The Vampire's Apprentice

Inside was a black shirt with the picture of Iron Maiden's Killer album cover, which was a stylized zombie with a bloodied hatchet. Size Large.
"I thought you'd like to try out a new style," he grinned.
"And, hey, if you hate it, you could always lend it to me," EJ winked.
"That's tacky," JC said soberly.
EJ scowled at his little sister. "You don't even know what that word means."
"Sure do! It means giving someone else a present to yourself," she sniffed.
Mrs. Mooney tried to rally with, "Large shirts make the best sleepweat, in my opinion, but how about we let Norville go next. Norville?" She gave his arm a little shake.
"Hmph, don't wanna sausage," he snorted as he woke with a start.
"I agree," Kitty replied to Mrs. Mooney's rally, choosing not to comment on EJ and JC's conversation. Folding the shirt neatly, she looked to Norville.
Blinking owlishly and looking around, Norville slowly came back to reality then smiled at Kitty. "Right, I have a gift for you! Um..."
"Got it!" JP chirped. He grabbed a large gift bag and brought it over to her.
"Hm." She smiled lightly. "Good morning, sleepy head."

Kitty thanked JP, taking the bag. It only just then occurred to her the anticipation gift-giving held in the audience. Trying not to let it weigh on her, she proceeded.
Inside the bag was a collection of the the top five greatest Katherine Hepburn movies. Philadelphia Story, African Queen, Bringing Up Baby, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, and On Golden Pond.
"Sure. I mean, reading is awesome, but sometimes it's nice to have the story told to you audibly," Norville grinned then yawned.
"We should probably be getting home now," Mrs. Mooney said.
"It is a bit late," she agreed, replacing the movies into the bag and setting it aside at her feet. Kitty then stood. "Thank you guys so much for coming out here! I mean, you live next door... but besides that." Kitty smiled brightly. "It's been an amazing day."

The girl went on to insist they take the cake remnants with them, not having a hope of finishing it off herself.
The twins happily hugged her and scampered home. Mrs. Mooney insisted on leaving a sizable chunk of the cake, but otherwise was only too happy to take the rest. EJ saluted then wheeled his sleepy brother out.

Soon, there was no one but Clancy, a girl named Kitty, and the dog called Sam.
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The first thing Kitty did was yawn. It was late, and she was tired. But there was something she was missing, for certain. Hand still on the doorknob, she looked to Clancy, almost as if for a cue. Still, she smiled, happy.
Clancy set aside his empty plate and smiled to Kitty. "I trust you had a pleasant day?" he asked in barely disguised amusement. He held out a hand, inviting her inside.
Kitty stepped forward as if to take his hand, but instead wrapped her arms around his slender body in a hug, whispering, "Thank you." It was as sincere a gesture as the girl felt her emotions could ever come close to expressing.
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Clancy stood frozen for a long second. Then he seemed to melt, and his arms circled the girl and he held her close. "You are welcome," he whispered. "It was my pleasure!"
There was a familiar silence from where she pressed her ear... yet he didn't feel cold this time. Maybe it was her imagination, the blood rushing to her face, but there was almost certainly a sort of warmth that hadn't been there before. Perhaps later, after her mind had rested, she would think back and discover what it was that had sparked. As for right now, Kitty was certain if she remained in his arms any longer, she would fall asleep where she stood.
Clancy held her for as long as he dared then gently detached himself. "I think it is time you get ready for bed," he said with a slight smile. He turned her toward the stairs and gave her a gentle nudge. "Go on. I will bring up your gifts once you are in your pajamas."
Kitty yawned again, giving a sleepy nod. She was almost disappointed to have to leave the embrace, but considered it for the best. Promptly, the girl did as had been instructed, cracking the door again after she had obtained nightly clothing.
Clancy took a minute to do some brief picking up then picked up all the gifts, shaking his head at the zombie shirt. Ah, EJ. Never a dull moment. He took them upstairs, using his hip to open the door. "Where would you like these?"
There was already a bag to one side of her nightstand, and she gestured to it. "I can put it all someplace tomorrow, while I've got time," the girl reasoned, sitting down on her bed.