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"Once Upon a Time..."
She said this will help.
She said this can help.
But I don't believe her.
She knows how to stop this.
She says she can stop this.
But I can't believe her.
The risks are too high, I say.
The danger is too great, I say.
You have no idea what you're up against.
A familiar man walks in.
A familiar man wants in.
You have got to be kidding me.
He has a score to settle here.
He says he wants to join us here.
Is there any way to stop him?
There is no way to change their mind.
There is no way to stop them from this.
Is there any way to stop this?
Is there really...a way to stop this?
Summer came and went, as it does every year. But this particular summer was either the longest or shortest of your life, as what follows after is what will be the most important year of your life: Senior Year. This is the biggest year of high school, as you will be fully committing to your destiny, just as your parents did before you, and their parents did before them. It's exciting, and even a little bit scary, but you know that no matter what, you'll be prepared, for you're going to the one place that will teach you everything you need to know.
Ever After High.
Founded in 1812 by Headmaster Grimm, this school helps the future characters of fairy and folk tales ready for a future of fulfilling their role. Other schools in your realm help those with fates of lesser significance, such as minor nameless characters, but you? You carry a role that is very important to your story...and its survival. If you choose to give it up, then you and everyone else in your story could vanish! But luckily, no one will do such a selfish thing as that. Everyone has a part to play, and everyone will do so...especially since Legacy Day is at the end of this first week. That's when you sign yourself to your destiny for good, and the rest of the year will be used for final preparations for the life waiting for you.
However you arrive to school, be it carriage, or flight, or magical transportation, or even just walking, it feels good to be back. The same people you've known since freshman year are here, as well as the same teachers you've been in classes with since your first day. There's an air of sophistication here, and of enchantment...though to you, that's just normal. After all, your life is considered extraordinary to mortals, but it's just second nature here.
The school courtyard is where you arrive, dropped off and ready for your year at this school. The Village of Book End is just a fifteen minute walk away, in case you want to go to the Hocus Latte coffee shop or do a bit of shopping before noon, when you must meet back in the courtyard for the senior welcoming ceremony with Headmaster Grimm himself. The rest of the day is a free day, save for a party that you are sure will be hosted tonight; it's a tradition that when a member of the Medici family becomes a senior, they host a party for the rest of their classmates. Fun stuff!
For now, there are a couple of things you are more than welcome to do, such as:
With all that's been said and done...welcome to Ever After High. We're glad to have you back.
Cast List
@Lucky as Verde West [Wicked Witch of the West]
@ShadowCoyote0 as Hunter Wolf [Big Bad Wolf]
@Neko Shogun as Lina Blossom [Thumbelina]
@Crow as Fledgling [The Ugly Duckling]
@Takumi as Angel [Little Red Riding Hood]
@Gummi Bunnies as Crescent Houraisan [Princess Kaguya]
@Jeremi as Pyry [The Snow Queen]
@MelodyMeister as Caroline Lewis [Alice]
@Lissamel as Mortiz Pfeifer [The Pied Piper]
@York as Erin Wood [The Ill-Fated Princess]
@Archmage Jeremiah as Mallory Jekyll and Ms. Fortune [Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde]
@M a r as Olive [Rapunzel]
@Sark as Jean LeDompeteur de Beaumont [The Beast]
@Minerva as Georgia Pierce [St. George]
@Alex Azure as Hector Louis [Heracles]
"Once Upon a Time..."
She said this will help.
She said this can help.
But I don't believe her.
She knows how to stop this.
She says she can stop this.
But I can't believe her.
The risks are too high, I say.
The danger is too great, I say.
You have no idea what you're up against.
A familiar man walks in.
A familiar man wants in.
You have got to be kidding me.
He has a score to settle here.
He says he wants to join us here.
Is there any way to stop him?
There is no way to change their mind.
There is no way to stop them from this.
Is there any way to stop this?
Is there really...a way to stop this?
Summer came and went, as it does every year. But this particular summer was either the longest or shortest of your life, as what follows after is what will be the most important year of your life: Senior Year. This is the biggest year of high school, as you will be fully committing to your destiny, just as your parents did before you, and their parents did before them. It's exciting, and even a little bit scary, but you know that no matter what, you'll be prepared, for you're going to the one place that will teach you everything you need to know.

Ever After High.
Founded in 1812 by Headmaster Grimm, this school helps the future characters of fairy and folk tales ready for a future of fulfilling their role. Other schools in your realm help those with fates of lesser significance, such as minor nameless characters, but you? You carry a role that is very important to your story...and its survival. If you choose to give it up, then you and everyone else in your story could vanish! But luckily, no one will do such a selfish thing as that. Everyone has a part to play, and everyone will do so...especially since Legacy Day is at the end of this first week. That's when you sign yourself to your destiny for good, and the rest of the year will be used for final preparations for the life waiting for you.
However you arrive to school, be it carriage, or flight, or magical transportation, or even just walking, it feels good to be back. The same people you've known since freshman year are here, as well as the same teachers you've been in classes with since your first day. There's an air of sophistication here, and of enchantment...though to you, that's just normal. After all, your life is considered extraordinary to mortals, but it's just second nature here.

The school courtyard is where you arrive, dropped off and ready for your year at this school. The Village of Book End is just a fifteen minute walk away, in case you want to go to the Hocus Latte coffee shop or do a bit of shopping before noon, when you must meet back in the courtyard for the senior welcoming ceremony with Headmaster Grimm himself. The rest of the day is a free day, save for a party that you are sure will be hosted tonight; it's a tradition that when a member of the Medici family becomes a senior, they host a party for the rest of their classmates. Fun stuff!
For now, there are a couple of things you are more than welcome to do, such as:
- Go to the dormitory and get settled in your room
- Find your classroom and maybe visit with your core teacher
- Take a visit to the Village of Book End
- Mingle and chat with your classmates
With all that's been said and done...welcome to Ever After High. We're glad to have you back.
Heroics Course (taught by Pecos Bill)
Daisuke Mizuno
Georgia Pierce
Hector Louis
Caroline Lewis
Villains Course (taught by the Dark Fairy)
Mallory Jekyll
Hunter Wolf
Verde West
Rochelle Blackwood
Aurelio Law
Damsel Course (taught by Snow White)
Lina Blossom
Penelope Miller
Erin Wood
Trickster Course (taught by Scheherazade)
Jay Hood
Mortiz Pfeifer
Royalty Course (taught by King Charming)
Jean LeDompeteur de Beaumont
Ludovica Medici
Godiva Plum
Crescent Houraisan
Daisuke Mizuno
Georgia Pierce
Hector Louis
Caroline Lewis
Villains Course (taught by the Dark Fairy)
Mallory Jekyll
Hunter Wolf
Verde West
Rochelle Blackwood
Aurelio Law
Damsel Course (taught by Snow White)
Lina Blossom
Penelope Miller
Erin Wood
Trickster Course (taught by Scheherazade)
Jay Hood
Mortiz Pfeifer
Royalty Course (taught by King Charming)
Jean LeDompeteur de Beaumont
Ludovica Medici
Godiva Plum
Crescent Houraisan
Girls' Dorm
Boys' Dorm
Boys' Dorm
Cast List
@Lucky as Verde West [Wicked Witch of the West]
@ShadowCoyote0 as Hunter Wolf [Big Bad Wolf]
@Neko Shogun as Lina Blossom [Thumbelina]
@Crow as Fledgling [The Ugly Duckling]
@Takumi as Angel [Little Red Riding Hood]
@Gummi Bunnies as Crescent Houraisan [Princess Kaguya]
@Jeremi as Pyry [The Snow Queen]
@MelodyMeister as Caroline Lewis [Alice]
@Lissamel as Mortiz Pfeifer [The Pied Piper]
@York as Erin Wood [The Ill-Fated Princess]
@Archmage Jeremiah as Mallory Jekyll and Ms. Fortune [Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde]
@M a r as Olive [Rapunzel]
@Sark as Jean LeDompeteur de Beaumont [The Beast]
@Minerva as Georgia Pierce [St. George]
@Alex Azure as Hector Louis [Heracles]
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