Ven quieted for a brief moment, thinking of a suggestion he could offer Kanzaki. He wasn't sure if it was a dumb one or not, but still, he really wanted to help if he could. "If you miss her, why don't you just go see her then?" he questioned. "Even if she doesn't remember you when you see her, at least you'd get to see her smile again."
Ven shook her hand, giving her a thumbs up after he took his hand away from hers. "I'd love to be friends, but I wont just consider you a substitute. Every person is unique and special in their own way, so I don't really think one person could replace another. A-At least, that's just how I feel about it."
He blinked a couple times when his head was patted. He opened his mouth to complain about her touch, but said nothing when he heard her laugh. At least she seemed a little happier after he offered to be her friend. "Uh, but maybe you sorta are like my friends. Terra and Aqua were always patting me on the head. Jeez... why is that? Is my hair soft or something?" he wondered aloud, reaching up to finger one of his locks of spikey, blond hair.
He then glanced to the old man. "Ah, well, I'll go check for your friend at the blacksmith then. I'll tell him you're looking for him and make sure he's all right." Ven gave the man a grin and a thumbs-up. "Leave it to me!" He then turned to Kanzaki. "Wanna come with? If we walk around, we'll at least get used to the area."
Ven shook her hand, giving her a thumbs up after he took his hand away from hers. "I'd love to be friends, but I wont just consider you a substitute. Every person is unique and special in their own way, so I don't really think one person could replace another. A-At least, that's just how I feel about it."

He blinked a couple times when his head was patted. He opened his mouth to complain about her touch, but said nothing when he heard her laugh. At least she seemed a little happier after he offered to be her friend. "Uh, but maybe you sorta are like my friends. Terra and Aqua were always patting me on the head. Jeez... why is that? Is my hair soft or something?" he wondered aloud, reaching up to finger one of his locks of spikey, blond hair.
He then glanced to the old man. "Ah, well, I'll go check for your friend at the blacksmith then. I'll tell him you're looking for him and make sure he's all right." Ven gave the man a grin and a thumbs-up. "Leave it to me!" He then turned to Kanzaki. "Wanna come with? If we walk around, we'll at least get used to the area."