(Originally hosted by @Neko Shogun and can also be found here.)
No longer are you in the world of the living and only you know why. Maybe you were murdered. Maybe you were hit by a car or had a heart attack. Or perhaps your death was more heroic; maybe you died in a war or saving a family from a burning building. You even could have died in the most ridiculous way possible, by choking on a marshmallow or something of the like. The point is, you are now dead. The circumstances of your death aren't really too important at the moment either. At this current point in time, all you see is darkness. You wonder what will become of you now...
"You there, yes you, standing in right in front of me," a voice called out.
You glance around confused. You don't see anyone. The only thing you can see still yet is darkness.
"Oh where are my manners. You can't see a darn thing, now can you?" the voice said. "Let me fix that."
A tiny glow suddenly illuminated the darkness. A giant white hand, which looked like a foam finger, was suddenly holding a lit candle. The candle wasn't enough to light the entire room, but it was enough to show you the face of this being in front of you.
"That better? Good! Now I can feel more at ease introducing myself. I'm Lord Death. Not the Lord of all death, mind you, I simply help out in a few different universes. In one world, I run a school for special children, and in this universe, well, I watch over a special game called The Reapers' Game. It's found in a world inhabited by reapers called The Underground."
You ask Lord Death about the Reapers' Game, and he explains.
"The Reapers' Game is a second chance at life. If you participate and survive until the end, you will be allowed to come back to life. The game lasts seven days. But if you die during the game, your soul will be gone forever. You don't have to accept--if you don't, you will pass on to the afterlife--but if you do accept, you can play and gain the chance of coming back to life. What would you like to do?"
You accept, of course. You have so much more you want to do with your life. After you accept, however, Lord Death gasps.
"Oh! There's something else I forgot to tell you--a few things, actually. In order to defend yourself during this game, you will use pins which have certain powers."
A table magically appeared in front of you, covered in many pins.
"You may only pick three pins," Lord Death explained. "Choose wisely."
You choose your three pins and then glance to Death again.
"I hope you're happy with your choices. You can't change them. Now then..."
He tells you about the player system of the game. It is very important that you have a partner with you at all times or else you will not be able to use your powers. He then offers you a cell phone.
"Have you seen these in the universe or time period you come from? You may not have, but that doesn't matter. The information on how to use this cell phone will now be placed in your head automatically, not to worry. It's a device the Reapers will use to contact you and give you instructions during the game. Follow the instructions. If you don't, you could be erased, also known as being killed in this world. I suggest you quickly commit the term to memory. Now then, there's one more thing. Open your cell phone..."
You open your cell phone and see the words ENTRY FEE as one of the option menus.
"One thing I forgot to mention earlier is that this game has an entry fee. Type on your phone what it will be. It has to be something important to you. A special memory, person, or item. That is what we accept for you to play the game. It is your payment. But never fear, if you win the game, you will get your entry fee back. Still interested in playing the game?"
You nod. You're ready for this. You want to come back to life more than anything.
"Excellent," he replies. "You're all set to play the game."
Suddenly, the room is illuminated entirely. You're in a completely white room with brown double doors behind Lord Death. The two of you are the only ones in the room.
"Leave through those doors. When you do, you'll be sent to the game arena and to where the other players are. Follow the instructions on your cell phone. Good luck."
You nod again and start to walk to the doors when you're suddenly stopped by Death's voice.
"Wait!" He cried. "One last thing..."
You turn to look at him and he tosses you another pin. You catch it and take a good look at it.
"One last pin. It doesn't have any powers, but it is important. It's called your player pin. (So, technically, you have four pins.) If you lose it and don't find it within a short period of time, you will be automatically erased. So whatever you do, don’t lose it."
You nod and clutch the pin tightly before heading to the door. You open the brown double doors with a creak and see nothing but white light ahead. You step into the light...
Suddenly you go unconscious. When you wake up, you are in the middle of a huge city you don't recognize.
You start to walk around and realize you are trapped in an invisible dome with a few other people, the other players. Nothing to do but wait for the time being until you get instructions from your game master...
Welcome to The Underground.
To keep yourself occupied by waiting, you could either talk to the players and make some friends, walk into a training center you can see in the upper left part of the area to check what it's about, check out the mysterious wishing well which seems to be the only thing in the middle of this street, ortalk to a street performer who seems to be off to the side juggling for some reason. He doesn't seem to be a player because you don't see him wearing a player pin. Maybe he could tell you the name of the city and what the heck you're supposed to be doing right now.
There are also a few sitting areas such asbenches, chairs, and a swing set.
But whatever you do, the choice is yours. Right now, you're just biding time until the game inevitably starts.
@BarrenThin as the Joker (DC Comics)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as William "Maxwell" Carter (Don't Starve)
@Ver as Ciel (Type-Moon)
@Jeremi as Thanos (Marvel Comics)
@Khan of the Mardu as Minato Arisato(Persona 3)
@Mari as Emma Frost (X-Men, Marvel Comics)
@Pretentious Pineapple as Silver Sablinova (Marvel Comics) and Teresa Agnes (The Maze Runner Series)
@Krieg as Big Sister (Bioshock Trilogy)
@Xibilation as Marie (The Aristocrats)
@Zireael as Jenny (Doctor Who) and Kanye West
@Yiyel as Assassin Asha (Iji)
@The Gil as Lorne Malvo (Fargo)
@York as Crono (Crono Trigger)
@DapperDogman as Chandra Nalaar (Magic The Gathering)
@Gummi Bunnies as Yuka Mochida (Corpse Party: Blood Covered)
@Josh as Chrom (Fire Emblem)
@Salsacookies as Wander (Shadow of the Colossus)
@Caramon Zero as Gajeel Redfox (Fairy Tale)
@Atomic Knight as Susan Ashworth (The Cat Lady)
@Ziogen as Aesir (Valkyrie Profile)
@Batman as Batman (Batman Arc)
@Wedge Antilles as Marcus Wright(Terminator: Salvation)
@Raven as Rocket (Sucker Punch)
@MrDubWubs as Kamina (Gurren Lagaan)
@El Presidente as Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect Series)
@Arlathina as Ashabel eh'l Nahime
@Arnold Solomon as Jorik Goringtove
@sierra as Ryou and Bakura (Yugioh duel monsters)
@Crazy 8 Nate as Booker DeWitt (Bioshock Infinite)
@Levy McGarden as Levy McGarden (Fairy Tale) and Eevee (Pokemon)
@TheColourlessRainbow as Elizabeth(Bioshock Infinite) and Jodie Holmes (Beyond Two Souls)
@froggy as P.E.T.E
@Xx420BLAZEITxX as Claptrap (Borderlands)
@Ryu Keiko as Ryu Keiko
@SirDerpingtonIV as Pyrrha Nikos (RWBY)
@Ozzie Chanter as Gabriel (Supernatural) and Ashley "Ash" J. Williams (Evil Dead Trilogy)
@Celeste as Celestia 'Celeste' Ludenberg(Dangan Ronpa)
@Thuro Pendragon as Hurley (Lost)
@Iowan Corn as Guy Noir (A Prairie Home Companion)
Table of Contents
Prologue Chapter Ending
Chapter 1: The Game Begins!
Chapter 2: Frozen Nightmare
Chapter 3: The Return of Shibuya
Chapter 4: Jungle Fever
Chapter 5: The White Room
Chapter 6: The Silent One
Chapter 7: The Price We Paid
Chapter 8: Unfinished Business
No longer are you in the world of the living and only you know why. Maybe you were murdered. Maybe you were hit by a car or had a heart attack. Or perhaps your death was more heroic; maybe you died in a war or saving a family from a burning building. You even could have died in the most ridiculous way possible, by choking on a marshmallow or something of the like. The point is, you are now dead. The circumstances of your death aren't really too important at the moment either. At this current point in time, all you see is darkness. You wonder what will become of you now...
"You there, yes you, standing in right in front of me," a voice called out.
You glance around confused. You don't see anyone. The only thing you can see still yet is darkness.
"Oh where are my manners. You can't see a darn thing, now can you?" the voice said. "Let me fix that."
A tiny glow suddenly illuminated the darkness. A giant white hand, which looked like a foam finger, was suddenly holding a lit candle. The candle wasn't enough to light the entire room, but it was enough to show you the face of this being in front of you.
"That better? Good! Now I can feel more at ease introducing myself. I'm Lord Death. Not the Lord of all death, mind you, I simply help out in a few different universes. In one world, I run a school for special children, and in this universe, well, I watch over a special game called The Reapers' Game. It's found in a world inhabited by reapers called The Underground."
You ask Lord Death about the Reapers' Game, and he explains.
"The Reapers' Game is a second chance at life. If you participate and survive until the end, you will be allowed to come back to life. The game lasts seven days. But if you die during the game, your soul will be gone forever. You don't have to accept--if you don't, you will pass on to the afterlife--but if you do accept, you can play and gain the chance of coming back to life. What would you like to do?"
You accept, of course. You have so much more you want to do with your life. After you accept, however, Lord Death gasps.
"Oh! There's something else I forgot to tell you--a few things, actually. In order to defend yourself during this game, you will use pins which have certain powers."
A table magically appeared in front of you, covered in many pins.

"You may only pick three pins," Lord Death explained. "Choose wisely."
You choose your three pins and then glance to Death again.
"I hope you're happy with your choices. You can't change them. Now then..."
He tells you about the player system of the game. It is very important that you have a partner with you at all times or else you will not be able to use your powers. He then offers you a cell phone.
"Have you seen these in the universe or time period you come from? You may not have, but that doesn't matter. The information on how to use this cell phone will now be placed in your head automatically, not to worry. It's a device the Reapers will use to contact you and give you instructions during the game. Follow the instructions. If you don't, you could be erased, also known as being killed in this world. I suggest you quickly commit the term to memory. Now then, there's one more thing. Open your cell phone..."
You open your cell phone and see the words ENTRY FEE as one of the option menus.
"One thing I forgot to mention earlier is that this game has an entry fee. Type on your phone what it will be. It has to be something important to you. A special memory, person, or item. That is what we accept for you to play the game. It is your payment. But never fear, if you win the game, you will get your entry fee back. Still interested in playing the game?"
You nod. You're ready for this. You want to come back to life more than anything.
"Excellent," he replies. "You're all set to play the game."
Suddenly, the room is illuminated entirely. You're in a completely white room with brown double doors behind Lord Death. The two of you are the only ones in the room.
"Leave through those doors. When you do, you'll be sent to the game arena and to where the other players are. Follow the instructions on your cell phone. Good luck."
You nod again and start to walk to the doors when you're suddenly stopped by Death's voice.
"Wait!" He cried. "One last thing..."
You turn to look at him and he tosses you another pin. You catch it and take a good look at it.

"One last pin. It doesn't have any powers, but it is important. It's called your player pin. (So, technically, you have four pins.) If you lose it and don't find it within a short period of time, you will be automatically erased. So whatever you do, don’t lose it."
You nod and clutch the pin tightly before heading to the door. You open the brown double doors with a creak and see nothing but white light ahead. You step into the light...
Suddenly you go unconscious. When you wake up, you are in the middle of a huge city you don't recognize.

You start to walk around and realize you are trapped in an invisible dome with a few other people, the other players. Nothing to do but wait for the time being until you get instructions from your game master...
Welcome to The Underground.
To keep yourself occupied by waiting, you could either talk to the players and make some friends, walk into a training center you can see in the upper left part of the area to check what it's about, check out the mysterious wishing well which seems to be the only thing in the middle of this street, ortalk to a street performer who seems to be off to the side juggling for some reason. He doesn't seem to be a player because you don't see him wearing a player pin. Maybe he could tell you the name of the city and what the heck you're supposed to be doing right now.
There are also a few sitting areas such asbenches, chairs, and a swing set.
But whatever you do, the choice is yours. Right now, you're just biding time until the game inevitably starts.
@BarrenThin as the Joker (DC Comics)
@CrunchyCHEEZIT as William "Maxwell" Carter (Don't Starve)
@Ver as Ciel (Type-Moon)
@Jeremi as Thanos (Marvel Comics)
@Khan of the Mardu as Minato Arisato(Persona 3)
@Mari as Emma Frost (X-Men, Marvel Comics)
@Pretentious Pineapple as Silver Sablinova (Marvel Comics) and Teresa Agnes (The Maze Runner Series)
@Krieg as Big Sister (Bioshock Trilogy)
@Xibilation as Marie (The Aristocrats)
@Zireael as Jenny (Doctor Who) and Kanye West
@Yiyel as Assassin Asha (Iji)
@The Gil as Lorne Malvo (Fargo)
@York as Crono (Crono Trigger)
@DapperDogman as Chandra Nalaar (Magic The Gathering)
@Gummi Bunnies as Yuka Mochida (Corpse Party: Blood Covered)
@Josh as Chrom (Fire Emblem)
@Salsacookies as Wander (Shadow of the Colossus)
@Caramon Zero as Gajeel Redfox (Fairy Tale)
@Atomic Knight as Susan Ashworth (The Cat Lady)
@Ziogen as Aesir (Valkyrie Profile)
@Batman as Batman (Batman Arc)
@Wedge Antilles as Marcus Wright(Terminator: Salvation)
@Raven as Rocket (Sucker Punch)
@MrDubWubs as Kamina (Gurren Lagaan)
@El Presidente as Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect Series)
@Arlathina as Ashabel eh'l Nahime
@Arnold Solomon as Jorik Goringtove
@sierra as Ryou and Bakura (Yugioh duel monsters)
@Crazy 8 Nate as Booker DeWitt (Bioshock Infinite)
@Levy McGarden as Levy McGarden (Fairy Tale) and Eevee (Pokemon)
@TheColourlessRainbow as Elizabeth(Bioshock Infinite) and Jodie Holmes (Beyond Two Souls)
@froggy as P.E.T.E
@Xx420BLAZEITxX as Claptrap (Borderlands)
@Ryu Keiko as Ryu Keiko
@SirDerpingtonIV as Pyrrha Nikos (RWBY)
@Ozzie Chanter as Gabriel (Supernatural) and Ashley "Ash" J. Williams (Evil Dead Trilogy)
@Celeste as Celestia 'Celeste' Ludenberg(Dangan Ronpa)
@Thuro Pendragon as Hurley (Lost)
@Iowan Corn as Guy Noir (A Prairie Home Companion)
Table of Contents
Prologue Chapter Ending
Chapter 1: The Game Begins!
Chapter 2: Frozen Nightmare
Chapter 3: The Return of Shibuya
Chapter 4: Jungle Fever
Chapter 5: The White Room
Chapter 6: The Silent One
Chapter 7: The Price We Paid
Chapter 8: Unfinished Business