"If we knew why the Gods do what they do, well... We would be Gods ourselves," Zelda smiles. She settles into her chair and raises her eyes to meet Nynaeve. One easily forget that the two women had been trying to kill each other just moments before. Perhaps the peace they were sharing was momentary. Perhaps it was just an illusion. But the Queen found it... refreshing, even if it was destined not to last. "In this moment, neither you nor I can truly say that she's knows the direction our world is travelling in. More importantly, neither you nor I can claim that we know how or why this.... this mad journey began. It troubles me, it truly does. The darkness we have been left in is unnerving, to say the least. What you're suggesting - an Ally and a Rebel fighting for the same, noble cause - I must say.... it intrigues me. The Truth must be found. We could very well be the pair that finds it..."
The Queen falls silent for a heartbeat.
"I cannot say that I completely trust you, Nynaeve. You have too much to gain from me loosening my tongue today. Still. Perhaps tomorrow, when the skies are clearer and the day is brighter, we might come to some form of... agreement. What would you have me do? Do you wish for us to become public allies? Or covert comrades?"
The Pirate Problem
"Well, that's note entirely true," Credo hums at the mention of Shinjuku's decision to abstain. "If we're wise, we could easily launch a land attack on the Pirate 'Kingdom'. Fortuna's borders are open to all who mean well. You could march your troops across our Great Nation and cross over into the Kingdom of Souls. From there, we could launch a land attack on the Eastern Shore of the Pirate Kingdom and catch the fools by surprise. Of course... such a plan depends on Queen Cia's willingness to cooperate..."
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"My 'willingness to cooperate' depends on yours, Supreme General..." The Queen of Souls bitterly mumbles from behind her mask. "Would you be willing to return the Sacred Southern Point to my people?"
"'Your people'? Your horde of goblins and savages? I think not!" Credo matches Cia's bitterness with some of his own. "Besides. How could we possibly 'return' something that never belonged to you to begin with!"
"Here we go again..." Shiro groans. He leans over towards the King of Shinjuku.
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"Credo, Cia, Thales and the Prophet of Truth have been fighting over the ass-end of Fortuna for years now." Fortuna's King whispers. "I don't think anyone knows why anymore. Something-something-religion-something-something. What maters is that they've each laid a claim to the 'tail' part of the 'White Dragon of Sparda' that sits slap-bang in the middle of the map. As great as helpful as a Land-Invasion would be, if it involves Cia and Credo working together... yeah, I can't see it happening. Looks like I'll be abstaining too."
"If my father were here, Archer, he would surely object to this campaign." Sarrabi squints. "This 'Dangerous Dream' of yours could cost your kingdom greatly. The Northern Uninhabitable... it was given its name for a reason. The exiles left to wander its wastes long ago never returned,"
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"Perhaps so," Achilles mumbles. "But I doubt that these 'exiles' were sent out into the deserts with the correct supplies. We won't be sending criminals and outcasts into the unknown. We will be sending soldiers. We will be sending machines and magicians. I wouldn't be humoring His Majesty the Archer's plan unless I had the complete faith in the strength of this traveling party." Achilles turned to face Shinjuku's king. "I cannot think of a wiser choice for this exhibition that Mr.Adewale. I am sure that he'll jump at the chance to rehabilitate the Brotherhood's- and, of course, his own- image. As a sign of faith and goodwill, I will be pledging twice the proposed number of troops to the expedition. I will happily sail anyone who requires transportation to the shores of Shinjuku to prepare for our quest."
"Shinjuku, Massachusetts, Vesuvia, Caemlyn..." Sarrabi sighed. "Do any other Kingdoms which to commit a general and some troops to this expedition?"
"It's not about fear, Your Highness," Shiro shrugs as soon as Nynaeve has finished. "It's about smarts. Your country went to war with mine. We've made arrangements to keep ourselves safe. It's as simple as that. If you believe that our 'neighborly bond' is so valuable, you can forgive us for holding our cards a little closer to our chests now. Once this whole Mordor thing has blown over, you can have all the saké you like. Until then? You'll have to buy it from our travelling merchants, just like everybody else."
His eyes flicker over to Mat for a moment.
"I'm sure my cousin will send a discount your way, if you ask her nicely. We'll send a few crates your way as a good will gesture. As for the Northern Point... that's a different story. A bunch of Hoshidan Mages dug up some old maps a while back. Apparently your borders have been growing for the past few years. It's just a clerical issue..." He thins his eyes and raises and eye brow. "Right? I mean, you'd never intentionally fix the numbers to steal a few milometers of Hoshidan land, now would you? All my people are doing is reclaiming what is rightfully theirs. The only joint venture I'll accept is one that sounds like this: you surrender your claim to 'your half'' of the Great Point, and, in return, we'll allow your civilians to visit 'our half'. You get a nice view, my people get their Birthright. Sound fair?"
"Taking advantage?" Armstrong replied to Dot's accusations with a gasp of mock-surprise. He washes his gasp down with a deep chuckle. "That sounds like Pansy-Talk to me, Dot. What were you expecting? Hand-Outs? Hate to break it to ya. America doesn't do handouts. Those merchants knew exactly what they were getting themselves into when they signed those contracts. Those who say they didn't? They're either lying to earn some Good-Boy Points, or they're too thick-headed to have read the fine print. Which one is it, Dot? Are they Grade-A Morons, or lying suck-ups?"
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"Now, listen close. I want to make this very clear:" He chucles again. "The Kingdom of Colorado never has and never will commit a crime against another nation. Everything my pencil-pushers have done? Perfectly legal. You don't want us to take your land? Pay back your damn loans. It's not rocket science."
He fell silent as soon as Dot brought up a potential boycott.
"My mercenaries wouldn't exist if you Jessies didn't need them. Ban or no ban, you'll come knocking on Colorado's door the second the going gets tough."
Aegis Union
Augustine falls silent as the Kingdoms discuss the Union. He lets them speak. He takes the time to listen. As soon as Nadia says her peace, he speaks up. He can bite his tongue no longer.
"If you ever have to take measures to 'Guarantee Cooperation'..." The Ruler of Gindra repeats to himself. "Then you must accept this simple fact."
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"You are an autocrat." Augustine sends a glare in Nadia's direction. "What fair negotiations can occur when one party points a gun at another? If the Aegis Union is a hammer to hold above the heads of all who oppose its members, then I have no choice but to denounce it and all who chose to support it. I wish to second Mainframe's earlier statement: the formation of a standing army is a threat. Lelouch, you assure us that your Union will be but temporary. You assure us that offensive action shall be your last resort. I hope that are as honest as you appear. My heart goes out to the revolutionaries. I would hate to see their fight for freedom come to such an oppressive end."
Plasma Blockade
"Foolish murder-killers..." Achilles mutters to himself, his fingers drifting to his chin. "Now... who do I know who can fit that bill? Tell me.Which Kingdom sent its forces after the fleeing armies of the Alliance? Was it the Brotherhood? Or was it the Skaven? You can't blame this on your generals, Rat. Witnesses report that your soldier acted without Queek's guidance. It was almost as if they were trained to hunt non-combatants... it's almost as if they were trained to mangle and defile the bodies of the fallen. If there is a Kingdom here in need of violent intervention, the Kingdom of Skavenblight comes to mind."
Achilles falls silent for a moment.
"The Skaven have shown a complete disregard for this council and all it stands for. They have offered us nothing, and they have taken far too much from us already. I am troubled by the suggestion that the Blockade should be extended. I agree with my fellow Kings. My people should not suffer for my sins. I would, however, like the council to take note of the following: the Kingdom of Skavenblight has just issued a poorly-veiled Threat of War towards the Kingdom of the Brotherhood. All this talk of a Protective Union... I pray that it is not just that: talk. If this council wishes avoid accusations of hypocrisy, then the newly-formed Aegis Union should pledge troop to my aid, should I be forced to defend myself."
Present: @Space_Candy @Yun Lee @Jeremi @Takumi @Crunch @Atomic Knight @Lucky @Capri @Gummi Bunnies @York
Aegis Union Members: Fire Nation, Brotherhood, Britannia, Vesuvia,
"I would be willing to have a public alliance, but I fear that might reflect poorly on you," Nynaeve remarked. "I've found that those that strive to shine spotless in the light have very poor thoughts for those that speak openly with those considered aberrations." She was quiet for a moment before continuing. "The situation will no doubt warrant a meeting sooner rather than later. If it's alright with you consider yourself a guest of Caemlyn for a few days. We'll send word to your kingdom and once the meeting is done I'll have you reunited with your people. I believe much duplicity will be revealed on both sides before it's all over, and new things that need to be considered."
"I don't consider rampant hostility to ever be smart," Nynaeve remarked in a matter of fact tone. "We're around this table to solve the situation peacefully. I'd be more than happy to personally come in to tend to your wounded with a few Asha'man. I'm quite adept at healing any wounds your people might have suffered in the fighting. As for the point... Caemlyn has no reason to as you say 'fix the numbers'. You mentioned that there is no fear in your consideration but isn't trying to strong-arm me to concede and build more strongholds on the point just that? If I give you full control of the point I would as well sign my entire country over to you. Now wouldn't that be an impressive 'birthright'?"
Nynaeve was impressed with herself how neutral her voice was considering how furious she was with this man. "I don't know about you but war is something I have no interest in dealing with for a long time to come. You might have noticed but our borders are as open as they always have been. I know no one here actually believes in the three oaths but I will say it either way. Caemlyn will never strike an offensive towards Hoshido. There's no point to do so. We have no interest to expand. The people left in Caemlyn after we were pulled here aren't even enough to fill all our districts. The only thing we want is to do continue trade and be good neighbors. But we need the Great Point to defend us in case Hoshido is lost. If your country falls to an attack then we will fall as easily if they control the Great Point. You will always receive aid from us in your time of need because before the Alliance and the Rebellion there was Caemlyn and Hoshido, and I think you know that you are always welcome visitors. We were pulled into a dispute far beyond our control and both sides acted according to their beliefs. I do not begrudge your choice, especially if you thought it was the only way for your country to proceed. Fear makes companions of us all , but fear doesn't have to make you cruel or cowardly. So I suggest you think long and hard on what path you wish to take. Because it might be one that your people will not enjoy."
Tseng was sat at his desk, watching the security cameras monitoring the city- frowning at the state below the surface. The slums were gaining more people, he knew this- it was his current conflict since President Shinra, or- Rufus left this duty to him as he had left to deal with international affairs. Tseng was pulled out of his thoughts as Reno and Rude approached him, causing the man to sit up in his chair.
"Reno, Rude- what is it?" He asked with authority. He raised his brow slightly as Rude slid a letter on the desk toward him.
"From the people of Midgar, it was addressed to the head of Shinra," he explained. Tseng clicked his tongue in response, opening the envelope and scanning the words. He hummed at the writing.
"Additionally, you've been invited to speak amongst The League Of Kingdoms," Rude continued. Tseng closed his eyes, he disliked the level of responsibility he held, but he would do anything for Rufus, even if it meant making tough decisions. He stood to his feet, walking past his partners.
"We shouldn't keep them waiting. Reno you come with me- Rude I leave the task of watching over things to you."
Tseng took his surroundings in as he moved towards the stone structure where they were expected to meet. He turned slightly, scolding Reno for flirting with the locals. He went to the slick stone seat with large letters displaying 'MIDGAR' before taking a seat, the red-head by his side. He moved his long black hair behind his shoulder, gazing at the other leaders.
"I apologize on behalf of Midgar, President Shinra could not attend and therefore sent me," he spoke politely- noticing Reno's unsure look out of the corner of his eye.
@Sark @Crunch @Atomic Knight @Jeremi @Yun Lee @Takumi @Lucky @Gummi Bunnies @Capri @Everyone
Mat had focused his attention on Midgar and its speaker. The red-headed guy next to him seemed like he wanted to be any place but here. Mat could certainly sympathize with that. "Oh don't mention it," He remarked to Tseng. "You're just in time for the chaos that this table brings. I bet you have something to say, don't let the chest-thumping and bleeding hearts hold you back. What's on your mind?"
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