How Green Becomes Wood

"It's not ideal but it's better than me losing her." Daizi said flatly. It wasn't like she loved the idea of it, it was a necessity. If it was annoying, they'd just have to get used to it.

Dark looked quickly up at Xander, giving him the look, but didn't say anything.
Xander looked at Dark and shrugged. What? It was going to be annoying. A lot about Ivy was annoying. That was an inescapable fact.

"I think it's going to be cute. Like Santa Reindeer or something," Alec stated. He stretched. "Anyway, I want to take a shower in my own home! I think I still have sand stuck to me."

Xander rolled off the couch and stood up. "I'm up first, so that means I get in first."

Alec blew a raspberry at him. "You just want in because I wanted in!"

Xander snickered and headed for the stairs.
Dark rubbed his forehead, not wanting to get into how calling something they needed to do for accessibility was probably an inside thought. But even if he thought it was the time for that conversation, the twins were already hurrying upstairs, so instead he just let it go.

"I should check on my garden," Daizi said, handing off Ivy, "I'm sure Cooger did right by it, but I want to be certain."
The twins showered and then went to hang out in their room, each on their own bed, finally enjoying space apart from each other and the rest of the family. It likely wouldn't last long, but for now they were happy. While they were relaxing, they sent pictures and texts to their friends letting them know they'd arrived back home and that they had brought back souvenirs. Now. How to best get their gifts to the intended recipients?
While everyone else was away, Dark spent some time tossing Ivy gently and repeatedly onto the couch, to her absolute delight.

Milo, who had nothing going on over the summer, replied pretty quickly, I hope it was a good vacation. I always really liked the ocean. before also assuring them he didn't need any souvenirs, but thanked them.

Sloan took significantly longer to respond, and when she did, she sent a video of her doing a backflip with the text, "Me when my friends are back" pasted over it. Although, judging by her more dramatic hair and makeup, despite just being in her gym, she was in the middle of something else.
Xander didn't bother telling Milo he'd gotten the souvenir for him and wouldn't know what to do with it if he didn't hand it over to him. Instead, he asked, Doing anything this week? Maybe we could hang out sometime.

You look fantastic! Is that a competition?
Alec asked Sloan. He sent it as a group text with Xander included so the three of them could talk together without Sloan getting two sets of the same questions.
No, I'm not busy. It'd be cool to do something. Milo tried a few times to think up a suggestion of something they could do without much luck. He knew he was supposed to suggest something, that's how friendship worked, but he was completely drawing a blank. Was mini-golf cool? Was that something people did? Bowling?

Nah, I'm not competing. I was just goofing off with my teammates making a routine I could never actually compete! Sloan replied, It's what I've been up to pretty much all week.
Cool. I'll have to check schedules and then maybe we can figure out what to do, Xander said, used to Milo not having an immediate suggestion.

Really? That's awesome! You gotta show us sometime! Alec told her.
Summer school is over now, so I have nothing going on Milo texted back So I'm free literally always now. It's been really boring, actually.

Sloan quickly texted back, We're filming it today, that's why I look like this!
*We've still got the band stuff every other weekend plus practice, qnd Alec is looking to maybe get a part time job. I think he's got an interview in a few days. How about we do something day after tomorrow?" Xander suggested.

No way! So cool. Hey! If you're not busy this week, want to get together and do something?
That sounds good. How is the band going? Milo asked, looking across his room at his bass guitar. In dealing with the boredom that comes inherent with his first summer in one place in... ages, he had been playing it a lot more.

Sloan frowned at the phone. Then, sighing, texted back, I'm not too busy! I'd love to do something, we gotta get that time in before school starts again. Can you believe it's already mid-July?
It's alright. Not bad. You should come to one of our practice sessions and jam with us sometime. It'd shake things up, Xander invited. Bring your bass and I don't mean the fish.

Alec looked over at Xander. "What should we do?"

It took Xander a second to jump conversations. Having two at once was not for the weak. "Uh. Go to a park and steal the play equipment from the kids," he suggested lightly.

Alec typed in his suggestion to Sloan and hit send without pause.
Yeah maybe. That'd be cool. I've never really played with other people, though, so don't expect too much. Milo replied, going to pick up his guitar.

Do you mean stealing it out of the park or just using it in defiance of children? Sloan asked, needing clarification.
I expect you to be able to hold it right side up and do a basic chord, and I bet you'll wow me way more than that, Xander returned.

Alec smirked as he texted back, It was Xander's suggestion, so I think it could go either way.

"Stop throwing me under the bus," Xander scolded him while Alec cackled.
Some people can do a basic chord badly Milo pointed out, despite feeling relieved there wasn't much expected of him. He had seen their talent show performance, it left him a bit anxious he wouldn't measure up.

Committing a felony would kind of ruin my summer, I think. Sloan pointed out, including a laughing emoji.
I guess you'll just have to see. Milo texted back, strumming his bass a bit as they spoke, although it wasn't plugged in. It felt almost miraculous he had managed to hold onto it for so long, through all his moves. By no means was easy to transport, but he was glad he had kept it. Mine is older than me.

I don't really think we need to 'do' anything. Sometimes it's just chill to hang out, maybe play a jackbox game or something. If you come over while my mom's at work we can do something like that, otherwise there's no shot she's letting you in my room.
Nice. Mine's pretty new. Used, but not that old. It's pretty nice. I should go. Talk tomorrow yeah?

Alec smiled as he laid back. I agree. But whatever you want to do or not do is up to you! We'll pick the next non-activity.
Yeah. Talk to you tomorrow. Milo replied, feeling quite satisfied with how that conversation had went.

Just come over to my place, She told him, We've got our trampoline if you want to be outside. We've got our above-ground pool, too, but you've been at the ocean, so it'll probably seem pretty lame.
Xander glanced at Alec. "Should we tell her neither of us can swim real well?"

"I think she'll figure that out on her own, and we don't have to swim on a trampoline," Alec pointed out.

"True," Xander agreed. "Alright. We'll head over to her place, then."

We shall arrive on your doorstep like an amazon package!