The Vampire's Apprentice

"Maybe at one point. I think I put it upstairs someplace." She took another sip, then set her mug down on the counter. "I can look at it later."
Clancy nodded as he returned to scrubbing. "Please give me an update as soon as possible." It wasn't long before he had every speck of blood cleaned up, and he washed out his rag once more.
Kitty spent most of her time cleaning up the counters, the table, sweeping, etc., and though she was pretty much done with werewolves as a species, having met one brought forth a new era of curiosity. As she worked—and as the caffeine finally caught up to her—there were many questions she sought to ask Clancy.

"Why are vampires and lycans on such bad terms?" She inquired at one point. "I mean, I know why, but isn't the war long over with and such?"
"It's currently more like... a cold shoulder for the most part," Clancy said, sitting down for a moment. "It is difficult to get to the truth of things as there are not even very many alive who witnessed the event, but apparently, Vampires enslaved Lycans. Of course, Lycans rose up against their masters eventually, as all enslaved people do when it is a race thing an not an individual basis, and the war nearly wiped out both werewolves and vampires. Since then, things have cooled down. There are some who still cling to the old ways or hold a grudge - as is predictable among any group - but many either just live and let live, and some develop friendships. I have heard of a few romances between the two, even." He stood and started scraping off the wall where the cupboard had been broken. Again.
She leaned on her broom to listen, then went back to sweeping. "Do you resent them at all? After what happened tonight?"
Clancy snorted. "It does not take a particular gene sequence to make someone an ass. I hold all creatures - humanoid or otherwise - in equal suspicion until proven harmless."
"Fair enough." Kitty sneezed and rubbed at her nose. "How did you even get kidnapped in the first place? You look... mostly fine after fighting off four of 'em."
Clancy brushed a hand across his eyes then walked into the now mostly empty living room. "I would rather not talk about that," he said quietly. "Suffice to say I was taken by surprise and silver was involved."
"I don't understand." She went to finish the lukewarm dregs of her drink, then wash the mug and her hands. "Isn't silver kinda like garlic, but for lycans? Does it not... work like I think it does?" Having such limited knowledge on werewolves, it was hard to phrase her questions correctly.
"It has a much stronger effect on Werewolves than it does Vampires, but it is a weakness we share," Clancy said. "Both of us usually do our best to avoid it altogether, but sometimes weapons are made from it."
Clancy sighed. "It is more like an allergic reaction, same with garlic. Exactly why, I have no idea. For some reason, there is a limited supply of vampire doctors or scientists to study these reactions. Or vampires in general."
"Hm." She smiled briefly, looking around at the living room and kitchen areas. "I guess that's about as good as it's gonna get for now. Unless you also feel inclined to count specks of dust?"
"Adorable," Clancy said dryly. He shook himself and sighed. "I am going to shower and clean up. Then I need to hunt." He glanced at Kitty. "I am sorry. I do not want to leave you alone, but I need blood."
"What, do I look like I don't already spent half my time alone?" Kitty asked seriously. "It's almost midnight as it is. I'm not exactly going to be awake to feel this emotional hole I've been so sadly abandoned into because you chose life above friendship." There was a fake sniff as she deteriorated fully into melodramatic sarcasm.
Clancy stared at her blankly. "I do not even know how to respond to that," he stated. "In any case, keep Sam with you. I sincerely doubt there will be any further trouble, but it is better to be prepared." He started for his room.
She chuckled. "Do try not to get staked. Or mangled. Or kidnapped." Kitty called out a couple more things as she ascended the stairs. "'Twould be such a shame."