CoR Desmond & Chloe


Draconic Administrator/Mentor
Desmond's House
as written by Tiko and Knosis

The walk had been grueling, the heat had picked up and the humidity was high. Though, Chloe had been oblivious to it all. She had kept walking, eyes glassy until she had gotten to her destination.

It had become routine that the wolf side of her would sort of control her human body to make sure the pair of them got to a safe destination after these events. It was clumsy and tedious and always irritated the wolf quite a bit. How could this silly girl keep getting attacked when she was trying to warn her?

Regardless, the wolf was stuck until the human’s consciousness came back. Until then she was at least at home, sitting where she’d been that morning. She leaned against the stool and was stuck staring at the wall.

Chloe blinked, finally coming to eventually. Panic slowly overtook her, her breathing becoming rapid. She gripped her head and began to rock.

When Desmond arrived home to find Chloe rocking in place atop the stool his demeanor immediately shifted to one of alarm as he rushed to her. He took her chin in a gentle hand to lift her gaze up and get a good look at her. His brows were furrowed in concern, but he saw no injuries.

"'ey, what's wrong? What 'appened?" he asked.

He could hear the racing of her heart and feel the adrenaline coursing through her. The panic rolled over him, but he didn't let it pull him in.

He embraced her tightly.

"Whatever it is, it'll be alright," he assured her.

She was trembling, pure adrenaline pumping through her while her panic attack continued. She barely heard Desmond as he spoke to her, and as soon as she could she clung to him as tightly as she could.

She started trying to ground herself, using his touch and his voice as one of the objects and sounds she needed. She gently touched his shoulders and his hair with trembling hands, listened to his voice and the leaky faucet in the bathroom. After a while, she started taking larger breaths to slow her breathing.

Finally, she tried to find her voice. “I-It.. It's happened again..” Her voice shook and cracked slightly. “I c-can't remember anything f-from leaving the w-warehouse..” She finally looked up at him, worry in her eyes. “T-that was hours ago. I don't remember. I don't remember how I got home.

She was having to keep herself from panicking all over again, but keeping hold of him helped.
as written by Tiko and Knosis

“Hey, hey hey,” Desmond said as he held her tight with one arm around her, and a hand on the back of her head. “It’s okay. You probably just shifted again. This is good you see? You’re scared, but think about it. Hours. Out there for hours doin’ who knows what in the city, and no one was hurt. Things are gettin’ better. They are.”

He didn’t let her go, willing himself to believe what he was telling her. He had never seen someone with such a strong divide between their human and wolf halves. Initially he had mistook it for how new she was to shifting, but it was proving deeper than that. Weeks later she still blacks out every time. They had yet to recreate the successful harmony they had reached that first time shifting in the woods. She had grown noticeably less volatile though.

“Other than Liam, when’s the last time you had a go at someone?”

Chloe continued to tremble, but more because the adrenaline was dropping than panic. She thought about his question, another deep breathe. “N-not since.. the b-big fight with the S-scions..” She murmured into his shoulder.

She wanted to believe what he was saying. She really did. But there was one question that kept egging her on.

“Desmond.. I've never shifted without being aware and have kept my clothes intact..” She said. “And even if I some how got them off before a shift.. the wolf never brings them with me…” She paused, and pulled away to look him in the eyes. “I'm in the same clothes I left the house this morning…” She left the implied question for him to interrupt, not trusting herself to voice it.

“Shh. The important thin’ is that you are fine, and no one is hurt,” he told her.

He tried to sound comforting, but he couldn’t rid himself entirely of the worry that his words carried.

“Hey, I know. Come sit down in the living room while I look for something real quick,” he suggested.