Lost Youth

She accepts his hand as she moves to her feet. Following after him as she walked at his side. "To be honest sir....I really don't know what I need...or really want." She says honestly to him.
Travis led her outside, tucking her hand into his. The sun beamed down on the street, washing everything in a golden glow. Trav breathed deep of the fresh, beautiful air.
"Well at least three or four daily clothes. It's up to you if you want dresses, it is what most women wear, but I have known women who travel a lot to wear longer tunics and trousers. then you need at least one good dress, we can buy you more when we get home, but it'll be good to have one now just in case. Underclothes, um I'll let the dressmaker talk to you about that. you need shoes and boots as well as socks. And we need to get another horse, do you think you can ride the Old Fellow on your own?"
He strolled down the pavement as they walked, his tone light and chatty, enjoying the warmth and the almost deserted street, it was too early for most people to be out and about.
"A bag of your own would not go astray, to keep your own things in," He said thoughtfully, still thinking about everything they needed.
The sun felt amazing to her and she smiles softly. She nods to him. "I suppose whatever is best for traveling. " She smiles to him then looks to the sky. It was wonderful out.

When he asked her about Old Fellow.
She nods softly. "I think so. He's been really sweet with me. He's so good." She smiles softly.
Travis led her into a pretty little store. The smell of wool, cotton and herbs permeated the air. Plush cushions decorated comfortable chairs and lounges, where women would sit and chat while their friends dressed and played in the beautiful clothing.
A plump, cheerful woman bustled into the woman,
"Good morning, you are out early!" She said cheerily, her smile fading a little as she looked at the pair.
Travis ignored her stumble, "Good morning madam, my companion needs a whole new wardrobe, fit for travelling overland for another couple of weeks."
The lady eyed Travis critically, noting instantly the cut and design of his clothing and the way he held himself, he was obviously money, even if his clothing was simple, it was not cheap. Then she turned her gaze to Lena and firmed her jaw, a coin today was better than a coin tomorrow.
"Alright, my dear, do you know what you would like?"
Travis seated himself in one of the lounges, sprawling casually.
Lena felt shy all of a sudden as they stepped into the store. Glancing around at all the beautiful things. She had never seen such a place.

When the woman spoke to her, she was hesitant before she shakes her head a little. "No ma'am. I'm really not sure..."
"Okay," The lady paused for a second, glancing at Travis, who looked up and flicked a negligent hand at her, do as you will, the gesture said.
The dressmaker looked Lena critically up and down, "You are a little one aren't you? Alright." she looked at the dresses she had premade and frowned, "I don't have much that will fit you initially, but I can adjust them easily enough." She moved to the back and held a curtain aside, "Please, come back here and strip down to your undergarments, I'll measure you up and have you try a few things."
Listening to the woman, she nods a bit. When the woman held the curtain for her, she hesitates, glancing to Travis before following the woman. She moves behind the curtain with her.

As the woman closed the curtain she did as asked and stripped.
As the lady turned back around, she gasped. Not only at the scars and bruises but also at the skeletal thinness of the girl.
Her heart went out to her and she swallowed, "Dear, if he treats you badly, you can complain to the temples, they protect women now days. Tell me and I will take you there now, where you will be safe."
Even as she spoke, she measured the girl with her eyes and her hands were busy sorting clothes.
Lena blinks a little to the woman. She was a little surprised by it but then smiles gently to the woman." The sir took me away from those who did this to me....he's been treating my wounds and been very kind to me." She says, smiling again. Quiet tears had filled her eyes as she spoke those words. Happy tears because he had indeed saved her from anymore trouble and pain.
The woman listened and then relaxed, "I'm glad for you. But please, if you're ever in that sort of situation again, go to the Temples, any person can tell you where they are located, they will help you. It doesn't matter what city you are in."
She held out a pretty pale blue dress, "Try this on, please."
Lena nods softly to the woman. "I will remember that. Thank you ma'am. " she says softly.

As she was handed the blue dress, she was amazed at how soft it was. She moved carefully and gently as she tries the dress on. She looks up at the woman when she had the dress in place.
The lady smiled and bustled forward with pins in her mouth, "Alright, a few adjustments and we'll have this perfect for you." She spoke surprisingly well for someone carrying small metal spikes in her lips. She made a few adjustments and then smiled.
"I take it you don't have anything of your own at the moment," She said, turning away. "If you'll take that off, I'll have a couple of things here for you."
She dug in a chest and came out with another dress, two skirts and a few blouses. She piled them neatly and moved to a rack, taking a wide belt from it. She opened a cupboard and picked a couple of pairs of boots, frowning and shaking her head at one and putting it back.
"Most of these are second hand, but they'll be perfect for travelling for you, well worn and comfortable." She nodded to a plush armchair, "Take a seat, we'll try a couple of boots and see what fits."
Lena nods softly to the woman, smiling softly. The kindness the woman was showing her, it was amazing and she was so unused to it.

Biting her lip, she nods as she does ad told. She sits down in the chair. She wiped at the tears that had fallen. "Thank you ma'am. "
The lady smiled, patting Lena's knee as she knelt before her,
"My pleasure, darling. He seems like a good man, from what you've told me and the fact that he is still sitting out there, most men just drop their women off and run when they come here." She laughed softly, sliding a boot onto Lena's foot.
"How does that feel? Wiggle your toes and move around a little. If it feels too tight, or too big, we can try another pair."
Lena nods a bit. "He is. A very good man." She says. As the boot was put on, it took her a moment to understand the feeling. She had never worn anything on her feet before.

Moving her foot around and wiggling her toes as told. "They feel good....I've never worn boots before." She says as she stares at the thing again.
The woman smiled gently, "I guessed." She winked, "I'll give you thick socks to wear, they are going to rub your feet, but not as much as brand new boots. They help protect your feet from the ground and keep them warm too."
She slid the second boot on, "try walking," She said, standing to help Lena up.
She nods softly and stands up with the woman's help. It was a very weird feeling and it took her a moment to figure it out.

Blinking a bit as she manages to figure out the walking thing. She smiles widely and nods. "This is so different." She says.
The lady laughed, "That it is, but apparently if you don't wear shoes, you aren't civilized." She took another pair of shoes, comfortable slips and added them to the clothing pile, "Here's another pair, much more comfortable, to wear around the house or on the street." She smiled, "you can return to your knight now, I will send the rest of the clothing around to you when I finish making them." She packed the clothes in cloth bags with sown handles and handed them to Lena.

Travis was dozing lightly as he waited, a lady's fashion design book lying open on his lap.
She wasn't sure why she did it but she found herself wrapping her small arms around the woman. The woman had been so nice to her and it was new to her but she was savoring it and was glad for it.

Accepting the bag, she held it gently in her hands and steps out from behind the curtain with the woman.
The lady hesitated for a moment, then laughed gently and hugged the girl back. She chuckled when she saw Travis.
"you've come from a long way, I take it?"
That startled Trav awake. He blinked, closed the book and put it aside.
"All sorted?" He asked, blinking to clear his vision, rising to his feet and holding out his hand to take the bag.