The Vampire's Apprentice

The man finished his call and smiled brightly between the pair. "I am so sorry about that wait. Thank you for your patience. How might I help you? Are you here for a room?"
"Mhm," Kitty nodded, gently tugging Sam away from the fireplace and towards the desk. "That would be the reason a person would come in here, I should think." She grinned in amusement.
"You would think, but I get a lot of people just looking for directions," the man said in amusement as he punched a few buttons. "One bed or two, and would you like to be near the pool?"
"I don't think I'll be swimming, so I don't mind away from the pool," Norville replied. "If you wanted to swim, closer is fine."
"Alright, I'll put you on the third floor toward the end of the hall. You can park behind the building, walk through the back doors, and there is an elevator right there. Completely convenient!" the man said, tapping away. "How many nights?"
Norville was distracted. "You don't know how to swim? I thought everyone knew at least a little."
Kitty shook her head. "I've never been around water deep enough to swim in."

How many nights? "Well, I don't rightly know." She shrugged. "Start with one, and I'll come back later with a more defined answer. Sound fair?"
"Mmm, we need to know at least two nights so we can know if we can book the room or not," the man said. "However, if you book for three and only stay two, there is no penalty in checking out early and you can get your money back."
"How about we do three? Then we can have time to settle and talk to Mr. McCleary," Norville suggested.
"Three nights it is!" the man said cheerfully. He typed for a bit longer, asked for payment, then handed them two room keys. "And here you are! Room three-O-two!"
"Three hundred and two. Not bad," Norville mused.
Sam had wound his way around Norville's legs and now sat with his leash tangled, pouting because he couldn't move any farther.
Kitty almost stepped away, but paused before she could tug Norville off his feet via Sam's leash. With a small snicker, she unwound the dog and freed her companion.
Sam happily pranced ahead, heading for the hallway.
Norville was heading for the door. "So we should move the car?" he half asked, half stated.
"That is what he said," Kitty nodded. "Want me to race you there, or you good?" Which, considering his cast, was a rhetorical question.
Norville heaved a huge sigh and held out his hand. "Leash me, then. Preferably the hand instead of the legs."
Sam turned in a circle as he fought to keep from pulling, excited and eager to explore this new place.
She smiled a little at his joke, handing over Sam's leash, then exited the building.
Hmm.... Wouldn't be too much longer and it'd be dark enough.... Kitty bit at her tongue, amused.
Norville, for his part, went up with Sam the longer way and waited for Kitty, puffing a bit. The elevator had made things easier, but these were still long hallways! This hotel was probably the nicest they'd stayed in yet, with carpet so clean it almost gleamed! He waited by the door of room 302, waiting for Kitty to join him before entering.
Sam had calmed down a bit during the journey up and now sat waiting patiently.
Kitty appeared a few moments later, admittedly wondering why he hadn't just entered. "You know you don't have to wait for me, right?" She told him.