Feel like a warning might be good before people fetch their stuff for class and walk into her looking like that and in that mood. :|Tryna think if Louis would go back to the hall. On one hand, he doesn’t wanna. Other hand, should probs warn everyone that he failed.
No prob dude- at least Otherworld Acad doesn't believe in homework. It has a series clique and bullying problem, but at least there is no homeworkSorry for such the short post today, have darn history homework. ;--;
Where’s baby J btw. He a thing? Cuz Louis has a bone to pick there.No prob dude- at least Otherworld Acad doesn't believe in homework. It has a series clique and bullying problem, but at least there is no homework
Baby J? What hahaWhere’s baby J btw. He a thing? Cuz Louis has a bone to pick there.
He's all around us. In our hearts and in our mindsJESUS
Righto!Will be busy until tomorrow, will only be able to respond then![]()
No worries dudeski, thanks for the updateWill be busy until tomorrow, will only be able to respond then![]()
She got an Assassins Creed character named after her, so she will be worshiped until the end of time...False, Minerva is still worshipped >: (
Jokes, plans changed and my water-polo game was moved...will respond in the next two hoursNo worries dudeski, thanks for the update
She got an Assassins Creed character named after her, so she will be worshiped until the end of time...
Sorry mate I didn't notice- I'll get back to you with that tomorrowHey guys, can't post today, super sorry! I'll post a lot tomorrow tho. Btw, Vulc kinda left my character hanging when the tried to give him a handshake.No hard feelings though.