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Science Fiction Navy Building: From Empty Space to an Empire

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A mighty and grand fleet looming in space silently may be a mental image that inspires grandeur and awe, but the process of creating one is something that can seem titanic and terrifying. It is an undertaking that is sizable and time consuming, but like most things in life, it can be done if you set your mind to it and create a plan. Science fiction is something that is both interesting to many, and fun to write once you begin to delve into its depths and understand it, be it in nature realistic (known as hard sci-fi) or taking advantage of more fantastical elements (or soft sci-fi). The intention of this article is to go over steps that outline the steps to take to take the seed of your ideas for outer space and allow you assemble your armada piece by piece.

To this end, this article will be broken into two primary sections: the Navy Building Process and Ship Design. So without further ado, we shall move onto the first topic on our outline: The Navy Building Process...

Metagaming in Roleplay: What It Is And How To Avoid It

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Metagaming in Roleplay: What It Is And How To Avoid It

Metagaming in its simplest definition is the use of knowledge your character doesn’t have. It can come in many forms, though. Often, it is simply a lack of experience that leads to metagaming, but other times metagaming is utilized deliberately to gain unfair advantages over other players. This guide is geared towards helping the former to understand what metagaming is and how to avoid it. It is also to help recognize the latter type of player so as to avoid them...

Storyteller's Circle Highlights: April + May 2017

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Storyteller’s Circle Highlights: April + May 2017

As many of you know, we spent the last couple months easing off on general recruitment and site advertising to help give everyone time to settle in. This recap will be marking the end of that brief hiatus and a fresh new influx of new users soon to come! I'll start us off with our usual special thanks and recaps, followed by some hopefully exciting news.

Special Thanks

With our pause in recruitment our introduction forum hasn't been hopping as much, but I'd like to extend thanks to @Gwazi Magnum, @Kian, @Pokc, and @Silence for their efforts in keeping on top of our new arrivals during the interim. Every new arrival is worth equal attention and assistance.

In addition, special thanks are also afforded for @Script, @_BB_, @6purplecats, @romamaro, and @Pokc for taking the time to recommend our website to others. Nothing says 'I support this community' like giving your personal recommendation to friends.

And lastly, but certainly not least! A very special thanks to everyone who generously donated to the website these past two months. @Script, @marsbat, @Jomber. Nothing is more humbling than the members of our community that help to fund our website. Thank you.

New Roleplay Content

We have several new Epic Roleplays that have opened up their doors since our last recap including Planetscape GMed by @Southpaw, 1,000 Years After the End GMed by @Drakey, and Atlantis - City of Dreams GMed by @RyunaSiege. With our soon to be resurgence of new arrivals Epic Roleplays are a great opportunity to offer a home for large numbers of roleplayers and have historically been a key component to keeping large numbers of players engaged. We're always happy to see more of them open up.

In addition to our Epic Roleplays, we also had a new Multi-thread roleplay start up. War of the Ancients GMed by Shadowsong.

Though historically lagging behind our Epic Roleplays, our play-by-post roleplays have continued to vastly grow in number until they have taken a more prominent position on our website with over sixty different play-by-post roleplays active in the past two months! Congratulations to everyone who has worked hard to generate engaging content across our forums. In particular we would like to once again recognize Stahlheim College of Magic GMed by @ChelonianCommander as its rebooted roleplay proves as popular and engaging as its original. It is my sincere hope that in time our play-by-post forums will be filled with roleplays as lively and engaging as this one has proven to be for its players.

New Miscellaneous Content

Our creative forums continue to be a popular destination for new arrivals and older users alike with new additions in both the artwork and creative writing forums. @ChelonianCommander, @Raging Glowwworm, @Madame Waldegrave, @Veronica, @Arx11, @King Lurk, @Joshua Raxter, @★Under The Stars★, @Jannistory19, @Focusedheart, @Shadowwell, @Drakey, @Imperatus Rex, @Lucifer, @FriendA, @Monster the Vamelfaer, @MJK2431, and @Grimsby all have new threads in the creative forums. As a personal favorite area of the forums, thank you everyone for taking the time to showcase your non-roleplay creative works for everyone to enjoy.


What we're doing right: Despite our decision to take a brief hiatus on drawing new people to the site, the people we already have smoothly took it in stride. Our roleplays continue to bloom, and new content is regularly being made available throughout our forums. This assures me that our decision to ease off the gas for a few months was the right decision to give people time to settle in and work into their stride without being so overwhelmed. Keep the content coming!

What we need to work on: While we have had a large influx of roleplays opening up through-out our play-by-post forum, I have noted many prove short-lived. This is unfortunately a struggle faced by many roleplayers and GMs alike. Long-lasting and engaging roleplays help build confidence with new arrivals, and I would urge anyone who may be struggling with keeping their roleplays going to contact our Warden team for advice and assistance if desired. We have a vested interest in seeing everyone's roleplays succeed!

Sneak peak for June: With out recruitment/advertisement hiatus coming to a close we will be renewing our TopRPSite membership subscription and beginning a renewed push for votes. With high rankings on the TopRPSite always comes a massive influx of new arrivals. Everyone should be ready! If people have new roleplay ideas they've been wanting to get off the ground, or want to flesh out their current roleplays with new players then June will be the month fopr it! Definitely make sure you swing through our introduction forum to scout out potential candidates and to get to know the new arrivals. Since all new members are required to pass through there, it's a great place to find players for your roleplays.

I would also lastly like to take a moment to note that the large quantity of donations we received at the end of 2016 and beginning of 2017 had our server and site expenses paid up all the way through to June! That was a whole half a year! Unfortunately with June now arriving, so to has ended the surplus of donations funds. Anyone wishing to help out with maintaining our community, now's the time to do it! As always though, Dashmiel and I will personally see to any expenses not covered by donations.

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Hectic holidays, but aim for post spree tmrw. Yell at me if I don't
Happy Holidays 🥂 Cheers to the best forum I've ever been a part of, may you all continue to prosper.
Forgot I had an account here.

- Just finished Arcane season 2. It was ambitious and beautifully imperfect. Riding the fumes off of that for a few.

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