Just a Dream
- Multi-paragraph writer
- Responses are made a few times a week.
- I love playing more than one character. My characters are usually female I may play a side male on occasion.
- Prefer male characters to play against
- Open to suggestions.
- Plot ideas soon to come.
- My Characters
Potential fandoms:
This will be preferably as AU setting, I'll be using my own OC.
Because that's how I roll best.
My own ideas will be added to those particular ones.
Characters I realllly like are named and I would be extremely happy if someone played for me. But it's certainly not a requirement!
Final Fantasy : Have more of a summoner/guardian idea. Taking place along the lines of X. But other FF characters are welcome. A women on her pilgrimage ends up not wanting to sacrifice herself at the end. Along the way there is found another way. To take the Aeons summoner and produce an even stronger Aeon. One that will summon its counter part. But will she as well as her new summon be strong enough to 'convince' this other side to join and help destroy Sin for good?
• Inuyasha -(Sesshomaru) : I have a demon female as well as a young women who falls into the time period much like Kagome but not through a well. They are contrasting characters to add a bit more to the story line~
• Kingdom Hearts -(Riku , Cloud, Leon) : My character here is not a keyblade wielder. But more of a mage/healer who can help support a keyblade user. Thought that would be a fun twist as well as being able to traverse into other Final Fantasy worlds.
• Neverland (Pan) : A young women who visits in her dreams. She is known by Pan. One night he's had enough of her games in which he never wins so he goes to her and brings her back. I can play a handful of characters in this realm.
• Spice and Wolf : I just like the idea of a traveling merchant and a frisky wolf women. Lots of fun to be had~
• The Cruel Prince series : AU or spin-off down the line. I don't care. The books were wonderful and have me craving.
Pairing Ideas:
❀Master/Teacher x Student/Apprentice
❀Patient x Doctor : Asylum type setting
❀Vampire x Human
❀Shifter x Human
❀Fae/Elven x Human
❀Witch x Shifter
❀Samurai x Kitsune/geisha
❀Demon x Human contract
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