Storyteller’s Circle Highlights: January 2017
Another month and another resounding success for Storyteller's Circle.
Special Thanks
Foremost are our users who continue to enrich our introduction forum with their efforts to greet and engage our new arrivals. Our forerunners this month are @Gwazi Magnum joined by @GoddessLuna. I would also like to recognize and thank @Meliodas, @Kian, @ArQane, and @Cream, and @Inconspicuous for their active and consistent participation in the Introduction Forum. Thanks extended further to @Birdee10, @Marcsun, and @Gypsy for testing the waters so to speak and taking the time to toss a few greetings here and there to fellow users. These individuals are always the first to be highlighted in our monthly recaps for the simple reason that they all go to show through action - not just words - that we as a community genuinely value each and every new arrival. We had over 130 introduction threads posted in the month of January, and not a single one went unanswered. Thank you.
In addition, special thanks are also afforded for @Drakel, @Gypsy, @Persephone, @Red Starr, @escasriet, @Iamtheecchiking, @Captain Cannonfists, @Silence, and @Marcsun for taking the time to recommend our website to others. Nothing says 'I support this community' like giving your personal recommendation to friends.
We also had another very successful voting month and maintained a second place position on the Top RP Sites listings for all but the last few days. This was as usual due to the sheer number of people we had participating in voting when the votes reset, and thanks are in order for each and every one of them. Keep up the good work! The votes reset in 25 hours, so get ready to hit the ground running as soon as they do! As usual we'll send out alert reminders for everyone for the first week to snag our position swiftly.
Continuing on, we have had two new Wardens that joined our staff team for the month of January, both of whom are deserving of thanks for volunteering their time to making Storyteller's Circle a better place and to ensure that our users have the best experience possible. @GoddessLuna and @Sway.
And lastly, but certainly not least! A very special thanks to everyone who generously donated to the website this month. Especially to @Faithy (who once again sits at the top of our donation listings with her very generous donation), and to @Jehanne, @Sokka, @Script, @Aman, and @Luxin for their sizable donations of $20 or more. However! Donations of any magnitude are worthy of recognition and thanks go out as well to @GoddessLuna, and @Cana. It is through these donations that we were not only able to keep our server paid in full, but also to get several new features added to the site this month. Thank you to each and every one of our donors.
New Roleplay Content
We have several new Epic Roleplays that have opened up their door this month including MANiKiN GMed by @MissMudkip, Ame Damnee GMed by @Meliodas, and We the Unwanted GMed by @ArQane. With our site growing so swiftly, these Epic Roleplays continue to offer a home for large numbers of roleplayers and have been a key component to keeping large numbers of players engaged while we continue to work to improve our selection of single-thread play-by-post roleplays. Keep them coming!
As some recall, as of last month, we have begun to offer personal sub-forum space for large Multi-Thread Roleplays that don't fit the definition of Epic Roleplays. We have had a third Multi-Thread roleplay kick off this month. Nomadium GMed by @Southpaw.
Though still lagging behind our Epic Roleplays, our play-by-post roleplays are steadily picking up. January saw a spike of new roleplays - about twenty in total - open up across our various play-by-post roleplay forums. It is my hope to see that doubled by the end of February!
New Miscellaneous Content
Our creative forums have exploded as we rolled through January. Both the Artwork and the Creative Writing Forums saw a large influx of activity and new content. Within the Creative Writing forum we have new threads by @CripplingDepression, @Inconspicuous, @VoidLion, @Blood Born Angel, @Silence, @Tay M. Alexiel, @Cream, @Kyoto Fang, @KurdtTheory, @Therris, @RainiSky, @Ostensor Dolor and @Avartes. Definitely worth checking them all out. I would also like to make a special note of @Saarai for his 41st post in his DC Fanfic, Gods Among Men. Within the Artwork forum we have new threads up by @galacticspaceray, @Empress, @marquis, @ConquerorFox, @Liyrical, @Aeris, @ArQane, @Daisy, @RyunaSiege, @Jpzarde, @Buckmane, @TrashierThanThou, @SmallBees, @Boky, @Birdee10, @Pupper, @Revelree, @vwrynn, and @Imperator Semper Rex. Phew! Think that's everyone.
We also have another new website guide setup to help our chat users, and I urge everyone to be familiar with it so they can hand it off to people in need: Chat Guidelines and Conflict Resolution
We launched our first edition of Cream's Storyteller's Circle Comic Strip! Make sure you check it out if you haven't already. She'll be posting a new strip up once a month.
Lastly we have made available several new features as mentioned previously. Thanks to our donors we now have the ability to sort conversations into topics and groups for easy organizing. We also now have a very versatile bbcode table available for people. Lastly the bulletin board now supports multiple prefixes, so you can tag several prefixes to your post including an open/full description, a type description of 1x1, epic roleplay, multi-thread roleplay, and tabletop roleplay, and a list of genre/sub-genre options. We'll be adding more prefixes as needed.
What we're doing right: Day by day we continue to strengthen the community of Storyteller's Circle and prove our site values through action. Peoples immense willingness to assist one another, and to engage our new users is unlike anything I have seen on any other roleplay site I have personally visited. I continue to be astounded.
What we need to work on: Our play-by-post roleplay forums remains our weakest point right now. There has been a marked improvement of available roleplays starting up, but we definitely need more. Twenty new roleplays is a solid number, but with over a hundred and thirty new introduction posts for the month of January alone we have a greater demand for roleplays than we have roleplays available. The Epic Roleplays have helped take the brunt of this demand, but let's try and double our available single thread and multi-thread play-by-post roleplays by the end of February.
Sneak peak for February: More features! Several new ones have been implemented already, but we have plans for more on the horizon. In particular we're hoping to have blogs and media galleries available in the near future. The gallery in particular will allow people to host their character images and roleplay images directly on the site rather than through an off site location. We're also looking to implement a more efficient donation system that will allow for people to set up recurring monthly donations, as well as allow people to see where their donations are going and even allow people to pick specific things they would like to donate for (like donating for a specific feature, rather than just a general donation). This will allow us to better develop the site in the directions that people are most interested in.