The Vampire's Apprentice

"I was told to watch the stairs. So I'm watching the stairs. As long as you don't try to go up, and no one tries to go down, we'll all be fine," he said calmly. On closer inspection, he was older than the other four with flecks of silver in his short, dark beard, and while he was definitely fleshy, there was clear, solid muscle under the softness that wasn't very soft.
"Right...." She nodded, though didn't seem quite to understand. "So what happens when this is over? Do you stay on those stairs...?"
"Depends on who wins," he replied. He took another sip. "Your master is doing good, but my money's on Nicholas. Nice cake. Tasty." He didn't even blink as Clancy threw the couch at one of the door guards, who crumpled into a moaning heap.
Nicholas. That must have been the Alpha.
Kitty winced at the collision. "Er... thanks...."

Out of all the things she had done in her lifetime, from running away to making the decision to becoming a vampire's familiar, this was the number-one strangest event she had ever witnessed. Fictional creatures tearing up the living room while she and the werewolf sitting at the top of the steps carried on a casual conversation as if this were nothing more than a playful wrestling tournament and absolutely nobody's life was on the line.

What was this world coming to?

"What was the original argument, anyways?" Kitty asked, her eyes remaining on the fight this time. "Why so bitter?"
"Hmm? Oh, you know, it's one of those things that's so old no one really remembers. Not really," he said shrugging. "Well, some of the old vamps might, but they ain't exactly going to air their dirty laundry, ya know? This particular fight," he waved the Pepsi can at the living room where one werewolf was literally biting Clancy's leg, "came about when your master hunted down our Beta - that's second in command, to you - and murdered her. 'Course our Alpha has to see to it blood is repaid, and the vamp's own people ain't going to be happy if he starts another war."
"I can't see him hunting anyone down." She mumbled in contemplation, mostly ignoring the fact that Clancy was literally a few feet away. "He was really mad at me, back then."

Kitty shifted to look at the man once more. "Can I go up the stairs, please?"
He shook his head and crushed his can absently in one hand, squishing it into a small, flat circle. "Nope. Gotta stay here where we... I... can keep an eye on you. So, if he didn't hunt our Beta down, what was he doing then, hmm? He don't look to be much the worse for wear."

There was a yelp. Clancy had managed to kick the had of the one biting him.
"I can't say I know. I wasn't exactly there." She replied. "Maybe, if he's still alive by the end of this, you can ask him."

Kitty appeared as though she were about to stand, but paused. "One other curious question; are Lycans really allergic to silver?"
He chuckled, a deep, warm, rumbling sound. "Now that's giving away trade secrets. Come on, little human. You must have some kind of opinion or knowledge, and what little I know about vampires, they don't like listening to other people's opinions. Why not tell me what you think happened?"

Sam sat on the step below Kitty, finally looking a lot more alert as he growled at the rolling pile. He stayed between Kitty and the others, snarling deeply.
"'Cause I don't know what happened, and would rather think about who started what after everyone has stopped bickering and I can get some actual facts." Kitty did stand, this time. "If you're still around by that time, I'd be happy to continue the conversation."
She then looked down at the dog. "Sam, stay put. Stay," She told him.
The dog was still growling, his eyes locked on the Alpha.
"I'd let him go. Your master could probably use the help." He paused as one of the guards hopped away, squalling with a broken leg. "Hmm. Maybe not. Three down."
The Alpha stumbled when Clancy shook him off, stepping too close to the stairs. Sam lunged forward and sank his fangs into the Alpha's leg. The wolf screamed and turned his attention to the dog, who was having none of it. The Alpha had tranqued him, trespassed, and was hurting his pack. There was no way he was sitting this one out! He growled, dancing around, pulling and shaking his head as if the Alpha was his rope toy.

Clancy stood and leaned on the post, catching his breath. He was bleeding in a few places and clearly rumpled, but in too bad of shape, all things considered.
Kitty stepped up a couple stairs just before Sam decided to have at it. Perhaps this was a little closer to the top than she meant to be, but it wasn't as though she were trying to move further. Instead, the girl watched Sam's antics, once again very, very thankful for the hound. Then her eyes moved to Clancy, and she was concerned for him.
"Your dog is a lot more street than we gave him credit for," the wolf remarked, sounding slightly impressed.

Clancy glared up at him. "And you have more than outstayed your welcome!"

The wolf shrugged, and it was like watching mountains move. "Blood for blood."

"Then we should be even considering what your Beta did to me!" Clancy snarled.

Bushy brows rose. "Eh?"

Clancy ripped open his shirt and bared the faint scars that still refused to fade. "I certainly did not do this to myself! Yes, I was on your territory, but it was purely by accident, and I intended to leave. I was not given the chance!"
Kitty looked between the two of them as each spoke. She only wished for the fighting to stop and someone to get the story straight so they could all go home.
"Could've been done in a struggle," the big werewolf said calmly as he eyed the scars.
"Damn right there was a struggle! It was me trying to free myself!" Clancy snarled. "She jumped me, pinned me with silver, strapped me down, and started having all kinds of twisted fun. Your Alpha there dropped in once, and while he didn't join in, it was clear he could have cared less. She died when I wrenched myself free and tore out her throat before stabbing her with her own silver knife."
"Get off!" the Alpha snarled, finally shaking himself free from Sam. "Shut your mouth!" He charged at Clancy.
Clancy turned, something strange sparking in his eyes. "Stop," he hissed.
The Alpha stopped in his tracks, his eyes going blank.
She had been focused on his tale until that "stop," at which point her attention was diverted to momentarily marvel at his power. Kitty shook the thought off for later and returned to the subject at hand. Only mildly annoyed, she addressed Clancy with a question: "Why are you arguing with him if that's the Alpha," she gestured to each Lycan in turn, "and it's clear neither side is willing to listen to the other?"
"Not now!" Clancy snapped at Kitty, not really registering the question, just that it was a question.
The big wolf on the stairs, however, had lost all indications of casual observer. He sat up straighter, his eyes intent on Clancy. He took his time speaking, and when he did, his voice was a deliberate rumble. "These accusations are pretty serious, vamp. How can I know you are telling the truth?"
"If I had a few moments, I am sure I could come up with a way. Off the top of my head? I have no idea other than to catagorically state that I have no interest in any kind of feud between us, and I only want to be left alone. It would make it a lot easier if some people," he gestured to the Alpha, their eyes meeting, "would tell the truth!"
"Yes," the Alpha intoned. "What he says is true."
Clancy paused to look at the man, taken by surprise.
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Kitty bit at her tongue, quiet, though slightly hurt by the sharp tone. She rubbed at one bare arm, merely watching.
"There," Clancy huffed. "Are you happy now? Will your desire for blood be satisfied?"
The big werewolf considered, looking from Clancy to Kitty to Sam, who still had a large chunk of the Alpha's pant leg in his teeth. "Alright," he agreed. "Let's go, boys. We're leaving."
"What?" the Alpha demanded, snapping out of it. "How can you-"
"Shut it. We're goin'."
The Alpha gaped at the bigger wolf as he stood and slowly descended the stairs like a glacier rolling across a continent. Then his jaw snapped shut and he glowered at Clancy and Kitty, yet, Alpha or no, he did not challenge the big man. Instead, he helped gather up the men in various states of consciousness and walked out. The door clicked shut behind them.

Clancy stood, waiting. The roar of motorcycles in the distance disappeared. Only then did he sag, slumping down onto the stairs.
All she really wanted was to bury herself in blankets and think about this in the morning, but with the furniture in shambles and the living room covered in blood, it seemed like that wasn't going to happen for a bit.
She sat down beside Clancy, almost as if to offer her small figure as support opposite the stair railing. Not even a piece of dry humor from her while she did it; there had been enough discussion for the night, she figured. It was a wonder, though, with all the racket, the neighbors hadn't come over to see what was happening.