Duskbound (A Fantasy Roleplay) [Sign-Ups + Discussion]

Okay I've posted! So in a nutshell:

1) People are getting enlisted, and guards will be visiting people in their homes to find suitable people. All those who helped with the crow demons, would be getting a visit from the guards later in the day. You can go ahead and post this part too, if you wish, If you want to add more to your post instead of just the town meeting (or likewise, you can get creative as to how they get enlisted).

2) Anyone that was staying at Hainer's house: Feel free to control Ross or do whatever you need to do before heading to the meeting. Ross would have most likely notified your character of the town meeting that was happening.

And that's it! The role-play will get slightly more open from here on out (especially once the hunt begins), so I apologize if it seems a bit linear as of right now. I haven't heard from Bygone and Kayden in a while, so I will check up on them as well to ensure everything Is okay and they didn't drop out :)
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Made a small post :) Work has been grilling me lately, but I'm in the clear now :) Will definitely be posting more frequently now!

Maybe Victus can be a voice of reason, and take the group to the Church to see if there's any books on demons (if he's going to go there anyways to meet with Father Joseph)?
I plan to head over to the church to meet Father Joseph, but the team's kind of broken up right now so it's difficult to get them all gathered together. I'll hold off on replying for now as we work this through, I can go over to the Dhenari and Hainer as they caught his attention, and he does plan to head to the blacksmith at a later point to get his armor and weapons a bit of maintenance.

Dragging them over to the church may be a bit difficult though, especially if most are trying to get out of fighting the demons - Amalia may join avidly if offered though.

Leaving a spoiler for the post I was writing, I'll adjust it as we decide a path there.

Victus listened in as the mayor finished his address, watching as those around him either whispered or shouted their concerns. It was such a wide array of noises that he could hardly make sense of most of it, but the general feeling of the shouts let him know just what kind of emotions they were feeling. The guards, ever vigilant made sure it didn't escalate to violence but he still felt that this kind of resentment and ill-will would boil up and cause an even greater problem later on if it wasn't dealt with. Old rumors from his home-town always spoke about how negative feelings drew the demons towards them, which was rather unfortunate because the more demons that showed the worse the feelings became till everyone was dead or gone.

Sighing to himself, Victus started to move along as the crowd either gossiped or dispersed after the address. Many guards were busy speaking to the populace, some of the nobles were still there and broke off into groups - he noted that one was talking to the man from the night before who had rushed the beast with a borrowed blade. Was he planning to volunteer, like the woman who spoke up just moments before? As he moved along he watched as he approached the woman, the expression and posture that he held not speaking of a very friendly manner. Victus shook his head and moved on, it wasn't his place to step in there and if the woman was brave enough to scale atop the beast in addition to volunteer abruptly for the hunting party he was confident she could handle the man that had approached her.

For him, he had to focus on his work before worrying about the continuation of the hunting party. A few priests had joined the crowd to look over the announcements, and Victus made sure to find his way over towards them. "Hey, brothers!" He shouted to garner attention over the murmurings of the crowd. They had turned to face him with a somewhat questionable look, probably thinking the man a commoner before he shouldered his way through the crowd. His armor had been obscured by the masses, but as they saw him in his entirety as he got face to face - their insignia emblazoned across the metal that lined his arms. "My name is Victus,
Hainer still has his pamphlet that he obtained from another Church Follower earlier, so he may end up using that to gain access to the church to see what he can find to pique his interest on demons.

Bygone and Kayden have been largely unresponsive so I’m not sure what their current status with this roleplay is as of the moment, however, I think it’s safe to say to just focus on the active players when thinking of the post (I believe we were all for the most part in the town square, For the announcements).
I think Amalia can join in with the Church access, with Victus' and other Church members' permission ^^
Kayden and Bygone haven’t really given me an update on their whereabouts and if they still wish to partake in the roleplay, so sadly I think I will have to let them go.

That just leaves myself, Jag and Hydrangea and Dan! Does anyone wish to post, or shall I conjure something up and get it going?
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I'm ready to move on :)
Okay, I've posted. Geez that was long lol.

Anyways, some notes:

1) Sorry if it seemed rush. I wasn't planning on the post being like that, however, I think it's best if we start the Hunt.
2) Chapter 3 starts one week after our initial posts (so it's been one week in-RP universe).
3) All our characters are in Third Party. If you want to make any sort of side characters for yourselves, let me know! These characters for the most part would be side characters, and nothing major. There are other NPCs in the art other than our own characters, hence why I am giving you guys the option!
4) lastly, if you need to change your weapon or wardrobe, now is the time to do so. Weapons will be provided the Mayor.
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Okay posted! Feel free to introduce yourself to the group before fighting, if you wish. These are the NPCs I've introduced for the portion of this quest(Feel free to control them if you want!):

Name: Markus
Age: 27
A man of average build, and average height. However, he is rather skillful with a sword. He has a head of messy, medium-length brown hair and dirt on his face due to sweat and working on a farm. His clothing for the hunt mainly consists of a light yellow long-sleeved tunic, with a steel breastplate on top. He wears dark coloured pants with brown boots, and a sword belt that slings across his body, with his sword next to his hip. Markus is good natured, and dislikes moral conflicts. He has a certain disdain for demons, as his sister was killed the night prior from the Crow Demons.

Name: Gabriel
Age: 32
A tall, blue-eyed man with a rather athletic build. His hair is blonde, and tied into a ponytail that reaches just below the base of the neck. He is known among Ivesburg to be a skilled swordsman, seemingly never losing a duel. His attire for the hunt consists of a long-sleeved, light blue tunic, cream coloured pants and black boots. The tunic itself has a diamond weave pattern on it, and has a sword belt that slings across his body similar to Hainer and Markus. His sword is somewhat longer than a typical sword, giving him more reach. Should also be noted that he exudes confidence, and can be considered to also be cocky.

Name: Henrique
Age: 18
A younger man, somewhat tall. He is distinguishable by his very short, curly, light-brown hair, and thin build. His eyes are dark in colour, and his attire for the hunt consists of a baggy, black tunic with white sleeves, and light brown pants and brown boots. He carries around a reddish-brown satchel, that contains not only books, but as well as other knickknacks and a potion or two. He uses this satchel to collect and store ingredients. He carries two, long serrated daggers hidden under his tunic, on his belt. It can be said that Henrique talks a lot, however, he is a thief by nature and can be considered to have a silver tongue.

Name: Catarina
Age: 28
Catarina is a woman that stands around 5’7”, with straight, blonde hair reaching just below her shoulders. Although she may look somewhat thin, she is quick thinking and strong-minded. For the hunt, she sports a light green, hooded tunic that reaches just below her waist. The tunic is somewhat thin, for breathability and movement. Ontop of this tunic, she wears a red shawl that also has a hood. For pants, she wears form-fitting black pants with light brown boots. Although not visible, she also wears an amulet around her neck, in the shape of a stylized sun. Around her waist, she carries a rapier, although she realistically has no idea how to use it properly. It should be noted she has ability to use magic to some varying degree, although she keeps this hidden from the city to prevent punishment. She is rather level-headed, and logical, and thinks with her head rather than her mind.

Name: Wolfe
Age: 55
An older gentleman. Although he stands at around average height at 5’9”, he does have a rather solid, strong build. His hair is on the short side and grey, and has a scruffy grey beard to match. His hunting clothes are comprised of a maroon coloured tunic, with a steel breastplate ontop, alongside steel bracers around his forearms. He has a belt that slings around his body, with an attachment on the side near the hip, where he carries around his axe. Kenta is hardened and wise, often giving good advice when the situation calls for it. He doesn’t lose his cool easily and can be considered to have a voice of reason.
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Are we moving forward soon? Or waiting a bit longer? I'm ready to move ahead.

I am still very much wanting to be involved, but the last little while has been difficult due to some serious obligations in the real world I’d rather not discuss. I very much want to continue, but if you move on with me or “auto” Amalia for a bit until I can post, please feel free.

I am still very much wanting to be involved, but the last little while has been difficult due to some serious obligations in the real world I’d rather not discuss. I very much want to continue, but if you move on with me or “auto” Amalia for a bit until I can post, please feel free.

Hey Jag!

thanks for the update, I appreciate it :) I hope everything is okay, no need to discuss anything you’re not comfortable with! We will continue on until you are free, no worries at all, and will keep Amalia in the loop :)

I’ll try to have a post by tomorrow everyone!
Hey everyone, just wanted to do an update on everyone :)

I know these are crazy times right now, and just wanted an update to make sure everyone is doing well and still counted for :)