CoR Bonds of Blood

"At least the bear might taste better. Squirrel sounds absolutely disgusting. Maybe I'm not that hungry after all." She was lying of course and deep down she knew he would know she wasn't being truthful, but it seriously squicked her out. Aimée needed to take better care of herself and stop drinking her calories. When was the last time she had even had a decent meal? Longer than what was advisable being a werewolf, that was for sure. Had she been inadvertently trying to kill herself? Maybe at one point.

"Hm?" Her comment was directed towards Baron as he tossed her his jacket. Great, now he was going to be cold. It was his choice and she sure wasn't giving it back. Digging into the appropriate pocket, she retrieved her ammo before sliding the jacket on. That was much better.

"Thanks... I'm sorry I fucked up." Her voice was soft and Aimée wasn't just apologizing for this incident.

"I'm sorry dad felt like the only option was to betray you... well, the pack. I didn't realize he was that... err... off... upset? Whatever. I wish he would've talked to me. Actually talked to me, not at me. Been honest with me about everything. There's a lot of things I wish had been different when it came to how I was treated." Aimée sighed and as she spoke to Baron, replaced the ammo into her gun, temporarily putting it beside her.
"You didn't seem to mind Squirrel at Colette's," Baron told her with an amused snort. "It's not that bad. Kind of like rabbit."

At first he didn't seem to acknowledge her apology as he watched the fire flickering in the growing dark of dusk, but he was mulling her words over quietly.

"We all fucked up," he said finally. "Get something to eat and then get some rest. We should be back in the city tomorrow."
The minute the words were out of Baron's mouth, Aimée grew pale. He was joking, right? He  HAD to be joking! There was no way Colette had given her squirrel. Though, she hadn't asked, so maybe? Making a face, she curled up in a ball beside the log she had acquired.

"Gross. You could've warned me. I'm not hungry... so, you eat them." Aimée was thankful for the jacket and shifted her phone out of the pockets of the sweats. Placing it and the gun within grabbing range, she ended up sighing softly.

"I don't like rabbit either. They're too adorable to kill." Her voice was soft and even though he said they all fucked up, she still felt uneasy. No, not uneasy, sad. Rolling over to face the log, Aimée hugged her knees against her chest and cried herself to sleep.
"Suit yourself," Baron said.

He closed his own eyes but sleep wouldn't come easily to him out here. So he instead simply rested quietly listening to the sounds of the forest, and of Aimee nearby. Only once her breathing had slowed with slumber did he let his mind wander. Even still, the fire had dwindled to nothing more than the faint glow of embers before sleep finally came to him.