Okay posted! Feel free to introduce yourself to the group before fighting, if you wish. These are the NPCs I've introduced for the portion of this quest(Feel free to control them if you want!):
Name: Markus
Age: 27
A man of average build, and average height. However, he is rather skillful with a sword. He has a head of messy, medium-length brown hair and dirt on his face due to sweat and working on a farm. His clothing for the hunt mainly consists of a light yellow long-sleeved tunic, with a steel breastplate on top. He wears dark coloured pants with brown boots, and a sword belt that slings across his body, with his sword next to his hip. Markus is good natured, and dislikes moral conflicts. He has a certain disdain for demons, as his sister was killed the night prior from the Crow Demons.
Name: Gabriel
Age: 32
A tall, blue-eyed man with a rather athletic build. His hair is blonde, and tied into a ponytail that reaches just below the base of the neck. He is known among Ivesburg to be a skilled swordsman, seemingly never losing a duel. His attire for the hunt consists of a long-sleeved, light blue tunic, cream coloured pants and black boots. The tunic itself has a diamond weave pattern on it, and has a sword belt that slings across his body similar to Hainer and Markus. His sword is somewhat longer than a typical sword, giving him more reach. Should also be noted that he exudes confidence, and can be considered to also be cocky.
Name: Henrique
Age: 18
A younger man, somewhat tall. He is distinguishable by his very short, curly, light-brown hair, and thin build. His eyes are dark in colour, and his attire for the hunt consists of a baggy, black tunic with white sleeves, and light brown pants and brown boots. He carries around a reddish-brown satchel, that contains not only books, but as well as other knickknacks and a potion or two. He uses this satchel to collect and store ingredients. He carries two, long serrated daggers hidden under his tunic, on his belt. It can be said that Henrique talks a lot, however, he is a thief by nature and can be considered to have a silver tongue.
Name: Catarina
Age: 28
Catarina is a woman that stands around 5’7”, with straight, blonde hair reaching just below her shoulders. Although she may look somewhat thin, she is quick thinking and strong-minded. For the hunt, she sports a light green, hooded tunic that reaches just below her waist. The tunic is somewhat thin, for breathability and movement. Ontop of this tunic, she wears a red shawl that also has a hood. For pants, she wears form-fitting black pants with light brown boots. Although not visible, she also wears an amulet around her neck, in the shape of a stylized sun. Around her waist, she carries a rapier, although she realistically has no idea how to use it properly. It should be noted she has ability to use magic to some varying degree, although she keeps this hidden from the city to prevent punishment. She is rather level-headed, and logical, and thinks with her head rather than her mind.
Name: Wolfe
Age: 55
An older gentleman. Although he stands at around average height at 5’9”, he does have a rather solid, strong build. His hair is on the short side and grey, and has a scruffy grey beard to match. His hunting clothes are comprised of a maroon coloured tunic, with a steel breastplate ontop, alongside steel bracers around his forearms. He has a belt that slings around his body, with an attachment on the side near the hip, where he carries around his axe. Kenta is hardened and wise, often giving good advice when the situation calls for it. He doesn’t lose his cool easily and can be considered to have a voice of reason.