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  • Where's your avatar from? :eek:
    Its form the webcomic crawling city
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    Reactions: Hana
    Oh nice, I thought I recognized the art style. xD I'm subscribed to that webtoon.
    No problem Trust's been inactive for a long time so i decided to answer
    The cold echo of remembrance can cut deeper and sharper than any blade, for it is a scar etched in the mind, while the body may forget.
    Sometimes, you can be too focused on the goal and not see the solution, this is referred to as tunnel-vision. Take a break sometimes.
    Green, the colour of life and nature, my favourite colour. What is yours mysterious person inspecting my profile? What is yours?
    Black, the dominant color, the color that everything will inevitably become.
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    Reactions: Trust
    the time of the dark will only come at time's end
    Trust is probably one of the most deceiving things there are. It seems good, but it leaves you susceptible
    The only time I ever let myself ship people is in fire emblem games, and even then, I feel dirty for doing it xD
    Fire Emblem is weird do to ships (*Cough* Married your best friends daughter *cough* *Cough* Marrying the people who you thought was your sibling *Cough*)
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    Reactions: Trust
    **marries best friend, child comes back from the future and then marries one of your team members that was also in love with your husband**
    I am neutral, the one that walks on both sides of the path and changes freely, never sticking to a single side and always changing my mind.
    "Dead people receive more flowers than living ones because regret is stronger than gratitude" - Anne Frank
    Have you ever felt so alone that suddenly the silence seemed deafening? It's an unpleasant feeling, that of complete isolation.
    Almost everyone has the natural instinct of self-preservation. Yet most have another ability, where you care for others, how strange of us.
    Hmm.. Is it wrong to seek attention sometimes? I don't mean to make people angry or anything, but just to be noticed every now and then >.<
    when you think about it, are we ever really alive? We just seem to be a bunch of electrical charges hurrying about a biological circuit...
    If I am Trust, who is my opposite? Or am I merely neutral in the vast expanse of good and bad, and thus, without either a friend or enemy?
    Your opposite would be Doubt, and since both Doubt and Trust are both the same coin that just keeps flipping depending on the effects so yes your neutral.
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    Reactions: Trust
    I guess so. 'Tis a sad day to be Trust
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