I am approved and I am looking. I did get up a request thread. By any chance did you have one as well? We can see what we're looking to do and collaborate on ideas.
Remarkable and unworldly at the same time, thought the woman as she leaned over with her head brought upon her shoulder in examination of the afternoon sky above her. Round piercing eyes of vibrant green stared at an off blue almost gray sky where the thick clouds nearly covered the entirety of...
Well, I feel like I was able to get my point across of what I'm looking for without having to have a whole bunch of rules and what not.
If you are interested cool, if not that's cool too. Ultimately, it's up to you if you want collaborate on a story or not. If you feel we share interests in...
Before I get started, I should say at the most there may be a possibility of some language and violence occurring during the roleplay given the themes so a bit of a warning if it isn't your cup of tea. Also, while I am not intending to exclude anyone I am looking for partners above eighteen...
Thank you very much!
But you got to me, that's what matters. Alright, sounds like a plan. I'm more of a 1x1 roleplayer. I have done groups but I prefer 1x1.
Furnace Of War
To say he wasn't distrustful of humans would be a lie, in fact, the contempt spread equally toward all other races of Melisander-the world-but it stemmed from a bloody history long before he had even been a thought in the minds of his parents the history of which the world was...
There's nothing wrong with that. I actually played a little bit of W3 Wild Hunt before my husband got his hands on it though I might give it a go again if time permits me as I believe there's over 200 hours of gameplay.
Thank you! I appreciate it. I'm still working on a request thread. You...
Thank you! Ah, that's always a good thing. Maybe when I get settled we might start up something. Of course I would gave to get a rquest thread up but you know what I mean lol.
A fellow Witcher fan, awesome! I can't wait for the second season of it.
Oh, I have a couple of ideas in the works along with some old ones I stand to spruce up a bit before posting them. That also includes a request thread eventually.
I am finding everything pretty much okay. I don't have any...
I just finished The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel 3. The aftermath of it still lingers with me so it might be a little bit before I start something else.
It has been a while since I have last explored an online community or participated in a roleplay so you'll have to excuse my first few moments of being rusty. That aside, hello, I'm Phantom Glimmer or Phantom if you would like a roleplayer of sixteen years save for a couple of years where I took...
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