The Vampire's Apprentice

Norville nodded. "We'll probably have to stop a couple of times to let Sam out... but is there anywhere you wanted to stop?"
He shook his head and closed his eyes while holding his arms tight. "I'm good. A little tired, that's all. Um, want to put in music or something?"
He picked up the CD wallet and flipped through it idly before picking a CD and putting it in. He hadn't been looking close, and thus jumped in surprise at the sound of drums. Not rock-and-roll type drums, the deep, rolling drums of Scotland.
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Kitty, on the inside, was quite relieved not to have rock-and-roll playing as they drove. Anything was preferable, including this. Whatever... this happened to be.
The pipes kicked in, along with some faint shouts. Norville stared at the radio quizzically then shrugged to himself and settled back. One foot tapped lightly in time to the music as he listened and watched the scenery pass in silence.
Roughly five hours later—maybe six; Kitty wasn't counting—the sun was nearing the horizon, but not yet to the point of setting. Even still, they were in the city of New London, Connecticut. The only part that made her sigh was having to be patient and wait for dusk, when Clancy would awaken and they could finally see their home. Until then, the two familiars had been told to wait... here.
Norville looked around with interest. "Nice town," he noted. He all but pressed his face against the window. "Hey! I can see the ocean from here! Come on, Kitty, go closer! Maybe we can see the fish or something."
Sam gruffed at a passing dog.
"You know the road is here for a reason, right?" Kitty almost laughed. "We can wander down there after we're settled, OK? The hotel isn't that far from here."
"Aw," Norville groaned, but he didn't protest any further as he tried to catch glimpses of the water, completely ignoring the old-world architecture around them.
Kitty found the architecture very cool. It was like being inside a story, but without being inside a story. There were a few places she made note to check out later, and finally, there stood the hotel.
Norville studied the building skeptically. "That is a really blue building," he said. He got out and stretched before reaching in to grab his stuff.
Sam stretched mightily then instantly pulled straight to the nearest grassy area to relieve himself. That was sourly needed!
Norville grabbed as much of Kitty's things as he could carry and juggled them carefully as he nudged the car doors closed. "I guess ready when you are!"
Kitty had been keeping an eye on Sam, but when she turned to see Norville piled with things, it made her laugh. "Set some of those down, silly! Nobody said you had to make one trip!"
Sam went sniffing away eagerly, intent on exploring every bit of the lobby that Kitty allowed, especially curious about the gas fireplace.
A well-dressed young man sat at the desk, speaking confidently on the phone and making a reservation for someone. He smiled at Kitty and Norville to acknowledge their presence and kept talking without missing a beat.
Kitty took a moment to take a few things off of Norville's shoulders, then followed Sam just a little bit, waiting patiently for the person at the desk to finish his call, not wanting to interrupt.