The Vampire's Apprentice

Sam turned toward her and staggered awkwardly toward his human. His legs went to jelly, and he collapsed a couple of feet away, panting.

The Alpha watched the dog disinterestedly. "Your pampered pooch will be fine. Probably. Just a little drugged."
Kitty bit her tongue to contain a sour remark. There was nothing more she could think of doing besides waiting, and that in itself was agony.
The Alpha sat back and glanced toward the front door. "Bones?"

"Any second now," the man/werewolf growled. "Any second."

"Good. I'm getting bored. This sack of meat is dull," he grumbled.
There was a small muttered phrase from her as she was under the assumption she was the "sack of meat" he spoke of. Other than that, Kitty waited in silence.
Sam lifted his head and flumped noisily over to Kitty and laid on her feet, making a couple of the others jump and stare at him.

"Well?" the Alpha snapped.

Bones shrugged. "The sun is down. He should be up."

"Then where is he?!" He glared at Kitty.
"I don't know." She repeated. "Maybe he doesn't even sleep inside. How am I supposed to tell you?" So many thoughts were running through her head, almost none of them useful to her situation. Most were common-sense insults. "Sometimes he isn't up until after dusk by a few hours."
"Stupid vampires. Can't even rely on them to be on time," Alpha growled.

"Oh, I would not be so certain of that," said a cold voice.

Alpha sprang out of his chair and turned, but he was not as fast as the white hand that shot out and grabbed him by the throat. The three men standing in the living room and kitchen moved to run, but Clancy held their Alpha's throat, his eyes glittering.

"One step, his throat is gone," he said softly.
Kitty blinked twice, not sure if she was seeing⁠—or even if she saw⁠—what she thought she had. No, he was certainly standing there. How on earth did he... where... without her noticing? His speed was formidable, and she once more found great reverence for the vampire's skill.

Had it been any other moment, she might have laughed at the calmness he possessed while facing such an insurmountable foe. The amusement was shelved, however, as there was still a present danger to observe. Kitty did not move an inch, considering it best she stay out of the way.
Clancy's eyes turned to Kitty. "Are you alright?" he asked, his tone polite and formal, only touched with concern. "Have they injured you at all?"
"Good." His eyes tracked back to the werewolf choking in his grasp. "Otherwise, there would be no mercy."

"No mercy?" Squawked the youngest. "You killed our Beta!"

"And I still have the scars," Clancy agreed. Then he threw the alpha at him.

The Alpha flew across the room as if Clancy had thrown a baseball, clipped the two by the door, then slammed into the youngest one. The pair flipped over the kitchen and slammed into the cupboards.

"Shame. I just finished fixing that one," Clancy said, his voice a low hiss.
This is why it's never a good idea to land on a vampire's bad side. Part of her was in awe, the other was afraid for the werewolves. Or just afraid in general. One of those.
The other two werewolves recovered and raced toward Clancy, snarling. Clancy waited. Then he wasn't there. The wolves collided with the reading lamp and sent it crashing to the floor. Amazingly, it stayed lit, casting strange shadows on the wall.

"Missed," Clancy remarked, now standing with his back to the kitchen.

The Alpha had dug himself out of the rubble and was stalking toward Clancy. With his eyes on the tangled pair, Clancy did not seem to be aware.
"Now is not the time to be cocky," Kitty said. She looked to the stairs as if just remembering something. There was supposed to be another werewolf up there.
"Never," Clancy agreed and stepped aside, trailing his foot so the Alpha tripped.

He rolled to his feet and turned. "You die for what did!" he snarled, charging at Clancy.

"Like how your Beta tried to kill me?" Clancy hissed.

The big werewolf still sat on the stairs, watching them patiently. He'd produced a can of soda from somewhere and was drinking it.
The girl shook her head almost sadly at the one on the stairs, then turned back to Clancy. "I was talking to you, you know."
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"I am busy right now," CLancy said pointedly then caught the Alpha as he charged and they both tumbled to the floor, CLancy on top.
Yes, yes he was. Kitty tried to find something helpful to do, but the only logical thing that came to mind was find some cover and stay out of the mess. She took a place behind the pole at the base of the stairs and watched.
The big man looked down at Kitty and saluted her with his soda. "Nice evening," he said in a neutral tone as below them, the werewolf and the vampire collided with the couch.
Sam shook himself, slowly coming out of his stupor.
Her gaze moved from the couch scene to the top of the stairs, becoming more confused as time passed. "Why aren't you with them?" She asked.