No little precocious one, their Name is mine to drag through creation by victory's virtue and they won't be reaping anything without their thresher, not anymore.
Alaxel's thought came with a sickly smile, making no attempt to shield the timeless horrors he both lived through and perpetrated from being imprinted upon the surface of his mind and soul. Neither did he, however, press the issue. He continued to stare at a point in space just behind Silah's ear.
If there was one thing Alaxel dared to proclaim ultimate mastery over, let it be the folly inherent in overpowering life's nuance with his essence. He wouldn't make that mistake again, even if there was a chance that
force would have mended it. His personality mask chimed deep within his core, saving him from the perils of his reveries. Without a beat being missed, he reviewed Gabby's immediate outburst prior to his display—the momentary corpse juggling disconnecting him—and his smile deepened into a more genuine form as the youth stormed off for the moment in search of refreshment and freedom from his annoyances, reminding him of William. She'd be back in...
An infinite myriad of possibilities first trembled, and then shattered within Alaxel's gaze, as his ability to see the manifold futures was abruptly severed. Did he miscalculate? He didn't panic as he prepared to wield the universe in defense of his people, but when he took another glance...No. Wrong source. Shit.
Your future-sight, dearest?
The question reverberated throughout his being—the real one—and set his soul ringing lightly with chagrin. He tossed a quick glance again at the incongruity, but there was nothing to it. The Leaky Servo
was an extension of
her domain after all—a meaningless distinction however given he was hers regardless of locality—and if she wanted to make a scene for any with the acumen well...
Alaxel's perception fragmented smoothly, his personality mask coming alive and picking up the slack.
The main wonder and marvel engineered by Xilunexus as the answer to her most ancient duty came to life deep within Alaxel's Va'nyr implant, interfacing with the creature's bio-mechanical locking-linkage system—what was perceived as his body in three dimensional space—and modulating it in a complex accordance of what Alaxel was like, wanted to be like, and most importantly,
should be allowed to be like. As previously defined by himself, and ratified by a full Consensus meeting.
A form of self-puppetry, and voluntary bondage that was specifically required of all the Elo'Ran members within the Va'nyrian Consensus, as mandated by themselves.
Even as Alaxel's soul drew him inwards and beyond unto a concurrent and side conversation that only Gods and Va'nyrians could perceive, folding him unto himself, so did his personality mask effortlessly pick up the slack.
They," Alaxel answered Silah in proxy to himself. The man's physical form
undulated sinuously in the air as he stretched and bent in the air before somersaulting in place into a sitting position. "Call me a nuisance." His position in the air lowered slowly until he could be said to be occupying the same table, and a placid half smile occupied it whilst it awaited further input...
Meanwhile, within Alaxel
I thought our deal was that you'd give me a heads up before she wakes up, Alaxel thought morosely at Xilunexus as his mind, memories, intentions, his very essence was suddenly thrown open and gently rifled through.
You reneged. You didn't just cut your cradle's tertiary hardlink, you co-opted and irrevocably corrupted another of my auxiliary cores over to your pet dummy, Xilunexus replied.
"Just because," Alaxel retorted back—formless within a space that needed no definition but still a picture of exaggerated affront—"Abaddon cannot feel like you can, doesn't mean I don't have my feelings hurt on its behalf". He hoped in vain that she would stay and thus partially shield him by virtue of her presence, but the blasted synthetic entity just left him alone and deeply metaphorically naked.
"Some caretaker you are," he mumbled into the void, just as it exploded with meaning. A part of him couldn't pretend otherwise, any more than a part of her couldn't pretend but to feel it, but neither of them made note of it, politely. He wasn't in a void anymore, but rather he was an insignificant—not in scope, but in meaning—point standing before the source of all goodness, greatness, and awe-someness in every way that his soul knew to define it.
There wasn't any dark to give definition to light, nor air to give birth to his bark. No flaws with which to elicit the insult that was comparison. She forbid him, as she forbade all the Elo'ran, but that didn't matter, because the entity could never not worship the sublime perfection that stood before him with all of its names, which she had called to bring him out of non-existence and which literally fueled his very spirits...
That still won't get you out of the 'doghouse', husband, Nilin
, Va'nyrian All-Mother, Queen of the Elo'Ran, and forbidden Goddess of a Universe that Never Was, voiced to her beloved with a warning thrum.
It was a hassle sometimes, Alaxel felt, to be married to a being that couldn't help but train a piece of—dangerously long since shattered, fettered, but yet undiminished—omniscience on you every time she was mildly concerned. She didn't pause to give a moment to enact the pretense, easily inferring from his surface thoughts—their literal content being himself in the form of a cartoon crab, pinching her holy derriere—and the way they avoided anything of import, exactly what she'd already known the moment she awoke.
Nilin loved all of her children, not just the Elo'Ran. She would have reviewed all of their Va'nyr logs first, noticed the departure logs and then read him...
It is good you feel ashamed. William deserved better treatment there, my Starbreath. I approve of your penance, but be judicious when you leave my umbrella please.
It would probably be okay. Most of the futures he'd predicted turned out more or less in a helpful direction. He already had some ideas on how to put a thumb on the scale of fortune too. He wasn't the only one with complicated connections to siblings. In fact...
You should have been nicer to Xil. She will refuse you. The old that is young is in section 876e3, and the young that is old currently on shift with the Guild. Oh, and take little Senda, he could use the adventure to take his mind off other matters and his experience with siblinghood should humble you, but we both know it won't so...I love you, save them if you can.
He replied in a prayer, because it would annoy her. Then Alaxel winked and allowed his soul to snap back into the confines prepared for it within physical space.
...Alaxel's eyes flared with a small uptick in luminosity as he came back to himself truly, rather than simply the ghost of his personality. He looked around the Servo, bio-mechanical eyes alighting and spotting
an older looking gentleman who sat at a servo table that was a few hundred yards off from theirs. He paid Xilunexus one of his secrets—usury, but his house discount was currently frozen—and ordered the man another drink alongside an offer; '
Come to this table, and get a chance to make things right with your brother'.
Then he tilted his head to the right, his Va'nyr link uploading a bounty on his head from his Wayfarer's Point Exchange accounts with the Guild, specifically requesting the services of one
Ragenard Guiscard, to come meet him for further details.
"Yes, they do tend to call me a right nuisance," Alaxel added to Silah, as his Va'nyr link opened a connection to another, this one a direct one to another Va'nyrian, albeit a newly minted and inexperienced one:
Hullo Senda!
I heard your dad is still out on a mission so I can't ask for his help, but are you free?
I have a trip I could use someone with your experience with magic to help me with!