But We Were Happy
A mysterious letter arrives, inviting you to a Valentine's Day Party. There is no return address, no way to know even how to get to the party. But you sure are bored and lonely, so it seems like a good idea to go- it wasn't. Once you arrive, you notice that a lot of other strangers are there. A lot of Single strangers. No one is quite sure the actual purpose of the party... at least until your host arrives and tells you that your objective is to get a date by the end of the night or there will be deadly consequences. The good news, it's only sunrise outside. The bad news, the doors are locked and there is no way out. Date or die.... the choice is yours.
1) All STC Rules apply.
2)No Godmodding/powerplay.
3)Duos are allowed (And can be from different cannons), oh, and nearly forgot the most important rule, the character must be single upon arrival. However, if you do a duo, the characters may NOT date each other as the party solution.
4)3 images/gifs per post. Mobile users don't want to be overwhelmed by your pictures and have trouble reading.
5)I plan to update as fast as possible, but this will be a main update on Sundays, Mondays and Tuesdays with sporadic short replies in between.
6)Be nice to each other
7) Have fun
Appearance: ( Image prefered, but description. Face claims, or random pictures )
Age (Optional since it is hard with some canons):
Canon ( Put OC if OC. If it's an OC from a specific fandom let me know):
Abilities/ Powers
Important Lore/ History about Them:
Extra Info:
Appearance: He has blond hair that is spiked and well groomed and brilliant blue eyes.He is quite well built and has white wings.He is six feet tall and typicaloy wears a red muscle shirt and a black leather jacket with jeans and sneakers.
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Faceclaim: Cam Gigandet
Name: Eros Valentino
Age: Unknown
Canon: Greek Mythology adaptation of the first Eros created
Abilities/Powers: Sexual manipulation, Desire manipulation, flight, super strength. immortality, advanced senses, archery.
Important Lore/ History About Them: Unknown
Extra:He owns a bow and love/ lust arrows. He was created on February 14th by Chaos. He's a god. ( Specifically of desire)
View attachment 4814
Faceclaim: Cam Gigandet
Name: Eros Valentino
Age: Unknown
Canon: Greek Mythology adaptation of the first Eros created
Abilities/Powers: Sexual manipulation, Desire manipulation, flight, super strength. immortality, advanced senses, archery.
Important Lore/ History About Them: Unknown
Extra:He owns a bow and love/ lust arrows. He was created on February 14th by Chaos. He's a god. ( Specifically of desire)
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