User: Luxin
Name: Niabrun Adelfonde
Race: Aelfensi’
Age: 106
Sex: Male
Appearance: Niabrun is one of the Blaeledsi', and although he is larger than most members of the other races, he's small for one of the Aelfensi'. He stands short for his people, his height barely cresting 7 feet, and weighs in at just over 190 lbs, an extremely small member of the elven people. His skin is a deep olive in color, with small pinpoints of glowing teal in patterns across his face. His hair is usually kept in a series of braids, the berries tucked within the body of the braid to make it harder for them to be lost. The flowers that grow from his hair are similar to those of the dogwood tree, and are kept extremely carefully by Niabrun.
- Spell-sniper: Due to the naturally difficult to aim nature of lightning, Niabrun has taken the time to practice his spells, repeating them over and over again to be able to accurately utilize them. While not as accurate as, say, a master archer, he is capable of hitting most targets of moderate size within forty or fifty meters with reasonable reliability.
- Arrogance: While a negative in some lights, his arrogance allows Niabrun to remain confident in himself during the tougher moments. Rather than becoming a sniveling mess where times get tough, Niabrun is capable of shoring up his mental state and pushing though, regardless of how people perceive him during it.
- Suspicion: A trait from his youth, and one he very seldom tries to let other clue in on, Niabrun has always held the belief that others were going to take away from him what he'd managed to earn, regardless of how he'd managed to get a hold of it. While this can make for pains when having to work in a team, he has developed a minor control over it, relying on it more often when nervous than letting it distract him from the task at hand or normal, everyday activities.
- Obsessive: Niabrun has pride in his skills, but only because he made sure they were what he wanted them to be. A bit nitpicky and perfectionist, the mage can often be found tweaking his spells by repeatedly casting minor effects, ensuring he is always doing what he can to improve them and their ease of use for himself.
Magical Art: Niabrun specializes in magic revolving around the control and release of lightning, making him an extremely dangerous combatant. He has spent several decades in the study of it, and has developed a style to casting all his own, though it's a bit more flashy than need be, if only to satisfy his ego. This magic, in conjunction with his attitude towards most things, provides him little consternation when he has to fight, as he simply sees the challenge as something to be blasted into oblivion. As an extremely specialized caster, his understanding of his magic is very in-depth, but his experience and knowledge of others spell types, let alone how to counteract magical capabilities, is demonstrably obvious.
- Half-staff- Niabrun has a piece of wood with a large piece of amber embedded in one end of ti, making it fully capable of being utilized as a club when need be. The primary use of it, however, it as a focus for his magic. Wrapped around it, and woven in and through the wood by an old druidic friend of his, are lines of natural copper, connecting the amber gemstone to the rod.
- Satchel- He bears a moderately-sized canvas satchel, usually filled with a small amount of rations/jerky and a waterskin. There's room within for several books, though with its normal contents it could fit perhaps only one.
Biography: Cocky and brash, Niabrun has always had a bit of an ego problem. When he was young, he found he had an affinity for the violent manipulations of lightning. While he had tried to weave other spells, he was unable to make anything capable of being more than harmless lights. As he grew developed his magical capabilities his attitude became more and more of a Napolean complex, born of the jests and japes of his peers about his physical stature. As he slowly distanced himself more and more from his peers, taking a more lofty, aristocratic air over them, acting like they would always be less than he was.
As he came into his adulthood, Niabrun left his birthplace behind, traveling a bit to get a bigger sense of the world, and finding it to his displeasure. He continued to develop his magical strengths, forgoing research outside of what he was good at. While some questioned his intentions, he made it clear that his plans were to simply keep himself safe from any who would dare to test him like he'd been tested in his youth. Many began to avoid him in general, but he developed a small following.
Eventually, even those who followed him left him, though he'd become reasonably strong. He met up with the Silverheart Company when he found himself alone, finally realizing that he could gain no further strength without allying himself with others. Despite his distaste for the idea, he came upon the notion that, perhaps, if he could get to the fallen star, then he could reshape the world to his whims, providing a niche where only he fit.
Other: Niabrun has a small, sentient construct in the shape of an Asp that he keeps on his person at all times. It is rarely seen, and ever more rarely spoken of by the elf.
Signature: "Let's go ahead and do this!" -Luxin