CoR Julienne & Ragenard


Draconic Administrator/Mentor
Julienne was lounging atop a stack of wooden crates and metal beams out behind one of the storage buildings at the railyard. This particular building was being used for building supplies as the pack had turned its attention to construction in the wake of Rowan’s death.

From the growing pile of cigarette butts on the ground next to the pile, she had been making use of the spot for some time. It was both close to the pack and offered her some element of privacy from being disturbed.

She took a long drag of her cigarette before stubbing out what was left of it and flicking it off the side of the pile to join the rest on the ground. She folded her arms behind her head and simply lay there watching the sky overhead. It was already lightening and would be dawn soon.

A great deal had come to pass over the past several weeks, and Julienne had been struggling to adjust to the upheaval. It wasn’t the violence or the crime that had unsettled her. It was the losses that had hit her hard. Young as she was, she hadn’t yet become hardened to such things.

When it came to managing her emotions, Julienne was greatly lacking. So she had largely handled it as she did most things that she was not comfortable with. By lashing out at everyone around her. She had always had a reputation for being irritable, but as of late she had been in spats with half the pack and was beginning to fray at everyone’s nerves.

Her recent argument with Desmond was only one of several. She was still simmering over that one. Ragenard’s decision to name Desmond as pack Second hadn’t sat well with her, and she had made little effort to be subtle about it. She never seemed to miss a chance to try and rub him the wrong way. It was petty and she knew it.

Maybe if the development hadn’t meant that Chloe was hanging around the place more, some peace could have developed between the two. But as it stood, Julienne had shown no inclination towards letting go of her grudge with Chloe, or her squabbles and spats with Desmond and the rest of the pack.
Despite her recent erratic behaviors, she was fairly predictable though. And it was here that Ragenard would find her easily enough.