The Vampire's Apprentice

Clancy set everything down carefully. "Rest tomorrow. I know you had quite the walk today," he said with an impish smirk. He sat on the other side of the bed, cupping his hands around his knee.
Kitty concurred silently. She pulled her feet up underneath her, sitting cross-legged so she could face him. "You know, the original agreement was 'a slight amount of friendship,' right?"
Clancy nodded, a little surprised by her choice of direction. "Yes, I remember. Is this your first question of the night?" It was more a tease than genuine, but he was curious where she was going with this.
((Back on page fricking 11))

"No," she shook her head. "It's not. Just seems like..." Kitty stopped, then started again. "I was meant to be merely a slave to you... yet it's been almost two months, and you love me as if I'm so much more than that."
There was another brief pause in her words.
Then she stated, "And I'm OK with not knowing why. As long as you understand what it means to me."
Clancy's breath caught in his throat. No, he did not need to breathe, but it was a handy habit to keep up since humans tended to notice what was not there more than what was there. And now it betrayed him. Love? She had...
He forced his mind to stop running ahead of itself and focused entirely on her. "Do you wish to return to a status of a slave?" His words were soft, almost gentle, and edged with curiosity, not anger or threat.
Kitty watched his expression flick ever so slightly between emotions, her eyes never once moving elsewhere.

"No." She repeated. "I do not." And though she didn't say it, the words were implied. I am happy to be loved.
"Good," Clancy said simply. "I do not want that, either." He looked away, uncomfortable and not sure what else to say, for once completely out of his depth. He did not want to pull away, but he did not know if he was supposed to continue or not. Try to explain? No, that would open the door to insult and/or embarrassment. Better to stay quiet and see what happened.

Because the truth was, he was happy to love.
She didn't linger for more than a second, breaking the subtle tension before it had time to manifest by accepting the opportunity to crawl a little further underneath her covers.
Clancy felt safe to look at her and smiled. "So, other than that question, do you have any further questions for me this night?"
Clancy shook his head. "I honestly cannot think of anything. The night holds many of its own beauties, so I do not feel I am missing out."
"I will," he promised, amused but touched. "What other questions do you have? That do not pertain to somehow showing me the lighted world."
Kitty thought about it for a long, long moment.

"I dunno." She answered finally. "I can't think of anything else."
"Then sleep. You may carry over your questions to tomorrow," Clancy said as he rose. He came around to her side and tucked her in more thoroughly, careful not to trod on the passed-out dog lying upside down on her side of the bed.
"Tomorrow night seems so far away, though." She mumbled unhappily. "One of these days I'm gonna find coffee and stay up with you all night."
Clancy chuckled. "Somehow, the thought of you on coffee is terrifying. Sleep, rest, and I will see you in the evening." He patted her shoulder gently and let himself out. She needed sleep.

He went downstairs and started cleaning up. He left Kitty the dishes - he could not stand doing dishes - but the rest of the place would be spotless by the time she got up. He left her a note requesting her to do the dishes even though it would be her day off, but the rest of the day was hers to do with as she pleased. He hoped she stayed close to home and rested.
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1. Would you rather forget who you are every time it rains, or never be able to remember why you walked into a room?

2. Would you rather never be able to open a closed door or never be able to close an open door?

3. Would you rather never be able to leave your house or only be able to be in your house for five minutes at a time?

4. Would you rather never remember someone’s face or never remember someone’s name?

5. Would you rather never be able to feel any emotion or never be able to show any emotion?
1. I suppose the rains thing considering how often it rains compared to how often I have to walk into a room.

2. I suppose I could always break through the door... I will go with never being able to close an open door.

3. Considering my condition, never leave the house.

4. Being unable to recognize people's faces is called Prosopagnosia, and being unable to remember names is usually called being a celebrity. That said, Prosopagnosia.

5. Some would say I do not have any emotions, but that said, I would go with being able to show emotion as there are other ways to express feelings.
Monday evening was quiet, and surprisingly, visiting therapy had not left her in a particularly sour mood. Kitty was still able to enjoy the clear air and the slight breeze, though found herself disappointed at the fact sunset remained a little while off. Not too far, but she would certainly be home before it was dark. This brought about a heaving sigh, knowing she would have to wait for Clancy.

Not that she felt she needed to see him, but if there was one thing she often looked forward to, it was those moments before she went up to bed. Those were the moments she enjoyed the most.