
  1. illirica

    Open Blind|Fold

    Blind|Fold The first thing you need to know is that there's things out there. Beyond our world, beyond our knowledge. Maybe it's something you've heard of in stories that you know can't possibly be true. Maybe it's something you had a dream about - or a nightmare. Maybe it's something you...
  2. Dodoco King

    Along Came A Spider [OPEN]

    It was another day in Silson, Nevada where the landmarks were indistinguishable and you were an hour car ride from anything resembling a city. Whether you were taking a test, driving to work, or cutting class, the humdrum of every day life came to a halt with the sound of an airplane. Circling...
  3. Onyx Nightshade

    Open Onyx's plots and cravings~.

    Hello all! This will be my thread where I'll post ideas and simple pairings that interest me. If any interest you, please pm me so I can keep my thread in order. :)

    Interest Check Gun metal Knights

    I apologize for the double post! greetings! I am your crack headed story teller, and I’m looking to do a lot of world building. I have a busy scheudal but I’ve been working on an idea. I’ve hit a bit of a slump, I do not trust my own judgment, or my own abilities! With a world I’m building, I’m...
  5. pandakatiefominz

    Open Coffee shop One-Off Scene (Unless?)

    Hello! I don't really know how many responses I'll get for this idea, but it's been something I've been wanting to try out, and I thought it wouldn't hurt to post a thread about it. I want to do a RP where my character meets your character in a coffee shop (if you want we could change the...
  6. Moose

    Full Looking For Jaded Adults Who Have Retired (unwillingly) From Adventure [Narnia-like]

    Why weren't Lucy's first words after coming out of the wardrobe "shit! I have to go through puberty again?!" well, now we get to explore those adventures. Playing as jaded adults who grew up in a magic world and now have to deal with being kids again, this time in a completely mundane world...
  7. Sune

    Private The Truth of Life Everlasting

    The country side stinks of cows, horses, farm equipment, and factory smoke. The long road leads to the city of over crowded populations, angry men, and depressed young people not sure where to find their next job. At night, the city lights up with the clubs and night life, as well as the...
  8. Lucky

    Open Semper Ultrices Perfectionis

    There is a house that exists in the world. Ever-changing in its location. Ever-changing in its goals. Some say the house brings you to your ideal world, one where everything is perfect, where all the pain of your life has gone away and death is no obstacle. Others say that the house changes you...
  9. Kenico

    Interest Check Friends Based Roleplay

    Greetings again! I'm here with a new Group RP idea. Here's the basic: I've been re-watching Friends lately and got the idea of doing a slice of life roleplay where a group of friends get into various wild plots and generally have a good time. BUT with a twist, they're all Supernatural creatures...

    The Six Paths that lead to One

    Yello Story teller’s circle! Please read this took lots of time effort and some research to put together! Sorry if my style is gruff in the first few paragraphs ! I’m here to offer you yet Another High school super power setting. However I’ve got several twists on the formula. A proper...
  11. Wintergreen

    The Inner Circle 001

    9 years after the War against the Sacred Blood Cult... 8 years after the Witch - Wizard Dispute.... The population of this society has been weakened by the recent war...... The society divided by a great dispute against it's own...... Time heals all wounds..... But there will forever be a...
  12. L

    VR Goes Live (FXF, MXF)

    Sort of a Princess ant the Pauper kind of RP for our times, or perhaps a bit in the futire, up to you. Vanessa Rayond seems to have it all, her mom is a Governor, her father a doctor. They live in the Governor's mansion and she attends one of the most prestigious prep schools in the...
  13. L

    The Soul Of Vegas: The Western Quadrant

    It's cold. So cold. My denim jacket isn't thick enough to keep the cold from sneaking through the holes in my tee-shirt and brushing against my skin, a caress of ice that wanders wherever it wants chilling my veins with every breath I take. But the I'm used to being touched, being...
  14. Rachel Rider


    You wake up in a bare room, the soft white squares of the walls and the harsh light from the fixture hanging in the middle of the room making the room feel almost endless. The plastic bed you're lying on is cool on your skin, and the sterile smelling sheets is tangled around your form. Luckily...

    Adventures of the other Kind

    We all have supersetiouns some beilve in ghosts others the irrational fear of the dark. Some watch shows about the Unexplained or the mystical in world. If you are such a person Welcome to the Twilight Zone, the Witching Hour, the Life of a Hunter, the adventures of a third kind! I propose a...
  16. Vardoger

    Eidolon [Personal OC Gallery]

    Welcome to my character gallery. The actual one has become a pain to update, so I've moved it to this thread. Enjoy.~ Jump to: 1. Zahir Keen - A Ferift (animal/human shifter) Maned Wolf who wishes he were human. 2. Jiden Sparx - An Electrical Engineer claiming to be an inventor who just...
  17. ChojiYume

    World Tripping Prophecy

    Miandra Lucosia was a normal teen, well, except for the fact that she was a geeky nerd that loved games, anime and the like. She had very plain looks, brown hair, and brown eyes, with square rimmed glasses and a small frame, with super pale skin. Like any other teen, Miandra was bored with life...
  18. Enki

    Command and Conquer - The RP

    Heyo! So, me and @Widowmaker are looking for atleast one more rper interested in doing a rp in the Command and Conquer universe. It will either be a rp related to the life of civilians or rp where our characters are members of the Brotherhood of Nod. We could plausibly do a rp where our...
  19. Natalya Rostova

    Searching for partners! c: |mxf|romance|multiple genres|

    Hello all! If you're like me, there are certain things I immediately look for in a role-play partner before I even start to think about genres and such. So, if you'd like to skim through and look for some key words, those things will look like this. Hopefully we're compatible and you find it...
  20. Jasonchu

    Common Worlds

    When you were very young and still didn't understand why you were so different from most of the other kids, your parents sat you down and explained the truth to you. No religion is true, they are all just sweet fictions. There is no Arcadia, no Heaven, and no Valhalla. When you die, your...