bike, leaning against it with his arms folded and his expression darkly stoic. It wasn't his first visit to the ruins any more than it was the others, but nonetheless, looking on what remained of the home-away-from-home he'd grown...
  9. Script

    CoR Late-day robbery

    "Wouldn't ever pressure them into something they didn't want," Lark replied with a placating smile. "But I can't exactly stop 'em coming around if they want to. Maybe work on being nicer to live with than a bunch of street thugs, and they might not be so eager?" he added with a wink. "Just a...
  10. Script

    CoR Late-day robbery

    "Ah, Thorje, perfect timing," Lark greeted the old man with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, but was convincing enough to at least not come across as sarcastic, and took the offered cash gracefully. "On both our parts, turns out," he added, nodding to the unconscious, half-shifted wolf...
  11. Script

    CoR Late-day robbery

    Lark caught the can of spray paint mid-air, grimacing as the situation continued to escalate. He'd taken a step forwards to wade into the fray himself, when the door swung in and Xandre made one of his classic entrances -- gun first. "Not that one," Lark replied with a snarl. The kid was about...
  12. Script

    CoR Late-day robbery

    If it wasn't for just how absurd the situation had been, Lark might have responded it sooner. As it was, by the time he even processed the sound and smell of spray paint, he was immediately having to process the smell of piss. He and the girl behind the counter - who had gotten halfway to...
  13. Script

    CoR Late-day robbery

    Sure enough, no more than a minute later the hum of Lark's own set of wheels announced his arrival. The younger wolf pulled over across the road from Xandre and gave him a quick nod, but didn't waste time making idle chatter -- this was just one in a chain of stops they'd made so far today, and...
  14. Script

    CoR Lark & Kori

    "Eh, bad news by association." Lark replied with another smile and a shrug, nodding for Kóri to follow as he started walking. "C'mon then, my place isn't far. Apologies in advance for the mess..."
  15. Script

    CoR Lark & Kori

    "I'm fine with it if you are," Lark replied, clearly sensing their hesitation as he held his hands up in an appeasing gesture. "No catch or strings attached included. I'd just feel shitty if you ended up having to sleep rough - that shit's not safe even on our turf."
  16. Script

    CoR Lark & Kori

    Lark just laughed again at Kóri's indignant response, shooting them a lopsided grin and shrugging again. "Hey, I can't claim to be an expert on fox sizes, but I'm just saying by comparison..." he chuckled and waved a hand, shaking his head. "I'm just messing with you. Anyway... if you want, I...
  17. Script

    CoR Lark & Kori

    Lark chuckled, flashing them a smile. "Thanks. I figure it might be a little patronising to tell you you're adorable as a tiny fox, but... guess I did it anyway?" He smirked and shrugged. "I don't think you're gonna get away from that one -- I've never met another fox shifter, so you're probably...
  18. Script

    CoR Lark & Kori

    "Works for me!" Lark chuckled, hailing the bartender to settle his own tab as well, and before long the two of them had headed out from the bar into the street, where they ducked into a nearby alley to shed their clothes and shift. Lark's wolf form wasn't especially imposing by the standards of...
  19. Script

    CoR Lark & Kori

    "Well hey, that's at least one bit of relevant experience," Lark remarked with a chuckle. "Dunno if you're gonna find a library to get hired on at, but you can probably swing that as experience for a lot of admin things. I'm probably not the best person to ask about this kind of thing, though. I...
  20. Script

    Character Sheets

    Name: Adair Blaisdell Nickname: Snow Age: 23 Gender/Pronouns: Male, he/him Species: Werewolf (born) Orientation: Gay Race/Nationality: Aanaran (Lutetian Citizen) Occupation: Affiliation: Bloodstones Regeneration: Yes (rapid) Silver Allergy: No Other Traits: Enhanced senses, enhanced reflexes...