Well-Known Member
"Slavering, bloodthirsty hordes of infested humans almost took over the world. But the pandemic that once threatened to consume humanity whole has been halted, with the source of the infection found and a cure created. However, humanity remains on its knees as the cure became patented and privatized by the elite. Thus, recovering and rebuilding has been a painstakingly slow process for survivors, many of which were left stranded, locked down in towns and cities declared too doomed to save. But when there's a will, there's a way. Other nations have come together to create their own cures, with zombies developing complications as they were experimented on. It was too little too late, as the mutation went unrecognized by scientists, and the vaccines were sent out. There have been reports of new, small outbreaks of metazombies with unnatural abilities and superpowers within the vaccinated, with 1% of "cured" humans retaining some of these abilities for themselves, as well."
Hey, guys! This is just a random idea I came up with, today. Some of you expressed interest in this on the chat, so I wanted to go ahead and see where it goes. Thoughts, questions, comments, or smart remarks are welcome. If anyone's interested in partnering up to run this, that would be awesome! NOTE: SURVIVORS WANTED
SETTING: No Man’s Land (EX-USA)
- A Metahuman is a “human” zombie that retain their personality and intelligence.
- A Metazombie is any zombie with supernatural abilities.
- Walker: Generic Zombie.
- Runner: Zombies with the ability to run at full sprint, but with less durability than the generic zombie.
- Crawlers: Zombies disabled in their lower bodies and cannot walk or run. They’re harder to spot due to their low profile.
- Ghoul: Surviving Zombies of an attempted annihilation by a nuclear blast. They spread nuclear radiation.
- Screamers: Zombies with an ear-piercing wail that can attract the attention of other nearby zombies. The scream can easily stun survivors and leave their ears ringing.
- Bonies: What a zombie becomes when most of the flesh has rotted from the initial corpse.
- Pukers: Zombies that puke toxic and caustic liquid. The range of the vomit depends on the type of zombie, from just being able to vomit off a roof below to a massive range. Vomit tends not to do any damage, it's primary function is to infect if it is not dealt with quickly.
- Stalkers: A very feral quadrupedal zombie that are hard to hit, as they are almost as fast as Runners.
- Bombers: Zombies that can either willingly explode on their target or explode when shot or attacked with a melee weapon.
- Brutes: Zombies strong enough to throw cars and even rip chunks of concrete out of the ground to kill survivors.
- Enhanced Strength
- Enhanced Speed
- Enhanced Agility
- Enhanced Dexterity
- Enhanced Stamina
- Enhanced Mobility
- Enhanced Reflexes
- Enhanced Senses
- Seeing, Hearing, Smelling, Feeling...
- Psychokinesis (open)
- Telepathy(open)
- Invisibility
- Teleportation(@Lila Renn/Axelia Brown)
- Shapeshifting(open)
- Pyrokinesis/Fire(@nico /Reese Turner)
- Hydrokinesis/Water(open)
- Aerokinesis/Wind(@Spiraea/Bunny)
- Geokinesis/Earth(open)
- Pagokinesis/Ice(open)
- Electromagnetism/Lightning(@N0X /Jade Black)
- Umbrakinesis/Dark(open)
- Full Name: name of character
- Alias/Nickname: nickname of character
- Species: list type if zombie
- Occupation: character jobs or roles
- Gender: how character identifies
- Date of Birth: when your character was born
- Hometown: where your character is from
- Physical Appearance: hair, eyes, skin, weight, height, & build or use pic
- Equipment: anything your character carries
- Abilities: Choose 1 Unique and 3 General, or delete if normal. May use zombie type abilities.
- History: a quick tidbit about your character’s past
No Man's Land
No Man's Land is all that's left of what was once known as the USA after the rage of the zombie virus. The military secured quarantine zones throughout the country for survivors to repopulate and restart. But the first human trials of the vaccine re-ignited the spread of the deadly virus and the...www.storytellerscircle.com
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