How Green Becomes Wood

At first, Ivy started crawling towards Daizi, because she was, ultimately, more bonded with her mother than anyone else, but then she stopped, sitting up again, watching Xander walk around the house, and began to follow after him. Where was he going? He walked really fast, she couldn't crawl that quickly, so she squeaked loudly as she tried to follow him around.
"I refuse to believe that, I carried her in my body for eight months." Daizi replied blandly. "He's just moving around and she's curious."

She squeaked again, crawling closer to Xander and, upon reaching him, grabbing his pant leg.
"I am out-interested!" Alec moaned, flopping over so his head landed in her lap.

Xander leaned over and gently tugged on the back of her clothes. "Well, squeak, squeak, squeakers to you, too."
Alec heaved a sigh. "I'm losing my edge if merely walking around is more interesting than me."

"Clunk," Xander said dryly, watching her. He started to move away, but he was still being held by Ivy. "Well, I guess I'm stuck here, huh? Are you not interested in letting me go?"
"If you were also walking around it might've been different," She consoled him, "but you were sitting. That is much less fascinating."

"Ah," was all she could say. She bounced once, her face pointed up towards him, still resting her cheek against him.
"Alright, then!" Alec scrambled to his feet and struck a pose. "Then let's see if I'm more interesting now." He started dancing around slowly, doing a couple of twirls.

Xander glanced toward Alec and then down at Ivy. "Look at that. The dance of the loon. It's quite an impressive display. You wanna chase after him so I can finish looking for random junk left behind?"
"I didn't expect a baby to make you so insecure," Daizi couldn't help but laugh, staying seated on the floor, "What would you have done had she crawled to me?"

Ivy looked over at Alec and then back up at Xander, laughing like only a baby could. After a few moments though, she did let go and crawled over to her other brother.
Alec almost said something about the fears of the very early days of her pregnancy but quickly caught the words before they could escape. Instead, he just answered her question. "I'd have been disappointed but understand because you're her Mama!" He spotted Ivy crawling toward him and cheered. "Bravo! Hi, Ivy! Hi!"

Xander watched her, amused, and then headed off to finish looking through the rental. He returned to Dark after a bit and reported, "I checked everywhere except your room."
"I am her Mama," Daizi grinned, but then, listening closely said, "We need to sew bells on all of her clothes when we get home. It's hard for me to tell exactly where she is, and this is a much smaller space than our house."

Just as Xander was stepping out, Dark was shutting the trunk, "Good. You may have regretted it, otherwise. I am going to check my bedroom now, but I think we have anything. Hopefully Ivy has been successfully exercised so she will not fuss the whole trip."
"That'll be fun!" Alec chirped. He reached down toward Ivy. "Ivy, come dance with me! Come have a little fun before we're stuck in a car!"

"If Alec has anything to say about it, she'll be exhausted," Xander remarked, choosing to stay out by the car and wait.
Even after being stood up, there wasn't a whole lot Ivy could do, but she was having a great time. Soon, though, Dark poked his head into the house and said, "We have a long drive, we really should get going." which Daizi couldn't argue with, so she asked Alec to put Ivy into her car seat, since he already had her.

Dark drove slowly leaving the beach town, so the twins could get a good last look, if they wanted, and he had the windows rolled down so they could all smell the salt and hear the waves as they left. Daizi reached one arm over and traced little circles on Dark's right arm, since it was resting on the center console as they left. It wouldn't be until the next day that they'd make it home, but they were on their way.
Alec hugged Ivy tight and gave her a playful nuzzle before gently placing her in her car seat and making certain she was properly buckled. Then he and Xander loaded themselves in and settled down for the long trip back. When Dark rolled down the windows, Alec leaned out and took several deep breaths in. Xander stuck his head out but didn't lean as far as Alec, still enjoying the smell and the feel of the air.

"Bye, ocean! See you again sometime!" Alec called, waving goodbye before settling back.

"You were the best," Xander told the beach.
"It was the best," Daizi agreed as they drove away. "What was your favourite parts?"

Immediately, Dark settled on going skinny-dipping with his wife, but that wasn't an acceptable answer in front of his kids, so he shared his second favourite, "Building our sand kingdom. It was enjoyable to collaborate all of us on something, and it looked rather impressive at the end."
"The sandcastle!" Alec cheered while Xander quietly said, "Sandcastle."

"I think dolphins was my second favorite, but it was also a lot of fun to explore the boardwalk," Alec mused, thinking both when he and Xander explored alone and as a family wearing stupid shirts.

Xander considered. "The boat was my second," he said slowly, "but the boardwalk was fun. Maybe tied."
"What about you, Spider?" Dark asked, glancing over at his wife, "What was your favourite part?"

She thought about it for a few moments before breaking out into a grin, "Parasailing. I got to fly, and it was one of the coolest things I think I have ever done. Running away after wasn't too bad, either. But I really loved parasailing."
Xander smirked as he stared out the window. "Parasailing was epic."

Alec grinned as he looked at his nails. "Getting a manicure and ice cream was so much fun while you two were practicing your flying skills."
"I am glad we did that. It has been a long time since I last had my nails painted. I like it." As they drove, Dark told Daizi and Xander about the woman who praised him for 'babysitting' his kids and Daizi told him about the tidepool. They both told the twins about parts of their date--the restaurant, the extra private little beach they found, but didn't share many more details than that.

"I kind of wanted to find a shop to get a new ear piercing," Daizi said idly, "But then I decided getting a piercing while traveling probably would be a great way to get an infection."
"Where would you get it?" Alec asked curiously. He didn't understand piercings. Or tattoos. Tattoos he somewhat got. They were painful works of art. Piercings were just holes to shove bits of metal into.

"I've been thinking about getting my ear pierced again," Xander said, musing on the potential.