
"With a reverence for quality, and a passion for the consumer's best interest Jangai Fabrications leads the way in luxury manufacturing."
Official Name: Jangai Fabrications.
Other name(s): Jangai Industries, Jangai, Jang-Fab, JF, Fei Jangai's Personal bank.
Founder: Tai Jangai.
Current CEO: Fei Jangai.
Date Founded: 2027 J, 1st D.C is celebrated instead.
Origins: The Forgeworld Jang.
Political Landscape:
Dove | - - - | - - - - - - | Hawk
Socialist | - - - - | - - - - - | Capitalist
Isolated | - - - - - | - - - - | Intrusive
Autocrat | - - | - - - - - - - | Democrat
Agrarian | - - - - - - - - - | | Industrial
Physical | - - - - - - | - - - | Robotics
Religion | - - - - - | - - - - | Atheistic
United Merchant's Dove Conclave
(Extremely hostile.)
Public Status: Pending.
Key Staff:
CEO - Fei Jangai. As played by MajorPithly.
Board of Directors - Fei Jangai, Zhihao Li, Ping Chen, Yijun Wu, Li Yang, Zhen Tong, Chang Zhou, Bao Zhang, Ru Feng, Hong Lau, Huang Tso. As played by MajorPithly. SPOTS AVAILABLE.
Jangai Intellihub Manager - Y.I.N A.I. As played by MajorPithly.
Chief Researcher - Jiāng Chén. As played by lil_kreen.
Lead Medical Officer - Arachne. As played by [REDACTED].
Security Director - As played by MajorPithly.
Chief Asisstant - NIA. As played by [REDACTED].
Security Personnel - Ganzorig 'Dirty Hercules' Choban. As played by lil_kreen.
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