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  1. Aera

    Equinox Althourne

    "Ah, yes, the capital!" The servant snapped, golden orbs fully opened to reveal her surprise. The idea of going to the capital had almost slipped her mind. With another uncertain glance towards the garden Lythe began to start towards the castle with Henrike, the Beringar's hand maiden now lost...
  2. Aera

    Equinox Althourne

    Her mistress was right, to an extent. Many of those who've met the Beringar would walk away with disappointment apparent in their faces, somewhat fazed by the unexpectedness they'd just been presented with. However Lythe had recently overheard two maids gossiping of a certain lord who has...
  3. Aera

    Equinox Althourne

    Fortunately, no, his majesty has not.” Moreau started, proceeding to walk beside albeit slightly behind her lady. “I believe all we currently have is the visit to the capital to represent all of Zeelow,” the servant added with a hint of sulkiness. As beautiful and grand one may think of the...
  4. Aera

    Equinox Althourne

    Mental unrest was evident in her lady’s tone as she spoke causing the servant to give a slight chuckle, one hand partially covering the mouth. “It seems both of us had our moods spoiled.” With another sigh Lythe began to fidget with her apron. “About that. The bags are all packed. Everything’s...
  5. Aera

    Marching band championships aren't always that exciting. Especially when you have to wake up at 3am

    Marching band championships aren't always that exciting. Especially when you have to wake up at 3am
  6. Aera

    Equinox Althourne

    Two years of service under Henrike Beringar, a flock of maids under her supervision, and her own steed to ride beside her lady during their travels. Such is the life of Lythe Moreau, an over glorified example of a servant. Being the most trusted hand-maiden to Zeelow's Marshal was quite a...
  7. Aera


    Pfft. I really liked it so I decided, why not like all of it? I'm considering replying to Zeelow. Just haven't thought of what type of character I'm going for. Ah, yes. The flute takes time and dedication. Maybe you should try it again if you ever get the chance :P
  8. Aera


    Will do :) Thanks very much!
  9. Aera


    Certainly. I've gotten my way around and found quite a few interesting role plays that caught my attention. ^^ Ooh, I've tried playing the guitar. In vain, unfortunately. Thank you for the warm welcome :)
  10. Aera


    I've never been to a roleplaying site such as this so I'm super confused to say the least. Anyway, this is my first introduction thread so wish me luck. The name's Aera Sol. I'm a musician who excels at the flute. I don't really do anything on my free time except play League and maybe write...