The Vampire's Apprentice

Clancy sighed and pulled her to him in an impromptu hug. "It will be alright," he assured her. "I won't tell you to stop worrying, just try to remember that I will take care of things. If you are worried about something, it's okay to tell me. Maybe I have not thought about it and I should think about it, but I will take care of you."
"Will you take care of him?" Kitty asked in reply. She let her thumb fall from her mouth, rubbing at her bare elbows. Though she leaned into Clancy, the girl did not close her eyes, nor did she feel inclined to hug back just yet. Not that she was mad, but something was different. It didn't feel right.
"Is the little box really that important?" Kitty asked. It was something she'd also wondered for a great while, but never had cause to ask. "Isn't it just... smoke and mirrors?"
Clancy raised a brow at her. "Smoke and mirrors? Do you think the ceremony I did with you was all smoke and mirrors?" he asked, amusement in his tone.
She looked up at him. "You did say most of it was exactly that. And besides... there's a difference between mythical creatures and full on magic. Most of the 'magic' people see in vampires is warped perception of something rational. So I've concluded, at least."
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"Mmm, you do have interesting conclusions," Clancy smirked. "Much of what is mystical now has, or at least had, very solid roots in the rational and even the scientific. Once, a simple dance held meaning, told a story, and was very straightforward. Then over time, as people forgot the meaning, the dance took on a mystical edge it was never intended to hold. Much of Eastern Mysticism is that way, as well. Much, not all."
Kitty settled her head against his chest. "I don't get it. What does a dance have to do with what we were talking about?"
"Never mind, it was just an example," Clancy chuckled, patting her back. "The point is, it needs to be done. That's all I will tell you for now as I need to have some mysteries, don't I?"
Clancy chuckled and ruffled her hair. "Come, let's get you to bed. I would suggest resting tomorrow, unless you'd like to go out exploring, of course."
She let him go and scratched at her head. "I wish you could come with us, sometimes. Fun is always better when it's not just yourself...."
"Well, perhaps if you were to rest through most of a day or two, you could join me in my nightly adventures," Clancy told her as he opened the door for her.
"Do you ever get lonely, Clancy?" Kitty asked, stepping inside. "Since you don't have an office to busy yourself with, what do you do at night?"
Clancy shrugged. "For the majority of the time, yes, but every living thing desires to be at least a little social from time to time."
"You should talk to Norville." Kitty replied. "I bet it'd make him feel better. You're good at that; better than I am." It might've been a tad out of the blue to say, but she meant it.