God Name:Izanami
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Descriptions: Typically wears a modern kimono for her daily outings, (A modern kimono is basically a traditional one with a shortened bottom, and the skirt is turned into shorts) with black leggings and black converses/flats. She typically wears her smooth jet black hair with blue highlights in a messy bun, occasionally throwing bows or chopsticks into the fray.
Her skin is a pleasant porcelain/fair tone, with a few spotting's of freckles here and there. She has a pointed chin and round face, framing a very dainty button nose, and full cherry colored lips which turn a corpse-esque dark purple color when she is using her powers (referencing her rotting form in mythology when she was described living, err, dead, in yomi). She has round Asian eyes, with the iris being a dark brown color flecked with gold, commonly mistaken as a dark gray or black pigmentation(along with her lips, her eyes become a glazed light gray color when in use of her powers, referencing yomi).
She also has a very petit body frame for an 18 year old, and stands at a saddening 5'0, which she is very insecure about, and has a very small bust size(although that might change in the future, idk).
Personality: Izanami has a very perky personality, all throughout her life being pampered and rebelling gainst the dreaded "tradition". Being very brash, witty, and sarcastic, it's obvious she doesn't have a lot of social skills as she is an only child. She enjoys her free time reading books and taking walks, with an unusual infatuation with nature, not being let outside much when she was younger. She can often be found at sketchy cafes and going on pick-nicks when she wishes to be alone, never visiting the same one twice. Her hobbies include gardening, pottery, painting, and occasional trespassing (usually just because a place she wanted to go to was closed, and she doesn't take no's for answers).
Bio: Izanami grew up in a very traditional Japanese family, her original name being Aiko, meaning child, love, and affection. Her mother and father were very rich, and were almost never at home, desperately trying to make up for it by spoiling her as much as they could. Her parents were very reputable, being doctors, and tried to stick to tradition as much as possible, trying to save-face. They expected a lot from her, and they received it, and although she never followed orders, she always did well in classes, especially history. Ever since she was a child, odd happenings were commonplace in the household, such as a maids coming down with horrible cases of the flu, or Aiko's scabs healing in a matter of hours. Eventually, her parents divorced, leaving Aiko in great distress, lashing out by taking part in vandalism, trespassing, and minor thefts. After her parents had just had enough of her outbursts, ready to send her to boarding school, her parents were contacted about their daughters "interesting" lineage, and sent her away with great haste, relieved to get rid of the stain on their reputation.
Powers: Her powers include being able to slightly hover (referencing her ability to fly in ancient depictions of her), and being able to influence ones wellbeing. She can't control it, but people around her occasionally brighten up, healthier than they were before, or become sick out of the blue, with no sickness even going around.
Transfer: She usually sticks to the outcast group, enjoying their dark humor and brashness, sitting with them at lunch and in classes when she can. Although being in a clique, she dabbles in the other ones as well, not too stressed on fitting in certain social categories, being generally friendly to everyone, although she has odd ways of showing it.