The Vampire's Apprentice

"I'm more amused by the fact you're still standing here," the girl told him, opening the door. Smelled clean, but not like Clancy. More like... a hotel. Huh. Weird.
"Nice place!" Norville grinned as he walked in and dropped Sam's leash. "Those beds look plush! I'll take the one close to the door."
Sam trotted off and started looking for his water.
Just to the left of the door as they walked in was an empty desk, complete with a square-shaped lamp and an uncomfortable plastic spinning chair. On the right wall were two "plush" beds, as Norville had pointed out. Clean white pillows, gold-colored sheets, and one of those pointless fabric strips near the end of the bed. Between the two was a small black desk holding another lamp, a white phone, and an alarm clock. This clock didn't blink.

On the far wall were heavy blue-gray drapes covering a large window, and directly to the right of the front door was the bathroom entrance. Kitty was more preoccupied with setting things down and unclipping Sam's leash than anything else, however.
Norville distributed their things between the two beds. "Hey, mind if I hit the shower first?"

Sam wasn't making Kitty's job easy this time. He kept turning around and trying to lick her hands or shove his head under them for pets.
"Go right ahead," Kitty agreed, still trying to unclip Sam. When she finally got it off, she went to fill up the dog's water dish in the sink that lay between one of the beds and the bathroom wall, before Norville turned on his water. There was a microwave there, too, atop the marbled counter.

Sam had food and water, the drapes were open, Kitty had set her things to the side of the bed, nearest the window, then sprawled onto the mattress herself.

She looked out the window.

Such a pretty sunset... and she should've told Clancy which room they were in.

Kitty sighed.
Norville was steaming up the bathroom by now, and random snatches of what was probably song occasionally filtered through.
Sam drank his fill, ate a bit, then stretched out between the beds.
Almost begrudgingly, she pulled herself off the bed, left something so Norville knew where to find her, and decided to wait outside for Clancy.
Clancy rose the instant the last rays of light disappeared from the sky. He took a moment to smooth out the wrinkles in his outfit before taking stock of where he was. No matter how many times it happened, waking up in a new place with no sense of travel was disorienting to say the least.

He walked toward the door and spotted Kitty. He turned toward her and smiled. "Connecticut."
Clancy looked around and gave a satisfied nod. "Good. I look forward to exploring and finding a new home for us." He looked at the hotel. "How many nights did you book for us?"
"Three...." She answered, somewhat uncertain if she remembered the number correctly. "I think it was three. 'Could always ask, to be sure."
Clancy's brow rose. "You cannot remember how many nights you booked a room for only a short while later? You must be tired. Three is a good number to begin with. I hope my hunt shall not take that long."
She grinned sheepishly. It was rather unlike her to forget such a simple thing. "Try not to get into any fights with resident werewolves while you're out," Kitty told him. "I do worry."
"Don't worry. There shouldn't be any around here," Clancy assured her. "I will take my trunk up to the room. Where are we staying?"
Clancy patted her shoulder gently. "The number is on your room key. I am going to get my trunk while you check." He walked back to the car, retrieved the box, then headed back to join Kitty. "Alright, I am ready. Let's go!"
"It was... a drive," Kitty answered blandly. "It's not like we're enemies or anything. Why would you ask?" She glanced to him.