Pray for Mercy:
Based on Prey (2017)
"Good Morning. Today is March 15, 2032.
You have an Employee Orientation at 9:35 this morning in the TranStar Building."
Welcome to Talos 1 Orientation
Welcome, valued employees of the TranStar Corporation. I am the CEO, Alex Yu. We are a transnational corporation involved in many industries with several space stations, several moon mining operations, and a Mars colonization project. You have been chosen from a list of your peers to be transferred from your current station here on Earth to the Talos 1 Space Station to perform research on The Typhon.
[fieldset=Typhon|250px][padding= 10px][glow]
This is what we know of the Typhon and its types:
Mimic: (Typhon Cacoplasmus) Mimics are the most basic type of Typhon. They have the ability to mimic common objects such as pens, mugs, and chairs. There are more advanced types of Mimics that can mimic things such as turrets and operators. Mimics can multiply themselves by devouring organic matter.
Weaver: (Typhon Geneocratis) When enough Mimics are produced, they can be formed into a Weaver. Weavers can create more types of Typhon such as Telepaths and Technopaths. They also have the capability to create a luminescent, yellow, web-like substance called Coral. The purpose of Coral is currently unknown. However, we believe it has some function in the Typhon ecosystem.
Phantoms and their variations: (Typhon anthrophantasmus) Phantoms are humanoid Typhon created by a Weaver from human remains. Phantoms come in several forms including the Etheric Phantom (Typhon anthroplasmus psychoetheric), the Thermal Phantom (Typhon anthrophantasmus psychothermal), and the Voltaic Phantom (Typhon anthrophantasmus psychovoltaic). It seems that Phantoms have a limited speech ability, however, they have only been observed to say short phrases.
Telepaths and Technopaths: (Typhon Psychocratis and Typhon Technocratis) Typhon that are able to take control of humans and machines respectively. It is recommended that you wear your Psychoscope when in the Psychotronics division to prevent incident.
Further Research Needed
You will stay on Talos 1 for about two years until you are to be transferred back to Earth. All work performed on Talos 1 is to be kept confidential as per your contracts. If there is a breach of your contract, you will find yourself terminated from employment.
While working on Talos, you will remain in the division you are currently in here on Earth.
[fieldset=Departments|250px][padding= 10px][glow]
TranStar Employee: As a valued employee of TranStar, you are stationed here on Talos I to assist in production of NeuroMods. You have been split into further categories of:
Security Officer: A safety officer sworn to protect Talos 1. Equipped with shotguns, pistols, and Tasers in case of security breach and to keep the peace.
Engineering: The division tasked with maintenance, running the Life Support systems as well as developing new technologies for use by employees on Talos One.
Scientific: Performs research on the Typhon among other duties, including medical treatment, NeuroMod Development, and Data Storage.
Sales: Responsible for the sale of NeuroMods and other TranStar products to people on Earth.
Volunteer: You have volunteered yourself to have NeuroMods tested on you in return for a new life.
As you will note in the folders you have been given, the highest performers in your departments have been given promotions to
TranStar Executive. As an executive, you will have the final authority to decide where to go, what to do, and you will report directly to the board, Morgan, or myself.
While on Talos 1, you will have access to NeuroMods. Outstanding employees will receive them as rewards for their work. However, if you are terminated, your NeuroMods will be removed.
[fieldset=Example Neuromods|250px][padding= 10px][glow]
Human-based NeuroMods
Leverage I, II, III: The levels of Leverage enhance your muscles allowing you to lift heavier objects and throw them further.
Vitality I, II, III: Add 25-200 years to your natural lifespan, allow you to take more hits.
Typhon-based Neuromods
Mimic I, II, III: gain the ability to mimic small objects such as cups, pens, and other similar-sized objects. At higher levels, be able to mimic objects such as turrets and Operators.
Psychoshock: The ability to neutralize psychic powers and launch a kinetic energy blast.
Technological control: The ability to control electronic objects including Turrets and Operators.
Telekinesis: Move objects and push buttons without actually picking them up.
NeuroMod removal will result in memory regression to the time you put on the NeuroMod.
Every time you place a neuromod, a neural map of your mind is taken. This map is backed up onto a computer system centrally located in Talos I. This computer system is then used to restore memories in case of a critical failure, neuromod removal, or death. These neural maps can then be added into neuromods or reviewed by a Psychotronics research team.
Now, if you will follow my sister Morgan, there will be coffee and donuts in the next room.
Out of Character Information
Pray for Mercy is based around the game Prey (specifically the one from 2017) although elements from other games and media may come into play (Specifically Remember Me and System Shock.)
There are no traitors. This event will rely completely on player actions and consequences. If you attack another player, there will be consequences. If you attack a Phantom with just your wrench, there will be consequences. Every decision made will have an impact. The decisions made by the players and their actions will have an effect on the ending and what happens.
For the prologue (and beginning of the first round), you will have amnesia. You will know who you are, but everything will be strange to you. This will be a semi-Illusion type thing with hints as to what you did aboard Talos One being dropped throughout. I may PM you several things to work stuff out for later in the RP.
The Afterlife takes place in the central computer system of Talos. A simulation of the Earth city of San Francisco in the year 2032 reliving the memories of company Vice President Morgan Yu. However, with the release of the Typhon, a computer virus has infected the systems, and no one has been able to clear it, causing issues and glitches to appear.
Similar to Restless in Rapture, the powers would have to be street level at their base so as not to destroy the space station. HOWEVER! Numerous Neuromods and weapons would be found through out the game, allowing characters to take new powers. They will also be more numerous (and less dangerous) than Rapture's plasmids.